"Let's see....he could start by calling out Islam for what it really is, an ideological, political force intent on enslaving the world ( would probably trigger a 'holy war' tho !! )"
EXACTLY. He's trying to make the RCC a group of COMPASSION. Starting a new crusade isn't exactly going to help- or work, for that matter. It will get the RCC AND Islam vilified, which will be bad for the RCC AND its members.
"He could put an end to the church 'forbidding to marry' priests."
They've been talking about that for decades. No consensus has been reached. And all the new ramifications would have to be covered. I think that they should expand the deaconate and promote that for those who feel they could not meet all the requirements of the priesthood but feel a calling. That would alleviate some of the issues caused by lower numbers of priests. Eventually, the RCC will come to some sort of consensus on celibacy and the priesthood.
"He could sanction the use of contraception especially in third world countries."
No, he couldn't. The RCC has a big issue with contraception and think it violates God's Will. They're not going to say "God disapproves but this decision is popular so we're going to run with it..." They think that we can resort to mathematics when preventing childbirth, but not physics or chemistry. I don't agree with them, but I see where they're coming from, and they ARE more about responsibility than about taking any of this lightly.
" Heck, the RC church has enough money to supply the contraception"
Not unless they sell off their stuff. They have some expensive things but not gobs of liquid capital to swim in. Money comes in-and flows out.
"BUT, they still have the same mindset as muslims...increase converts by breeding. "
That's not their reasoning, and it's sad to misrepresent them that badly, then turn around and announce you can solve their problems easily. In fact, his reluctance to change to what's popular rather than traditional argues AGAINST "the latest designer causes".
"This is just for starters."
Thanks for replying, Allan. However, I hope you're getting the idea that it's not all as simple as you made it out to be.