T-Bone, great post! I think you are right in that "we should recognize the humaness of scripture." I think for me, Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of humanity; we can endure huge amounts of pain, and suffering, because of what he endured for us. In every situation in the Bible, we see that Jesus was triumphant over everyone, and everything, including death. However, the Bible was written thousands of years ago in cultures very different from our's. I think the Bible was written to show us, that God's son Jesus Christ could endure various human travils, and emerge triumphant. I know that I don't always act, or think like Jesus, but I know that I can endure the hardships of life, because Jesus has already triumphed over everything, and God sent him to teach me personally. Because I am human, I don't always see life, the way that God does. Boy, do I make mistakes!! However, I think the Bible teaches me to "keep trucking," and in God's time, I will reap the benefits of living life like Jesus Christ.