The fog, according to my understanding:
Beginning about the mid-to-late 80's, The Way was beginning to split apart. Much of this was due to Reverend Martindale's (LCM) having been made President by VP before he died. (And many who thought they were "more qualified" for the position were very jealous of him because of it. I just call it sibling rivalry.)
It seems that "many new and different doctrines" were forming by those others. (And much of the "hidden stuff" was being exposed and confronted --- like all of the adultery among those at HQ, etc.) Although at first, this increasing rift among the members wasn't divulged to the mainstream believers, certainly the Corps and other "inner-circle people" at HQ were all aware of it.)
I finally became aware of this shortly after returning home from the Advanced Class at Emporia Kansas in '89. (And I still wasn't aware that the ministry had already begun to split.)
Anyway, some of the "bigwigs" (John Lynn, John Shoenheit, Vince Finnegan, Chris Geer and others) had left the ministry --- taking many believers with them.
Things were in great disarray among those remaining with TWI, who were referred to as the faithful remnant. And there was much confusion as to why all this decline had happened within The Way. LCM deemed this time as the fog, alluding to the fact that it was "hard to see" just why the ministry was about cut in half in so short a time.
From then on, The Way was hard-pressed on many fronts to conduct the ministry as before. Financially, they were becoming most desperate; and sold many of the Wierwille properties for ready cash, just to keep things going. And today, they're only a smattering of what they once were.
Less than: I hope this clarifies "the fog" a bit for you. Don't're just fine! If this is of any help, remember Ro 14:22b ...happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.
SO: Don't worry about what The Way taught you --- which made you afraid when you didn't conform to their demented reasoning of what constitutes "a faithful relationship" with your heavenly Father. Allow yourself to be comfortable in your shortcomings!
Face it: You can't be perfect no matter what you do --- so why try? Because if you do, you'll never be good enough by your own works anyway. God accepts you just as you are. As the verse said, STOP putting yourself down; and quit measuring yourself according to the (false) standard of living which TWI shoved down your throat.
Bless you, and have a cup of coffee on me. Welcome to GS! (Spec)