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  1. That's a good recap, DWBH, thank you. So much of what I've seen as well as heard from others says that the Moneyhands are a very damaged couple who are not interested in helping much less "restoring" anyone unless it serves their own purposes. Taxiperson, you're on the right track. Remember, in the "old" days everyone used to say that The Way was....Jesus Christ, and that we were followers of the Way, of Jesus Christ, not people. That has a practical application and requires you and I actually do it, and understand that Jesus Christ was and IS the Living Logos, and it is through that Word that we understand and have a perspective of God. God magnified "His Word" above His own name, which puts the Living Word as the thing that we must live to see and follow. Men and women will always want you to follow THEM, as an aid, a means to better do that....their "ministries", so called, if given by God are in SERVICE to God's people and will always magnify Jesus Christ, making His Way clearer. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word, indeed....and it's that "faith of Jesus Christ" which is complete and full and all that we need to rely on and identify with. Yes, thank God we have a written record to read and learn from - but we must always remember that the Way of Christ is straight, simple and easily intreated, not burdensome though we may choose to bear the burdens of others as Christ has our own - it's loving, forgiving and only requires that we subject ourselves to God's forgiveness, knowing that we need it - we need the broken ends of our lives brought that together and "restored" - so we can live for God. The Way was so subtle replacing the simplicity in Christ with the complexities of it's own religion, born out of The Way Corps program which ultimately drilled down into every fellowship The Way held for many years. Ultimately in order to be true to God, each person that came out of the Corps program had to divest it'self from the authority of The Way in order to make any use of what they'd learned. I for one did learn a great deal and I do not understate the value of the experiences I had, including of course the mistakes I myself made and those of others that affected me. It's far outweighed by what I gained. This in no way values bad over good, error over truth or ungodliness over true faith. However everything I am today is the sum total of what I have been and done up to this point, and it will never be the perfection that God promises through eternal life wholness, in Christ. Still I persist! There's really nothing else to do but that. PEACE!!
    3 points
  2. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction, Info! The evolution from hetero to bisexuality and homosexuality was gradual, imho. Before entering the 4th corpse, Donna M. (henceforth Belladonna) was a staff secretary for a year at HQ. At that time, Donna Randall served as both Research Secretary, and Secretary to the president, and Rhoda Wierwille was still dictor’s “Personal Secretary”. Donna, was in the secretarial “pool” which was coordinated by Donna Randall and dictor himself. Claudette Royal was also in that Secretarial pool at HQ prior to her entering the 4th corpse with the rest of us in July, 1973. Donna had been sexually active with dictor during that year she was on staff prior to her in-Rez career. Donna was also sexually active with dictor during a trip of his to NC during our interim year in NC. Rosie was also quite active sexually with various in-Rez corpse men from early on in her corpse career as well, including turns with dictor and Donnie. I have no personal knowledge of Marcia Faulk’s personal sexual preferences during that time. Remember, all the women I mentioned were single, unmarried, and therefore, in dictor’s perverted mind, “property of the King” as dictor said they were in the Old T., referring to Saul, David, Solomon and then the long line of the Kings of Judah and Benjamin in the south and the Kings of the 10 northern tribes, united under the name Israel. Which, when critically examined put EVERY king of Israel in the immediate and untenable position of breaking 3 or 4 of the 10 Commandments (most notably, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.”, and, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”) including, in most cases, Thou shalt not lie, and Thou shalt not commit murder! That meant if dic’s “rightly-dividing” was indeed right, every king of Israel should have been put to death! This kind of promiscuity by Belladonna and Rosie continued, and Belladonna eventually married da forehead, and Rosie kept using her charms in all the right spaces, which unfortunately, included a bunch of married men in prominent “leadership” positions at HQ. Faulk (5th corpse) married Bill Greene (8th corpse) and bounced around various jobs at HQ mostly being an attachment-at-the-hip to Belladonna, as she was in Greenville, NC, 1974. The breakthrough into lesbianism between Belladonna and Rosie progressed during the insane years 1981-1986. Dic had made his choice of successor, da forehead, then the insanity of the Outreach Weeks, 40th Anniversary Weekend in every Region, culminating in Living Victoriously, June 1982, corpse week and ROA, August 1982, and the biggy....The 40th Anniversary Celebration Weekend, during which dic officially retired and “passed the mantle” to King Okie. Rosie was the co-coordinator of these events along with Bob Winegarner, and myself and the Region Coordinators for the events “on da field”. So, Rosie and Belladonna (now the future “First Lady”!) were spending more and more time together and, apparently were spotted a number of times being physically intimate with one another. Their relationship became more intense and obvious after the implosion of POOP’n’Geer, and the following “Fog Years” of 1986-1990. The incredible Bacchus-orgy type of culture da forehead built during his spirits in the athlete mania contributed powerfully to Belladonna’s physical rejection of her “king” into the eager arms of Rosie the Riveter. The TWIt reign of terror commenced in 1990 and ran all the way through 2000, when da forehead finally forced his own dismissal, and was banished to Toledo, divorced by Belladonna and Rosie, with great joy I’m sure. During that time, the Greene’s were big shots behind the walls of Zion and the troika of Greenville was reborn, providing the comfort of old time friendship and the sedation of nostalgia for las tres amigas. Remember also, that during Okie’s reign of terror, the misogyny and its accompanying widespread sexual abuse and promiscuity were running rampant in NK at every level of their stratified cult society and in every age group! It was the Sodom and Gomrroah of the “Grace Administration” in the time of the prevailing word! What a cruel and horrific “Christian” tragedy.
    2 points
  3. Speaking for myself, I think it's wonderful you're so blessed locally. For now. Based on the usual pattern, I'm "waiting for the other shoe to drop." In twi/extwi, it's COMMON for a local group to start out all blessed, then s-l-o-w-l-y (or not so gradually) change in small steps as more control is passed up the ladder, until the person wakes up one morning and finds they're a money-generating cog in a profit-driven machine. So, I'd keep an eye out for the first few steps.
    2 points
  4. TY Taxiedev. Your honesty and humility are admired and respected by me. Hopefully your continued reading, along with interaction and input from you, will afford us all the continued reasonable communication which promotes peace and understanding, and mutual education.
    2 points
  5. Well, in just two pages of posts, I have watched the bodies pile up around me, and there seems to be more waiting in the wings. It pains me to think about all this having gone on in the name of Christian love. I'm just glad I was nowhere near it. I'm sure you met some wonderful people along the way, but obviously so many evil people also. I can only say I've met a few that were off the wall, but many wonderful ones. What an education in history this has been for me. Like reading the true accounts of slavery, and the true accounts of Columbus in the Caribbean. The only reason to learn about history is to avoid repeating the bad parts. It seems to me that I have nothing more to contribute to this thread, but I will gladly continue to read what you all post, even if I'm not so glad about what I'm reading. I won't be commenting, but I might ask questions.
    2 points
  6. "Alleged" lesbian runs the show. Alleged by eyewitnesses. According to some people, vpw never hurt anyone because he was only "alleged" to hurt people and was never formally charged with any crime, only "alleged" to have done so by victims and eyewitnesses. Also, don't forget "the golden rule"- he who has the gold makes the rules. Question rfr and be kicked out and have your reputation ruined. Then again, with all the misinformation twi throws around when kicking people out, that guy might have been straight. When lcm sat on the throne, everybody who questioned him or even failed to give 100% loyalty was kicked out for being "a homo", "a homo sympathizer", or just due to "genuine spiritual suspicion." (As God is my witness, those were HIS terms and I made up none of them.)
    1 point
  7. I appreciate what you’ve said, Taxidev…you’ve brought up a very interesting point – learning history to avoid repeating mistakes. Amen to that. I can honestly say that I have lived a life in good conscience before God. And I’m not saying I’m anything special or a goody-two-shoes. I knew a lot of good honest folks when I was in TWI…so maybe there’s something to birds of a feather flock together…the reason I left TWI was not because I suddenly grew a conscience and wanted to “change my evil ways” but rather - after some time of study, reflection and investigation following the implosion in 1986 - I could no longer in good conscience continue to endorse or support TWI’s doctrine and practice. I also wanted to leave you with a few thoughts about that experience. I think what did more damage to my faith than anything else – was when I started to realize the utter hypocrisy of top leadership. Maybe that’s some of the dangers of wolves in sheep’s clothing and bad trees that Jesus Christ warned us about in Matthew 7 and of the damage they could bring to one’s faith – causing them to stumble as in Matthew 18 ... While I had tried my best to live the Christian lifestyle – I had come to learn that a certain upper echelon (the Board of Trustees) did not …they were the consummate hypocrites...see Matthew 23 ... … there’s nothing like the spiritual betrayal by hypocrites to blow your faith out of the water. Finding out they had a double standard was a real eye-opener! I had trusted them to teach me the Word...I believed they were like the pillars of the church...I believe they walked with God...I was BETRAYED ! While us average Joes sought to please God in our walk - those top leadership bozos (Board of Trustees) felt free to do whatever to gratify their flesh, egos, and personal agenda – and they used whatever means necessary to maintain their presumptuous superiority over the followers of The Way International – whether it was lies, manipulation, coercion, threats, badgering, berating, character assassination, etc. So yeah, I definitely have a jaded view of anything even remotely related to wierwille and The Way International. Sometimes I find myself praying along the lines of “Lord, I believe…and help my unbelief.” I think everyone has something to contribute on Grease Spot. And it’s a give and take process going on all the time. Taxidev, always feel free to share your experiences and ask all the questions you want.
    1 point
  8. I appreciate the concern, from all who have that concern for me. No, I am not so young, I just was never as heavily involved as many of you were. Since I was 22 years old, I have been committed to understanding and living God's Word. I try to learn from many sources, and always have. What I liked most about TWI was the teachings from my fellowship coordinators and others in my local fellowship. Yes, I took all the classes, multiple times, and I picked up on the Way slant in some of the segments. At one point the bloated egotism of LCM spewed right out from the screen, and I was just flabbergasted. It wasn't long after that when he "stepped down" for his sexual antics. In 2004 I did the Way Disciple program, which I found to be not such a great time. Over the last 10 years my connection to TWI has gradually weakened until, about 4 years ago, I wouldn't even invite anyone to my fellowship. Three years ago I was becoming really disappointed with the STS from Ohio, and wouldn't go to the hookups anymore. Right around the time R&R was setting up their facebook activity, I was already considering no longer attending TWI fellowship. I was looking elsewhere for biblical teachings with some meat to them. Last month I ended my association, weak as it was, with TWI. Through this whole thing, I have been committed to no individual, nor to the leadership. I have asked many questions that went inadequately answered and, just when I was considering sending my question to the BOD, I was introduced to R&R. It was then that I realized the futility of sending in my concerns and questions. My friend here, during the building of momentum of R&R, did connect with them, but his view of many things they had brought up was substantially different. He and I had many in depth discussions of very specific topics in the Word, and I consider his view of the ekklesia to be considerably more advanced than what the R&R group has discussed publicly. I have always maintained an arms length approach to religious organizations, but I have enjoyed some great times with some wonderful individuals.
    1 point
  9. Hi Taxidev! You posted this: “As I indicated earlier, I have no idea what it's like to live through this level of atrocities. I just pray that you can all become peaceful about it, whether you actually forgive them or not. At least to have peace in yourselves.” Why TY Taxidev. Don’t pray for my peace! In the words of a dear old friend of mine from the 4th Corpse who is no longer living, “I got Peace like a river! Like a river baby!” You sound like one of the 2 responders you quoted on an earlier post. LOL! I was “peaceful about it” the instant I turned off of wierwille road onto Highway 29 and got the hell outta there on December 14, 1986! And, my peace has grown greater DAILY since then regardless of what “trials and tribulations” I may have undergone since that day. That is true partly because, DAILY I KNOW WITHOUT ANY DOUBT, that I did the “rightest” thing I ever did in my life for Jesus Christ. The ones you need to pray for are the anti-Christ pimps, whose “virtues” you seem to extol. First, pray they stop LYING and genuinely REPENT before God, Jesus Christ, and the Church, AFTER they have apologized to and sought forgiveness from their VICTIMS. VICTIMS!! Victims of TWIt “clergy”! Do YOU get that? Or, are you too busy praying for my peacefulness? I’LL FORGIVE THEM WHEN THEY HONESTLY REPENT! THEY HAVE YET TO DO SO! Do you get that Taxidev?? This has never been about vindictiveness Taxidev. This has ALWAYS been about JUSTICE! God’s justice, and HE IS THE GOD OF JUSTICE! I just pray that YOU can see beyond their seared consciences and the fair words and fancy speeches they dump all over those they lie in wait to deceive, whether YOU actually believe them or not. At least to understand GOD’S JUSTICE! Maybe that will open YOUR eyes to their habitual hubris, lies, and rule of injustice? At least to have a sense of what God’s Justice means. We’ll see, Taxidev.....we’ll see. Meanwhile, please don’t waste any more of your prayer time for me. I got peace like a river baby!!!..................peace.
    1 point
  10. Oh, they had an epiphany, alright. They suddenly realized they're not getting any younger and they'd better make a dash for the door before it can hit 'em where the good Lord split 'em.
    1 point
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