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  1. Maintaining accountability ... Yes, everyone was accountable to some supposed higher level - branch, limb, etc - but the BoT (as it was when I was around), or BoD nowadays, didn't consider itself accountabe to anyone or anything. They accounted for none of their actions, for none of the consequences of any words or "doctrine," and not for the money given to them in trust. I love that churches I know of here have a proper structure and no one is left unaccountable. That also means that leaders, vicars, etc, aren't left feeling either Godlike in power, nor, conversely, unsupported by those they serve. There's a lot to be said for accountability and orderliness.
    2 points
  2. If you like your pfal plan, you can keep your pfal plan. Period. For those of you who liked your pfal plan.....an absent Christ, red-drapes believing, needs and wants parallel, vpw's stories, etc......you can keep it. No one is going to take that away from you. We have said all along, that for those folk who like pfal.....you can keep it. But if new mandates are upgraded, such as the corps indoctrination training......then upgrades will be imposed. For instance, OBEDIENCE TO CORPS LEADERSHIP trumphs the pfal plan that *God will tell you first.* Therefore, you are required to submit....or a probation penalty will be proclaimed. If you resist, then twi will take the necessary steps to mark/avoid you. Thankfully, wierwille never addressed the sin of adultery in this age of Grace.....so there is no need to grandfather or un-grandfather his position on that. The sin of omission does not apply. The initial fee of enrollment is $85. But in subsequent years, tithes and offerings of your yearly income will be assessed at no less than 15% abundant sharing. For those who embrace the pfal claims of *free-will giving, not begrudgingly*......compliance to updates is mandatory. Old Testament scripture backs our position. Any new updates to your spiritual plan will be forthcoming thru your nearest corps leadership. You are responsible for compliance and any and all resistance will be met with the full-force of twi-justice. Signed: Twi's Board of Directors
    1 point
  3. I know less than that - only what those here have posted. Also I looked at the Facebook group again and the website domain they registered. It seems that there are many crossover members of that group that are actively in the Way also. I'm not the searcher of hearts but I'm not going to ignore the elevated tone they took in their posting on that Facebook group quoted here, nor their elevation of themselves in stature and position, nor their response to queries made to them through you. That is clear evident fruit that Jesus instructs me to know people by. They have no fruit worthy of any of my attention - their little pretend spiritual coup takeover of the Way failed, which was designed to draw followers away anyway not really designed to Revive and Restore. Their expectations were that the Board of Pharisees would immediately see the light and change the Way over to now being ruled by democracy different than it had been governed since inception? That's not something a reasonable person would expect. So it is just a front for a coup - leaving, making the biggest splash and impact, drawing the most followers away so their kids can have a safe haven in a new cult. I doubt they will honestly disclose anything of the sort in their pious platitudes and Sunday teachings and sweeping of old things under carpets.
    1 point
  4. Okay, seems you want to go there, so let's talk about Paul for a sec or two. Consider this, if you will. As for touching the righteousness which is in the law, he declared (see Phil.3:6) that he was blameless. That was before his experience on the road to Damascus. But get this... how much value did he place on that afterwards? Well, I suppose how ever much dung is worth. (Phil.3:8.) Now... which of these modern day, look-at-me-I'm-like-Paul folks do you suppose can honestly say that they were (in their former days) blameless (by any standard or stretch of the imagination), and/or is currently willing (much less disposed) to count much (if any) of their former life as dung? Kindly let me know what your thoughts are after you chew that over a little...
    1 point
  5. I would pinpoint the rise and fall of the Moynihan family and Greene family. Especially the second generation. That would trigger this kind of action. I guess Dottie just isn't quite as close to Rosie as Marcia is. Brian was on staff as like the personnel director then left got sent on field. Chandler now is the Corpse director. Oh but of course great spiritual decisions of all these Reverend blowhards would never be decided by something like Hatfields and McCoys politics.... Until they are.
    1 point
  6. In the spirit of truthful envy – I’ve been thinking about starting an offshoot myself…actually, it’s an offshoot OF myself…well, technically it’s an offshoot of an offshoot of an offshoot of myself…and honestly there’s probably a few more “offshoot of an offshoot” in there cuz it’s hard keeping track of how many times I’ve changed my mind on things since I left The Way International…and it’s not about the money, folks…I don’t care if you send me your old golf clubs, used cars or mint condition LPs – it’s definitely not just about the money, so get off my case why dontcha ! I have produced an 115 page paper with well over 115 words (that might be a little over a word and some fraction of a word per page) describing my position while I wrote it (I was seated most of the time – though there were a few attempts at automatic writing while I struggled to assume the down-and-out-in-Rome-City Yoga position ) and it’s yours for free – no purchase necessary – just a small minimum required donation…anything really …like old golf clubs, used cars, mint condition LPs, or a 70’s series Fender Jazz Bass…ya know, whatever – I’m not picky…to receive your copy of “Continue Being Fake” just write me “The Leecher”.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
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