IIRC, the premiere of Spirits In The Athletes, was Pentecost, 1985. That was roughly 2 or 3 weeks after dictor croaked in May of that year, during the Annual Corpse Placements Meetings at HQ, which, THANKFULLY, the forehead barely attended cuz he was busy dancing and screwing the dancers. Most fun placements evah! Dictor was dead, and King Okie was owning every woman in his kingdom! I was “awarded” the prize for “Most lewd and lascivious comments” ever spoken at a placements meeting! LOL! I don’t think that’s necessarily anything to brag about, but it sure was funny. Pat Lynn put on a little birthday -party-like “ceremony” complete with candles-on-cupcakes, and those little cone-shaped party hats. LOL!
IIRC, SITA, premiered on the Saturday of Pentecost weekend, 1985. There was this yuuuge after-party in the OSC. Da forehead wore a red velvet, black-collared smoking jacket with a belt ala Hugh Hefner, and allowed a receiving line of adoring fans to congratulate him. I got all the the region boys to the front of the line so we could be the first ones out. We spent the rest of the night at the WOODEN SHOE INN in Minster, chowin’ down on the best fried chicken and ice cold beer I have ever had!
it was a total complete and total farce! But, EVERYONE, most especially Don and Howard was very happy to waste all that money just to keep the dope out of the day-to-day running, planning, thinking, and outreach of the minustray, which required higher functioning morons. LOL!............Peace all.