It's a pretty safe adventure, at least in my city, which is a fairly peaceful, wealthy, touristy, town-and-gown city and beloved by hen and stag parties. Other cities have different circumstances to cope with.
We go out as a team of min 3 Street Pastors, and preferably 4 - a threesome stay together, a foursome is two pairs on opposite sides of the street. The city centre is heavily watched by CCTV and we have radios that communicate with CCTV, with all the bar security staff, with a roving band of security staff ("the heavies") who drive around with a paramedic in an ambulance, and with the police (who also have their own radios). If we think something is starting to kick off, we can ask for cameras to be put on the scene, or we can ask the heavies to come by (they arrive within minutes). We don't get involved with fights, but our very presence (and our prayers for peace) are often enough to defuse a situation. Which is not to say there aren't incidents, but they are few and far between.
We have had no assaults upon us in the ten years we've been going - verbal abuse hurled at us occasionally, but rarely - mostly we get people running up to us and throwing their arms around us and exclaiming, "We're so glad you're here to take care of us!"
I got involved in this from the beginning, in this city. I had been thinking how much better life was now, how healed I had become by the tenderness and kindness I'd received in my church. I wanted to contribute something into the life of this city. There was a notice up in church about a new street patrol that was proposed at weekends, and inviting interested people to a meeting. I instantly felt "smote in the heart" and knew this was something I should be doing. So I went to the initial meeting, and three months later those who'd remained interested were all trained and we hit the streets. Many of the initial intake are still part of the group. There were initial reservations from door staff and the community, who thought we were police in disguise. But now we are widely recognised for our help and non-judgmental approach. So many different doors open to us, to serve and to preach the gospel - "occasionally with words."
I can only say, this would never, never, never have happened with any Wayfer project. It's a universe apart.
Yep. Who needs a cultie mindset? Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!