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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2018 in all areas

  1. Remember that cigarette commercial............"You can take Salem out of the country but, you can't take the country out of Salem." While in college, I was studying Business Management and Marketing......and we delved into marketing techniques. How they work. What constitutes a snazzy slogan. What type of technique leaves a subliminal message that lingers. And, the "Salem commercial" was worth studying, because it encompassed all of those...........especially when the commercial ends by "You can take Salem out of the country but [Ding]...........and your mind sings, and fills in, the rest of the song diddy. THAT is what I think about the cult's pseudo-Christianity. You can keep smoking those twit-teachings, but you can't take wierwille out of those teachings!! You can leave the cult, but if you continue smoking those "rightly-divided" teachings.......you can't take wierwille out of the brand. For some 30 years, corps leadership have been leaving the cult-mothership ........yet, they STILL market the wierwille-mystique. They cannot separate Christianity from the "Wierwille-Cult Christianity"..... it's just not possible, in their minds. Wierwille is their mediator between God and man. He ushered them into the Age of Grace. It's his teachings that open the doors to understand "the word as it has not been known since the first century." He is the modern-day Apostle Paul. He is the one who found the keys to the "more abundant life." To them, wierwille is to be placed on a pedestal that is revered. Move over Jesus Christ.....there's a new man of God in town. The manifestations are a non-sequester, it seems. No one really takes them serious anymore. What a stark difference from the early-70s......when walking in power was the deal-breaker of being sincere or being genuine!! On one level......it seems, that they are simply marketing this message for ROI (return on investment). They've spend over 4 decades in promoting pfal......and now, after distancing themselves from the machinery want to call the shots and count the money. The R&R group is the latest in this endeavor. Gawd, it is so nauseating to see their pathetic pandering to the wierwille-adulation when GreaseSpot Café has been documenting this stuff for nearly 18 years. Yet, on another level..........maybe, these guys truly believe that wierwille had it going on........right doctrine, right practice, right on before God Almighty. Could it be that these guys are SO INDOCTRINATED and INSTITUTIONALIZED that they've lost all grasp of critical thinking? Just seems to me that I Timothy 3 would be enough to show gaping discrepancies of wierwille's manner of life as opposed to the Scriptures. Or, pointing out the putrid fruit of sexual predation, lock box doctrine, absent-Christ, etc........to name a few. All in all, I think it's about..... Saving Face Being Unrepentant Establishing a lane to run in during retirement Desiring to be the lead dog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    3 points
  2. One of the most helpful things anyone can say that may nudge a cult follower to take their first steps toward freedom - is something Leah says at the beginning of each episode, and it’s put forth as a simple challenge...it’s almost like daring someone who is absolutely convinced their belief system is bulletproof, to pick up a loaded gun and prove it...Leah says something like - if your religion is so great and is doing all these wonderful things then it should be able to stand up to some questions. And really what I think is most effective - is to get the cult follower to ask the questions themselves...they are used to outsiders challenging their beliefs - yes, usually (depending on their length and level of involvement) they have been indoctrinated so as to be thoroughly prepared for any confrontation to what they hold near and dear to their hearts. Perhaps one of the things cults deem mission critical to control is the constant reinforcement of “defense mechanisms” planted in the mind through indoctrination - that is really one of the few means they have to make you think the tenets of your faith are bulletproof. I think it takes a very deliberate and brave act of the will to momentarily disarm even one of those internal defense mechanisms - to ignore what the cult says is forbidden to do or think - and fire away at a target. I remember in PFAL the session about the fall of man: what’s the first thing the serpent got Eve to do? To question God’s Word... that little baby is probably one of the main components of TWI’s indoctrination - it worked in my case for 12 years of my involvement ...think about it... ...I mean really think about that...go ahead - think ! If I questioned something in corps training or a teaching - It’s almost like a little pop-up thought automatically starts playing in my head “uh oh, remember the road downhill - Eve questioned the word” or maybe an old friend says something derogative about TWI - “uh oh , the devil is working through that person to get me to doubt the word.” The truth is - TWI is NOT so great and has zilch on the wonderful things scoreboard - so it is totally incapable of standing up to some questions! Remember kids, guns don’t kill cults - but questioning minds do.
    3 points
  3. Twinky, not only do I" think, and ponder over what I hear," but I also can disagree with others. Back in Way World, VPW's opinions were the only ones that were important. Nowadays, I can come to the GSC, and politely disagree with others. Here at the GSC, people are allowed to air their opinions. Sometimes people like my opinions, and sometimes they don't, but I am allowed to voice what is important to ME! And others are allowed the same privilege. Wow, years ago, if people disagreed with VPW, all Hell broke loose.
    1 point
  4. I wanted to pull some important points out of this to highlight but it's so packed with good advise, I found that to be an impossible task.
    1 point
  5. In sorting through this salvation topic (permanent/not) - it seems like one thing missing is a "glossary of terms" of sorts. I think the dictor in his "research" liberally misapplied the mathematical transitive property of equality to several things which are most likely quite different in reality and definitely nuanced in terminology in scripture. Born again Born from above Saved ... Defining all terms to the point where we all agree with everything is a tall order. However, defining these terms probably is going to be a barrier before we can proceed much further along this topic we are discussing IMO. What other phrases belong in this glossary? Any start to definitions? What commentaries or materials cover this? Thoughts?
    1 point
  6. Grace........I appreciate your kind words. There are so many AWESOME posters here at The Spot. The accumulative unveiling of "the other side of the twit-cult" has been going on for like 17 years.........and, imo, it has exposed their seedy, sordid underbelly. Wierwille was a shyster and a predator........and those splinter groups are two-fold the children of the corn. Long live GreaseSpot...........where us patrons celebrate LIFE.
    1 point
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