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  1. Just for the record, here’s something related to that: …As I tell many of the people in my classes: get rid of your other reading material for a while and read the Word of God. If, for the next three months, you give your life primarily to reading and studying the Epistles that are addressed to you and then apply the principles by renewing your mind, three months from now you won’t recognize yourself. You will be such a dynamic person. You will be manifesting the renewed mind and having your prayers answered. You will see signs, miracles and wonders. End of excerpt…from the PFAL book, page 334, the chapter "Renewing One’s Mind" == == == == Though the above paragraph from the PFAL book seems pretty much straight forward and innocuous in its recommendation – one must also consider how this was interpreted by local leadership as they “under-shepherded” new grads and I’m sure there was some variation…but… I can tell you from my personal experience there seemed to be a rather laid-back approach by my Twig coordinator when dealing with me, which was usually pointing me back to the PFAL class materials. After I took the class I read through the entire Bible a couple of times within that year – and had a lot of questions – especially about stuff in the Old Testament and the Gospels… I’d bring up many of these issues and questions to my Twig coordinator – a lot of them were of course outside the realm of PFAL stuff…This may have been somewhat irksome to him – or maybe he just did not want to stray outside the familiar territory of PFAL – but after a while of my “pestering” he would often remind me of that recommendation in PFAL to read the Epistles that were addressed to me AND he also tacked on for good measure, to review all the PFAL material – and keep at it...alas, he was a harbinger for the way corps program which I would enter years later...while in residence - I heard it often and in so many different ways - the essence of which was "master PFAL, then you will really see the greatness of the Word !"
    2 points
  2. I know pfal said to put all other reading materials aside for 3 months. I'm unclear whether it was EXPLICITLY STATED (as in "only read the materials for this class") or whether it was another one of his implications (as in, everyone said that's what he meant, it was clear he meant it from the context, but exactly what to read was left deliberately vague.) Since vpw made it a policy to speak vaguely and lawyer out the distinctions if caught, I suspect it was the latter. I know people told me to read twi materials and put other stuff aside.
    2 points
  3. Hey Grease Spotters, it's Way Back Wednesday – time for an ancient slogan from some way corps’ brain cell that’s been pickled in Drambuie brine and hermetically sealed in a way corps coffee mug: Master PFAL Make it your own That’s what wierwille did For those who have lost or misplaced their Grease Spot Secret Decoder Ring – please note the twofold message in the above slogan: It’s encouraging grads to thoroughly learn the PFAL material while simultaneously endorsing plagiarism.
    1 point
  4. Thank you, T-Bone. Maybe my memory isn't so bad and I'm not so crazy after all, eh?
    1 point
  5. That's going to be difficult, for a specific reason, and I shall explain why,. A) Can I get it from twi? NO. They're trying to erase any vestiges of lcm''s memory. His VANITY PROJECT was probably first on the list of things to go. So, they don't have it. B) Can I get it from ex-twi? Well, that raises the question- Who would have it? The majority of ex-wayfers who would hang onto something, get digital copies of something, copy something, and so on, are nostalgics. twi nostalgics froze their memory of twi. They only remember the good times, and those good times are almost all of the 70s and NEVER include negative memories of vpw- and in fact bleach those out when they intrude. The Mayberry they constructed is an idyllic version of twi in the 70s where nothing was wrong and so nothing was vpw's fault. They're hanging onto that until death, and some are indoctrinating their kids in the same thing (a few of them, at least.) Those people know things blew up in the 80s. They erase all the crimes of vpw that came to light then. The troubles of the 80s are entirely blamed on lcm. If not for lcm, and if vpw had lived another decade, their 80s would have continued just as fabulous as their 70s (at least in their imaginations.) So, it's all lcm's fault. Would THOSE people immortalize anything loy did? Obviously not. The ones who got on with their lives generally dumped their twi stuff across the decades. That doesn't mean it's impossible, but I don't think you're going to find a copy. Few would have a motive to make or keep one.
    1 point
  6. When did this nonsense come about? Perhaps it's said in jest, as it wasn't so back in the day. Nearest I can recall anything to that was a mention to put all reading material aside other than Romans thru Thessalonians for 3 months...
    1 point
  7. Thanks. No loss to this place.
    1 point
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