I agree heartily- but need to add something. There's a "false bifurcation" in effect. There's people who keep claiming one or another POLAR OPPOSITES and using the other position as a "strawman". That is, since one extreme is ridiculous to believe, I must accept the other extreme is true. NO.
Ok, righteousness never came from the law because it couldn't- and our conduct could never match up- as in humanity's conduct in any century, any country. So, "incorruptible seed" that was a "gift of eternal life." Can't suffer corruption (rot), can't end (eternal), can't be earned (gift). Ok, that's clear enough, as far as it goes.
Then there's people like vpw who say "since I can't lose eternal life, I can sin all I want, and if I cover my tracks on Earth, I'm golden because God won't punish me for it." Ah, no. There's lots of notices for us to TRY to conduct ourselves as best we can- with clear instructions on how to do that. We're expected to put forth an honest effort, and not just do whatever because we're saved.
I'm confident God has it covered- lesser rewards for those who did little, and actual penalties for those who did absolutely nothing or did poorly because they counted on unkillable salvation to insulate them from the consequences of their freewill actions. Come on. If I can come up with systems that cover it (and I can), I'm sure God Almighty can-and did- come up with specifics that are effective and sufficient.
So, I reject "do as you fool well please" because it's unBiblical. I reject an ending to "eternal" , a corrupting of "incorruptible" again, because it's unBiblical. As far as I'm concerned, most of what I've heard on the subject, from a lot of sides, is all either rephrasing of that, or just posturing.