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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2018 in all areas

  1. What I think is so amazing is how these people thought it was okay not only to expel people (at will) from various programs, but to order them out of the state or the town. And the victims complied! This, to people who may have given up good jobs, sold property at a loss, moved hundreds of miles (if not to say, moved from another country), disrupted children's education, etc - probably having become alienated from their family and friends who would form a support group - and it's okay to tell people who have demonstrated so significantly their commitment to the cause, that they've gotta be out of town in a few hours. Talk about a power imbalance - "leadership" exercised unfettered "rights" and the victims were so bullied and weakened that they were unable to resist. All because they were being "obedient to God." Grr! It's easy to see to whom such leadership had demonstrated so significantly their commitment - to the one who steals, kills and destroys. God might have a few things to say to such bullies about obedience and meekness.
    3 points
  2. Yeah, Rocky.......ole wierwille would have never lived three more decades, but I was jousting the R&R guy on his hypocritical wierwille-adulation. Keeping on the railroad tracks of wierwille............Moynihans, Forts, Horneys, and others want to keep the locomotive churning down those tracks. They can't abandon wierwille or else they lose the indoctrinated-followers that are institutionalized to the cult lifestyle and nostalgia. Warts, sexual predator and all.......they can't stop riding on his coattails. Else, they'd have to look in the mirror and SEE WHAT UTTER FAILURES THEY'VE BECOME. It's just easier to keep living the dream......façade. And, starting a non-profit organization.......gives them a lane to run in during "retirement."
    3 points
  3. Peggy was special.......always going the extra mile to help others in her twig fellowship. She was a doer and a giver.....not someone who lorded over others and browbeat them with cherry-picked scriptures. She had integrity of heart in everything she set out to do. When she met Tim, they courted for about a year as their relationship blossomed. Two people, two lives.....could this be love? And, when they broached the subject of marriage, they came to me for my thoughts and counsel. Marriage is NOT a "ministry thing"........Marriage is a GOD thing: "two shall be one." I was honored to perform their wedding. Life, living, loving, laughter, ..........the memories of Peggy will live with me for the rest of my life. So.......it sure as hell irked me when Craig Martindale took her death as an opportunity at a headquarter's lunch meal to give a 30-minute spiel about taking care of your health. The message was clear: "that the ministry be not blamed" when/if you die prematurely. More along the lines of bullying the people to obey. Where were the kind, loving words to honor Peggy's life? Martindale wasn't thinking along those lines. He was running roughshod over people.....just like wierwille did. Peggy was special........RIP. .
    1 point
  4. JJ, my life has also gotten better since I left TWI. And I have more money.
    1 point
  5. Chain-smoker and chronic alcoholic, and I'm supposed to believe what killed him was a handful of studio lights a few decades before his death that he was exposed to for about 2 weeks. Actors of every age have been exposed to brighter, and there's no chronic warning that studio lights or stage lights will kill, but it singled out someone with 2 weeks of exposure. Forgive me if I consider that just another in a long list of his lies.
    1 point
  6. Just another group of so-called leaders trying to "run the clock." The crowd of twi'ers and ex-twi'ers is smaller every year as they age out and aren't replaced, so they're trying to get some of that sweet cash until they or the parishoners die, whichever comes first.
    1 point
  7. The story about clearing the Ohio stateline by sunrise reminds me of how I used to think leadership was so tapped in to God... His representatives on Earth. All knowing... They couldn't find their own butts in the dark with both hands and a flashlight. I remember two specific moments when I suddenly realized the leaders of TWI were not connected to God directly through revelation or otherwise - and therefore didn't have any control or say over my life... 1. Working at HQ and being required to be at every Sunday Service. My fiancee (still my husband) convinced me we needed a break from the constant work and wedding planning - we didn't go to the service. We left campus and went to some neighboring town for the day. And no one noticed. I had become convinced my department coordinator would be waiting for me ready to kick me off campus because God had told him of my broken fellowship. Nope. No one had a clue. And we had a lot more Sundays off after that. 2. Went to a casino with my in-laws and played slot machines. I was sure i would get a call from my fellowship coordinator. Once again, nothing.. Because these imbeciles never had power over me, except to destroy relationships that were based on lies to begin with. So glad I am free. Just got back from the casino with my in-laws. It's been 10 years since we left. I'm still not a grease spot.
    1 point
  8. They think.......they are entitled. They deem......"to serve the Word" while others serve tables. They are..........unrepentant of their sins and destruction of others. They will..........bear the same fruit of the mother-cult tree.
    1 point
  9. Hey, Moynihan............... If wierwille had lived longer........maybe we would have seen him led away in handcuffs (like Harvey Weinstein).
    1 point
  10. Exactly. Everything this new splinter group [ R&R ] is doing..........is THE SAME THING all the others have done. Need to "get back to the Word that wierwille taught us".................(ugh). SAME centralization of power and leverage over the peons. SAME teachings from plagiarized sources and claiming elite status. SAME arrogance and smugness over others. SAME dog-n-pony manifestations.......counterfeit silliness. Are people that gullible to STILL fall for another offshoot?
    1 point
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