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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2018 in all areas

  1. Regarding cognitive dissonance - while in the process of extricating myself from TWI in 1988, I experienced a strange process going on in my mind. I was starting to think original thoughts - thoughts that were contrary to my TWI programmed thoughts. Sometimes I would hear Craig yelling against my thoughts, yelling things I had heard at mealtimes in residence. So I did the thing with the line down the middle of the page. Left side - my thought, right side - TWI rebuttal. Back and forth, back and forth. Like having two brains. As time went by, my own thoughts predominated and the yelling rebuttals receded. Many years later, my brain belongs to me. And TWI is a distant far off strange thing I was in....... the farther back in time it gets, the stranger it seems.
    2 points
  2. Yes, I remember something vaguely like that. And "Ephesians - the breakfast of champions." Or some such. But --- want some kool-aid with that? How about: "PFAL - the sedative for all your worries"? Or: "PFAL - for the pi$$ that passes all understanding"?
    2 points
  3. Oh and by the way, I have been in therapy for years for a psychiatric condition I've had that needed treatment and medication that I did not think I needed while in TWI. (Renew your mind yada yada yada) So I went untreated and subjected to any episode that might come up, Now I go to sessions (only once every 6 months) and take my meds consistently. So now I'm stable and doing ok.
    1 point
  4. "The fog" was actually a time of great clarity for many TWI people. It was a time to wake up and realize they could leave.
    1 point
  5. They won't see any of mine. There's no reason for me to send them any. I have finally come to an understanding of where and how to give, whether it's money, time, talent or whatever. It doesn't go, primarily, to any religious organization. Rather, it is to go to people or groups near me that have need. That's what actually happened in Acts with the early church, and that's how I am conducting my affairs.
    1 point
  6. Please note the disclaimer in fine print: if you do not pay your exorcist bill you could get re-possessed
    1 point
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