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  1. GoldStar, your theory that the "nations" in Rev 22 is referring to non-Christians is just as much speculation as my speculation that it is referring to gentiles or the 12 tribes of Israel. Btw, your case is NOT solid.
    2 points
  2. But then again, there's this... about Billy Graham.
    2 points
  3. GoldStar, I admit that the tree of life may be a literal tree, I'm just skeptical of it being literal. It's one of those issues I'm not sure about. Maybe others could chime in and give us some insight. But regarding the time statements within Revelation (if you look at the Greek and not the translation) there is not much gray area there.
    1 point
  4. I think WordWolf posted sound advice when he commented about not wanting to post things that are "off the cuff" which I admit i sometimes do. I looked at the Greek interlinear on Rev. 22:2 and the "nations" in the Greek is "ethnos" which is referring to Gentiles http://biblehub.com/greek/1484.htm (as distinct from Israel).
    1 point
  5. Galdstar stated: "Apparently the 'nations' in this verse refers to non-Christians. " I'm not 100% sure about the context of Rev 22, but the term "nations" in the old testament has referred to gentile nations and also the tribes(nations) of Israel. There is a clue in Rev 22 that the tree of life bears 12 crops of fruit. Could this be referring to a resurrected Israel... i.e the 12 tribes of Israel?
    1 point
  6. "Graham was also close to Richard Nixon — so close that Graham took it upon himself to draft a secret 13-page plan to bomb North Vietnam. In his book “The Golden Age Is In Us: Journeys and Encounters,” Alexander Cockburn cites a declassified 1969 memo Graham wrote after meeting with missionaries in Bangkok. Graham’s plan, he wrote to Nixon, “could overnight destroy the economy of North Vietnam.” Had Nixon followed through, that strike could have killed an estimated million people."
    1 point
  7. And as for Jesus, did he not spend time with those who hadn't heard of him, with those who didn't believe who he was, and with those who only knew vague whispers about a Messiah? Was not the Promise to Abraham, who'd never heard of Jesus? Does God not want all people to be saved? Unwise to lift Rom 10:9,10 out of context. Get a bigger vision than what TWI taught, especially about these verses. Get a bigger view of "saved" and salvation, too. And note, while you're about it, that BG [Billy Graham] didn't call people to his own cultic ministry. He referred people to local churches, places in their area, where they could be taught, mentored, guided, not by him but by people who knew the area and culture into which he was preaching. He didn't take all the glory to himself but acknowledged his fellow laborers (local churches) in their work for God. Thanks for that insight Twinky. I've thought for several years that it would be unjust for God to limit salvation/eternal life (if there really will be such a thing/experience) to only those who fulfill the requirements of Romans 10:9 and 10. Of course, I also have read those verses from Romans 2 before but don't remember having considered them from this perspective. This also sort of redeems BG in my mind, since I am torn regarding his outsized influence on American politics.
    1 point
  8. High-proof moonshine will not freeze in an ordinary freezer. The freezing point of pure ethanol is -175 degrees Fahrenheit. A 50% water/ethanol mix (i.e., 100 proof liquors) freezes at -25 degrees F, and 80 proof liquors (40% ethanol) freeze at -10. The remaining compounds in moonshine (assuming a corn mash base) will not be adversely affected by prolonged exposure to cold. It all depends on how "smooth" the moonshine tastes before it goes in the freezer. If it's at all harsh going down, storing it at room temperature for long periods will give some of the heavier fusel oils and higher alcohols (all nasty-tasting) time to decompose, mellowing the 'shine. If the distiller knew his stuff, and properly discarded the "heads" and "tails" of the distillate before they contaminated the product, the moonshine should be as smooth as any store-bought vodka. A quick method for detecting/removing the majority of toxic fusel oils is to pour a glass of the shine, then shake a good dose of black pepper onto the top of it. Wait five minutes or so, then if the pepper flecks have sunk to the bottom of the glass, the fusel oil content is high. You can drink it now, but make sure you discard the bit at the bottom with the pepper--don't drink it! (The pepper grains act like activated charcoal and soak the heavier/less dense fusel oils into themselves. This makes them heavier than the surrounding alcohol, and they sink.) If it tastes like gasoline smells, throw it away. The only other real danger to moonshine is if the distiller took a common shortcut with his still and used a car radiator as a flake stand (condensing column). Radiators work great in stills, and beat the old coiled-copper tube all to heck, but since the pipes are soldered together with lead solder, the lead leaches out of the solder under the heat of the ethanol vapor and contaminates the batch. There's no way to tell the lead content of moonshine without a lab, so let the imbiber beware! Now I have to go practice my banjo... ;)-->
    1 point
  9. I apologize fer not givin ya directions on storing it Steve! First off I want to tell ya ya was lucky even gettin' it cause we was havin such a good time at ya weddin' that I did'nt think any of it survived. But seeing as how you and Chinny survived tha hooneymoon and didn't drink it then I owe you both a special congratulations and may have to see that ya got yer own special bottle for this yr's weenie roast! Now, what I would recomend for that bottle is this. I'fn memory serves me correct,,,,I put it in a plastic water bottle! I would put it in the frezzer and save it to wash down the top layer of that beautiful wedding cake on ya first anniversary,,,,,and if'n ya don't have plenty of people around to help ya out then,,,,then save the rest for ya fifty year anniversary! Yer Friendly Tour Guide to tha Bourbin Regions of Tha Bluegrass State....Littlehawk!
    1 point
  10. I un-dug a wooden crate in our basement with 20 mason jars of shine (Our basement was flooding with every heavy rain, and sand / silt had built-up a layer of 3 feet deep). It appeared to have been from the prohibition era, most of it was still good. I go through a fifth of 'ever-clear' (it is 190 proof) about every couple weeks, it can be stored pretty much anywhere. When you remove the cap, it has a metal screen fitted onto the bottle as a flame arrester. So even if you were smoking with an open bottle in hand, the fumes might flame-up but the flames can not go inside in bottle. I would not be concerned about storing shine, tight fitting lid is all you need. I do have a vino-meter which measures alcohol content from 0 - 20 percent. I have a hydrometer that is specifically made for measuring alcohols from 20 percent to through 100 percent. If you are wondering how strong it is, you can aquire these types of instruments for your own use. If you understand the 'proofing' system it is easy to tell if your shine is up to 'proof'. Light it. A beverage needs 50% alcohol before it will be flammable. If your shotglass full can be lit, then you know it is at least 50% or 100 proof. Keep in mind depending on what it came from, you may not always see the flame. So light it, and even if you dont see the flame, always test it first by passing your hand over the glass. I have seen men lose their beards from drinking something that was burning, but their did not see the flame. In theory you should not drink too much if it's proof is over 100 (at least unless your used to it). Some people find it dehydrating. Drinking flaming drinks, can never safely be done with hair-oil in your hair, quickly sneek up on the glass from underneath, tilt your head back so the drink is poured into your mouth and the flames stay away from your eyebrows and facial hair, and exhale until the glass is put down. I have a good question for you, I was asked last weekend, "why do sailors tend to drink so much"?
    1 point
  11. Put that thar moonshahn in a mason jar with a couple of pars in thar with em, fer about two years. And then put em in back of yer truck and drahv slow.
    1 point
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