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  1. chockfull, This is an insightful question, and I believe at the root of the issues brought up by the R&R folks. RFR so refuses to be meek to even consider someone else might be right and she is wrong, that it has caused tremendous schism within the ranks. Her reaction? Discard them, and anyone else who agrees with them. Absolutely. I was just recently having a discussion about this with a former wayer, and I brought up the point that it isn't us VS them, it is us AND them. As demonstrated in the bible, the body of Christ was all over the known world, and no one was making demands of them, trying to control everything they did. Knowledgeable believers were just going out and teaching them the Truth! And when Paul noticed a discrepancy, he went back to Jerusalem and had a big meeting with them to resolve it. All those in Jerusalem gladly looked at scripture, gladly shared perspectives, gladly listened to each other, and gladly found the answer together. That is the household working together, to do what the true head, Jesus Christ, wants. Not some fake head with a title.
    2 points
  2. It's really good, and provides an important piece of HIStory regarding Biblical research and its practices in the Way International especially in its formative years. This research is the "truth" that the modern Way is based upon. They have abandoned further pursuit of ongoing Biblical research and resolved themselves doggedly to the materials founded upon what you read about in this book. I think it is better and more accurate than the HIStory they used to sell in the Way "The Way Living in Love" by Elena Whiteside. That book presents the only recorded folklore behind the snow on the gas pumps story which is the reason why they don't research any more. Coincidentally, similar thinking to the Mormons. With automatic writing from the angel Moroni, who needs research? Anyways, although Charlene and Elena were both hippie children in the same era, Charlene was much more practically grounded and worked in the research department. She's funny too and sounds logical not like a flower child. Those are my impressions reading both works. Mrs. VPW's account stops short of the timeline presented in both of these works. 5 stars. Highly recommended.
    1 point
  3. Hey Taxidev, Thanks for sharing. Your post kind of brought up a rhetorical question to me internally. "Can truth exist in an enclosed vacuum outside of external influence?" The Way is an enclosed system that functions top-down originating from one person. (e.g. Rupp sharing "I'm not a yes man. I'm a yes ma'am"). Other trained up Pharisees will continue on in the same fashion - scriptures guarantee it. So as an enclosed system, how is the Way any different than the surrounding Amish in the local community around the Indiana campus they bought from the Catholics ? The campus was a "Sisters of the Healing Waters" retreat or something previously. Like going down the road and seeing a horse drawn buggy and a carriage, perhaps the simpler non-thinking life is more appealing to some. All of this modern stuff is too much, too overwhelming. Let's seperate to simplify, and enclose ourselves. Instead of an elected leader, one will assume power by coup. Then rule like a dictator. Wow. Sounds like a novel I read in high school called "Lord of the Flies". That is what selfish humans revert to by course and by "old man" nature. Now RFR will deny this enclosed system up and down as one of her besties is one attorney named Columbo who kept her lilly white behind off the witness stand through most of the lawsuits. She listens to him more than scripture, hence her dogged rejection of any modifications of the debt policy. Is that an enclosed system? Well, you kind of get an essence of that in Melody Carter's long diatribe - RFR appoints and removes BOD members exclusively. Legally they have an odd number for voting, but basically RFR dominates and has for years - ref Rupp quote. JY de Lisle is a more normal family man who has been raised under her tutelage longer than any other high level leadership member. Little to no field experience, so his entire reality was crafted at the little white cult city of Utopia in po-dunc Ohio surrounded by a community locally that hates them. As scriptures predict, the next generation of Pharisee will be 3x as bad. Joel Olsteen is a bit cheesy but he's cool in some ways. In others he is all "prosperity gospel", like so many in our generation. Those are of the sort Jesus would probably be seen kicking over their moneychanger tables outside the temple if he was around. But part of the body of Christ and endeavoring to teach and build. Sometimes local Klingons to the shipwreck can be quite friendly. And teach scriptures. It's all good. I am of the persuasion more according to that small story "Acres of Diamonds". I believe God will open up to the seeking Christian great avenues for connecting to the body of Christ within the direct area they live. And actually one good way to see things clearly is to follow the money. Or actually in some cases look for the ego, as I think there are a fair number of shipwreck leaders that have their own money - that is no reason to pay them heed. The body of Christ is much much greater than our limited view in the Way. The body of Christ is not an enclosed system with power residing with any one human being living on earth. We don't have to cling to shipwreck pieces of wood and be afraid of drowning waiting for someone to come by and rescue us. We are strong. We are swimmers.
    1 point
  4. Indeed. One thing that strikes me is that the labels are different but the template is virtually identical to the cult we escaped from. And this young lady does a great job of showing how not to be trapped for a lifetime.
    1 point
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