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  1. To make it easier for you to find, I'm inserting my book here. (Please read "with a grain of salt".) ENJOY! I have perused a bit of Sky's stuff in times past; perhaps I'll take it more seriously and search for the portion you mentioned. And YES, Doctrinal Section is where I post mostly. However, I don't get to GS all that often any more. But maybe that will change back, having seen your "most kind" words to me. Love, Mel Elliott. Genesis One God's Table of Contents to the Bible.pdf
    1 point
  2. Grace, my beloved sister: So --- Ya wised up after only 10 years, huh? Well, "You're a better man than I Charlie Brown!" I stayed from 1975 to 2008 (33 years total). And I had "a mind to leave" about 1995 or so, but "hung in there" yet another 13 years. And why, you ask? Did I say before that I didn't want to "go on and on"? That's still my heart's intent here. But HELL --- ya just pushed my button! So, enjoy "the show". Ironically, it was the very notion of Biblical Research which got me interested initially --- yet it was (my own independent) Biblical Research which finally provided a way out for my wife and I. As with many, I was under the (false) impression that The Way had the skinny on Biblical research, and was proud to be on the avant-garde with such an organization! (As we now understand, I couldn't have been more wrong.) And I was a good little Wayfer too: I was a Twig Leader/Coordinator a few times and went WOW thrice --- in '77, '79 and '90. Concerning giving: My wife & I were very successful in the secular realm. Eventually, we were giving at the 25% level, which (at times) amounted to over $10K/year. (I just can't believe the local Corps once confided in us that we might be giving too much! But perhaps they were merely jealous, struggling at their own daunting task to reach 15% as an example to the rest of the ministry...even as encouraged to by HQ, which I found out later on.) I had always LOVED to study the Scripture. And once I gleaned all I could about the research principles (which are about 95% common knowledge anyway...and not their own!) I set out to perhaps discover some new things for myself, many of which weren't in the collaterals --- which certainly wasn't popular to do! (Ha! Ha!) Over the years, I was shot down time and again by my Twig Leaders, etc, etc --- who had no vision, except as directed from HQ! However, they still put up with me although (in their eyes) I was hashing the Word to pieces! Eventually, I learned to keep my mouth shut and held many discovered gems in my heart. Anyway, it was in June of 1988 when I had a strange sort of vision. Now, I won't elaborate on that event here, but it was definitely phenomenal. Through it, I believed I had direction from above to look into something quite remarkable in the Word. Honestly though: At the time, I considered it to either be the worst trick ever played on me by evil spiritual forces to miss the mark OR the greatest personal revelation I had ever received from God himself (or perhaps now, as I'm learning a bit --- from my "big brother" JC). But I kept at it, studying on my own (without help from TWI) to prove whether or not my idea could truly hold water. I really desire not to "go on and on". So to suffice, let me say that it turned out just as I had envisioned it. Over the years I tried to introduce it to the leadership, to no avail. I was shot down again and again. (Oh, the war stories I could tell!) Though (in '95, after about 7 years of intense research) I had it all pretty much worked out, I was adamant in supposing that (eventually) the leadership would see it; and that all of the disappointment, frustration, pain and misery would be over, even as a mother's travail in childbirth ceases just after delivery. But that was just not to be, for they continued opposing my research until the very end --- when it finally became obvious that their ignorance (unbelief) was not apistia (as I had tried to suppose all along) but apitheia! They just didn't give a damn (were apathetic) concerning my discoveries. So my wife and departed their company for good, even as you had done. And the research? I published it myself (worldwide) in a book --- which is available at GS for download, if ya like. (See my profile page.) Well, enough of my silly ranting. Thanks for listening. God Bless!
    1 point
  3. Love it! I was witnessed to by a WoW in the UK in 1985. Went in rez in Ohio about 1991-93 then led a WoW team in another country. There was a strong suggestion I might be recalled to the US in some capacity after that, a prospect that filled me with dread. Got myself DFAC'd instead in Feb 1995 (I think). Thoroughly indoctrinated (and having given up a potentially very good career and all my friends and family), I was desperately miserable for a decade until I discovered the Cafe. Then, I was appalled. And then - I was set free - yay!!!! In the UK, I got to meet with a number of European believers, including US and UK trained Corps. While I was in the USA I travelled a bit and met / stayed with a few believers and got to know lots of others at ministry events like RoA and special events. I met DWBH (and several of you other posters here. Hi T-Bone!) a few years later in Texas. How does that fit with your dates, Chocky? You have said before, but I've forgotten.
    1 point
  4. That makes me wonder why you want to take over GSC with superstitious conspiracy theories.
    1 point
  5. Continued......... There is an Audio of VP reading this poem tape #222 - 8/14/66 no author given introduced simply as "Remember that old poem" then he reads it. This poem was often read I'll see if I can find any credit for it in any of the usages. Of more interest was a section of tape #214- 10/17/65 where VPW talks about the incident when God told him He would teach him the Word....... And then about Roselyn Rinker who came for a week to HDQT and taught VP the word which he said he did not know any of. If anyone is interested maybe it could be put into a audio database for future reference.
    1 point
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