That's going to be difficult, for a specific reason, and I shall explain why,.
A) Can I get it from twi? NO. They're trying to erase any vestiges of lcm''s memory. His VANITY PROJECT was probably first on the list of things to go. So, they don't have it.
B) Can I get it from ex-twi? Well, that raises the question- Who would have it?
The majority of ex-wayfers who would hang onto something, get digital copies of something, copy something, and so on, are nostalgics. twi nostalgics froze their memory of twi. They only remember the good times, and those good times are almost all of the 70s and NEVER include negative memories of vpw- and in fact bleach those out when they intrude. The Mayberry they constructed is an idyllic version of twi in the 70s where nothing was wrong and so nothing was vpw's fault. They're hanging onto that until death, and some are indoctrinating their kids in the same thing (a few of them, at least.)
Those people know things blew up in the 80s. They erase all the crimes of vpw that came to light then. The troubles of the 80s are entirely blamed on lcm. If not for lcm, and if vpw had lived another decade, their 80s would have continued just as fabulous as their 70s (at least in their imaginations.) So, it's all lcm's fault.
Would THOSE people immortalize anything loy did? Obviously not.
The ones who got on with their lives generally dumped their twi stuff across the decades.
That doesn't mean it's impossible, but I don't think you're going to find a copy. Few would have a motive to make or keep one.