They live in Black Forrest, CO, and run their own cult. I “witnessed” to one of their members in an Old Chicago in CO Springs. She got all excited because I knew all about Bullinger and BG. So that tells you what their doctrine is. Apparently, Seed-girl lives with her brother-in-law and her sister, Terry and Melanie Wilson. The gal I witnessed to was all excited about me meeting The Wilson’s. Gave her my number and name, she gave me her’s and said she would call me back about going to their “fellowship”. Well she never called, so I called her. She said that Terry and Melanie did NOT want me anywhere near their house and that she would prefer to never hear from me again. LOL! So, that’s where seed-girl and family are at as of 2015! Look em up in Black Forrest, CO. Ask her if she’ll help you in your project. Let us know what she says. Thanks OldSkool, and good luck. Very nice to see you JavaJane!