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  1. That needs a WARNING, Rejoice. Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!
    2 points
  2. Spot on DWBH. It was the apostles who were clamoring for spot #1 in authority by Jesus not Jesus vying for the #1 spot in their estimation. Focus on Pauline doctrine doesn't make it true that "the Word takes the place of the absent Christ". What they have built it into is Christ being entirely absent, because they ignore Him, his teachings, his sacrifice, his love, his compassion. They exhibit none of those characteristics, they replace them with little rules to live by which enslave people. IMO EW Bullinger exhibited characteristics of extreme OCD behavior. The vast and varying nature of scripture in the OT isn't necessarily consistent with respect to instructing humans on a moral code. So to combat this inconsistency, let's construct the outline of the Bible that God should have inspired someone to write down, but somehow He forgot. And we will include all of the differences as "administrations", because humans can understand change in lifestyle due to a political party changing hands. No, things change over time in life. In fact change is one of the very few things that is consistent in life. Even if we don't change the world around us does. Jesus life had some of the most extreme changes ever seen. Early youth in witness protection. Trade education in hiding. Considered a bastard child from those who knew him. Spent a very short period of time as a minister profession, where he was persecuted incessantly, then captured, falsely accused, falsely tried, condemned, and executed. I think Way people and ex Way people would be better off dumping their egotistical Oxford double-wide margin Bibles with all of Bullinger's "Also"s marked and pick up a red letter edition Gideon Bible at any hotel/motel location across the world (mostly).
    2 points
  3. Jay, how right you are! Unlike many of the leaders of TWI, DWBH never exploited those around him, for personal gain. DWBH had/has a strong moral compass; no one can accuse him pimping for VPW, or LCM. I love DWBH's posts; I find them well-written, and very informative. Sometimes, they make me laugh. But, I know DWBH knew many of the top dogs, in TWI, and what they did behind the scenes. IOWs, DWBH knew many of the leaders, and what they did in their personal lives. I am so glad that DWBH is willing to share his experiences of TWI, with us. The more I learn about TWI, the more thankful I am, that I left.
    2 points
  4. Hi Taxidev! imho, the entire “Biblical” and doctrinal underpinning Of TWIt’s private interpretation is based on the FALSE PREMISE (logical fallacy) Of dispensationalism. This was actually a worldwide “revival” of accepting the Bible is inerrant and perfect as written. Initiated in the first half of the 19th century by Schofield and his disciples. Then, folks like Bullinger and others systematically developed it to the point where, by the 1920s, here in the USA it had a major doctrinal influence on the early 20th century fundamentalist revivals. Wierwille completely and unabashedly claimed Bullinger’s works as his own. He claimed he had never heard of ole Ethelbert until 1955, when Dr. E.E. Higgins in Chicago, took his piffle class and told him, “you teach like Bullinger writes” and sent him all of Bullinger’s works so ole dic could “read them for the first time”, which he said validated and verified ALL the research he had done and put into Piffle! LOL! Surprised?? That’s one of my major beefs with TWIt, CES, STFI, TLTF, and the rest of the TWIt-lite cults. This insidious doctrine lays the greatest importance upon the Pauline Epistles, basically consigning Jesus Christ to nice stohrees in the Gospels and, even though “it’s Christ in YOU the hope of glory”!, their Jesus is absent, sitting at the right hand of God twiddling His thumbs until the trumpet sounds! This puts the emphasis on an Apostle instead of his absent Lord, which then makes the Apostle more important than his own Lord! It also limits the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to OUR believing instead of the very active presence He is to millions of Christians who never heard of dispensationalism and could not care less about it. That’s why dictor spread the word that he was the greatest teacher since who? Jesus? Nope! Saul of Tarsus! The new light giver to his generation just like dic claimed to be for the 20th century generations! THAT was the greatest secret in the world, not “Christ in you”. As I said on Jalvis’ thread, it is man-made, dead doctrine, in no way Godbreathed. It is false. And, it is a core part of the TWIt lure to their version of it in their “rightly dividing” of all scripture, and the mog-hood of dictor paul They are completely close minded to any other possibilities, to the point that Schoenheit no longer either considers nor responds to ANY criticism or questioning of his work. Sound familiar. Jalvis wastes an entire 20 hours on this falsehood in his End Times dog’n’pony show. Until you are able to NOT look at dispensationalism as the proper way to understand the Bible by knowing “to whom it is written” and you’re willing to see it is a total crock of made up doublespeak, you’ll have “itching ears” for this false doctrine, and miss out on much of what the Bible ACTUALLY says, as well as knowing about the folks who said it. Selah bruddah!
    1 point
  5. Thank you GVC. I appreciate your overly kind words. And, more importantly I appreciate what Pawtucket has done here for the last 18 years!! He is a personal hero of mine. He has suffered so very much for keeping this place alive. Few people really know how much. I do, and I love him and will do so with respect as long as I live. Like I said, he is a hero for truth, justice, and love. Just sayin’......
    1 point
  6. Oh, I already know that. I've read several of his first-hand accounts. At first I was dumbfounded, then furious, and then I felt really heartbroken for all those that lived through that insanity. All I ever did was go to a local fellowship and the classes, and I did the way disciple program once. So locally I really didn't see much of the manipulation, although I did become aware of an uneasiness in my gut that I couldn't figure out. That was three years ago, and at that point I stopped inviting people to my fellowship, and gradually reduced my participation in the branch and fellowship activities. Now I have nothing to do with TWI.
    1 point
  7. You’ll find that when DWBH tells you/us about these individuals, that he’s telling it like it is. No BS. He has no axe to grind. Just protecting people from the madness that is twi.
    1 point
  8. DWBH, thanks for the background information. The one book "TWI" book, I enjoyed reading was "JCOPS." I loved it!! It was well-written, and very educational. I can't believe VPW kicked the three writers out; they were very bright, talented men. I am so happy for them, that they went on, and had successfull teaching carrerrs. Unlike VPW, they were the real deal, and were able to teach others. Good for them.
    1 point
  9. This is representative of one clear problem we have in doctrinal. Defining terms doesn't seem objective. It seems to involve a lot more of what you are doing here. Some kind of internal measurement. "What it means to me". I mean that's cool and all. That is kind of the major premise behind how all our church small groups work. Or most all church small groups. Topical study - people read ahead of time. Then when together go down the line of "what it means to me". I'm not saying there's anything significantly different about you - I do this too. But one of VP's major selling points of the Way is that scriptural interpretation is NOT SUBJECTIVE. He sold us some keys. Keys to the Word's interpretation. Those keys included false major ideas: 1. Remote context - the idea that "where it is used before" carries a lot of weight. Different prophet, different time, different legal, social, military environment. Potentially different "administration" or "dispensation". God does not operate according to a foolish consistency, that is according to Emerson, the hobgoblin or little human minds. 2. Harmony of the Gospels - the day jesus died, how many times paul denied him, how many crucified - all of these are examples of Wierwille's sleight-of-hand manipulation of scriptures getting the brainwashed to focus on the insignificant details of the event so that they can gain their allegiance. Wierwille trained us in Biblical research to be Pharisees. To strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.
    1 point
  10. yeah in PFAL – didn’t wierwille say something along the lines of if you could do that it meant you’re going to heaven and all hell can’t stop you from going...well, he lived like the devil so he certainly practiced what he preached.
    1 point
  11. It's gotten to be that we've seen so many instances of vpw shown to have lied about things that it actually counts as news when he's found to have told the truth about something. So vpw actually went to India. It would not have shocked me terribly to find out the whole India trip was a hoax with doctored photos attached to it.
    1 point
  12. Scene from "The Golden Child" with Eddie Murphy
    1 point
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