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  1. Yes.......in my opinion, there were genuine Christians, young and old, intermingled and serving in wierwille's minus-try. There were dozens of older staff at hq serving in positions of support services who'd come from surrounding denominational churches. And, remember.......in the early 70s, singing all those songs, "Yes, it is Jesus" and "My Jesus, I love thee" and "How Great Thou Art"......etc. etc. By 1977, 1978...........the Blue Song Book was replaced. Teachings became more "us versus them" and "crowns at the bema." ~~~~~~~~~ Regarding wierwille "expecting others to be his property for life" or his "absence of such thinking".........may not have even surfaced in his mind. From all indications short of having wierwille clinically diagnosed of Narcissistic Personality Disorder........his life displayed all the symptoms. For example, those with npd have these associated features: People with NPD tend to exaggerate their skills and accomplishments as well as their level of intimacy with people they consider to be high-status. Their sense of superiority may cause them to monopolize conversations[9] and to become impatient or disdainful when others talk about themselves.[6] In the course of a conversation, they may purposefully or unknowingly disparage or devalue the other person by overemphasizing their own success. When they are aware that their statements have hurt someone else, they tend to react with contempt and to view it as a sign of weakness.[6] When their own ego is wounded by a real or perceived criticism, their anger can be disproportionate to the situation,[9] but typically, their actions and responses are deliberate and calculated.[6] Despite occasional flare-ups of insecurity, their self-image is primarily stable (i.e., overinflated).[6] Whether purposefully expecting the corps to subordinate their entire lives......OR......unknowingly disparage corps and others, wierwille was a narcissist to the core. In biblical terms, wierwille was a false teacher, a deceiver. In modern terms, wierwille was a narcissist.
    1 point
  2. Mike, you ****, I told you I'm a lawyer because I don't want you to think you're dealing with a preschooler or person of no ability or English as a second language person whose words can be misunderstood. I missed nothing of your posts (unlike you missing practically everything of everyone else's). I learned to read early in life, and have learned to read what people say, very carefully. I bring my thinking and exploratory skills to the way I consider the Bible, and very definitely when considering how people handle scriptures or proclaim "the Word." That's not limited to you; I pay attention to what people say in church and in other articles I read. It's called "critical thinking." Critical doesn't mean "doing down" or "picking holes in"; it means, exercising judgment. Testing out. Which God requires us to do: "Test all things, hold fast to what is good." Verses posted earlier. However, you have misunderstood (wilfully) and use that information, self-disclosure, to say that everything I ask you is a lawyer's challenge. IT'S NOT, it's a believer's challenge and, believe it or not, done in a spirit and with a heart that invites you to think and to consider what is said. You accuse anyone who challenges you of "not seeing your heart." Perhaps you should try to see someone else's heart. Oh, delete that. Try seeing someone else. Full stop. See other people, as people striving to do their best. I haven't stormed off. Your passive-aggressiveness drives people away. (And if you look, you'll see I didn't get to put you on ignore, and have posted a few things since I said I'd put you on Ignore.) Try this. Exercise your reasoning ability that God gave you (that VPW tried to take away) and you may learn a few things. Meantime, I prefer to spend time (real time) with people who genuinely want to know God, serve Him, and explore his word and their own understanding, and who want to GROW in that understanding. Announcement: some of those people post in this very forum! Iron sharpens iron; dialoguing with people who seek a real understanding of God helps both/all. But banging one's head against a brick wall brings a headache. If one banged a sword against a wall (instead of rubbing along a sharpening iron), the result would be a dull blade. So, repeat: I prefer to spend time with people who genuinely want to know God. (This is written in very short paragraphs to make it easy for you so that you don't miss any points: you often say you've missed something or can't find time to read whole posts.)
    1 point
  3. That was the thing. There were genuine Christians doing things, young and naive. vpw went and convinced them he was some great one and turned them into his recruiting arm. After that, he expected them to be his property for life. Otherwise, he'd have expected they'd all have to take care of their families as time passed (it's in the Bible, folks!) His absence of such thinking indicated he expected them to subordinate their entire lives to twi and whatever he wanted.
    1 point
  4. A bit testy there, eh? 1) Apparently I wasn't altogether clear. Let me try to clarify a point or two. Not blaming you for anything. Yeah, the nature of evil is wound around deception. That doesn't mean we have to be naïve about it. Long ago we (perhaps most GSC'ers) outgrew our need for the subculture that is twi. We can be honest with people about how and why. 2) I'm aghast at how you could surmise that I'm a fan of any NFL team. I boycott the NFL because pretty much all retired players suffer chronic brain injury. However, I have long been a fan of eagles, so I was at least glad the Eagles won. Cheers dude!
    1 point
  5. Now you're talking as if YOU know what's right and Thomas is wrong. That was a YUGE problem with Wierwille and the cult he started. He got everyone (who bought into the cult) thinking he and therefore they were the only ones who are ever right. Your god is too small. Let him out of the box of your puny human imagination.
    1 point
  6. Hey Grease Spotters, I just have to say, it’s almost comical to see someone claim wierwille is not their hero and yet in the same paragraph whitewash wierwille (aka the plagiarist – a known liar and thief…swindler…sexual predator…adulterer…greedy weasel… drunkard) so as to suggest he’s God’s chosen vessel “to deliver His Word to us sinners.” How nauseating and illogical is that ?! ...It would be counterproductive to all the work God did through Jesus Christ ! I mean…really? God made a plagiarist – a known liar and thief…swindler…sexual predator…adulterer…greedy weasel… and drunkard - His authorized agent to deliver His Word to us…that’s not how God works! take for example: 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God…I Corinthians 6: 9-11 ESV You know, I understand that we’re all sinners – we’re human - - imperfect - - but what about all those verses that talk about Christians forsaking their sinful habits…we're not just sinners now - - we're redeemed sinners - and God expects us to act like it! Like in the above passage quoted – it notes in verse 11 "and such WERE some of you…” – past tense. wierwille THE hypocrite was an unrepentant sinner – a plagiarist – a known liar and thief…swindler…sexual predator…adulterer…greedy weasel… and a drunkard until the day he died...folks that want to put wierwille on the same plane as any of those who wrote the scriptures need to show chapter and verse where God authorizes an unrepentant willful unconscionable sinner to deliver his message to believers. Show me anywhere in the Bible where God endorsed hypocrites ! talk about the more redundant lie...we've seen this time and again on various threads - wierwille-admirers intent on whitewashing the hypocrite! Geez Louise ! promote wierwille as an authorized agent to deliver God’s message?! ...I guess a person’s hero-picker could be broken if it’s not already jacked-up with some troll-agenda or got sucked into the black hole of wierwille’s delusion…regardless I would recommend they seek professional counseling…cuz that’s just flat out weird to encourage folks to follow a sick fvck like wierwille…I'm starting to think this thread is about the growing pain of the wierwille-obsessed. == == == == a side note to any folks still in TWI, if any of this makes sense to you – then get out NOW ! Do not pass the cornucopia. Get out now and don’t look back. What are you waiting for? Do you expect Jesus Christ to personally knock you off your WOW-mobile? It’s a lot less painful or embarrassing to take heed of the light being shed on TWI’s dark underbelly by Grease Spot Café. The Way International's dark legacy will continue to gnaw at your soul and render you totally ineffective to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not fvck with toxic doctrine & practice…tell your cult-leadership they can kiss your a$$ goodbye. nuff said…love & peace
    1 point
  7. The problem is not that it is "taught" that it is acceptable to lie. The problem is that the Board of Directors of the Way lies setting the example of lying, and justifies their lying with platitudes like you describe above "not telling someone they are possessed", or "not telling all you know". So they lie by example, but expect the underlings not to lie. Especially to them when they ask intrusive and illegal information about their employees' lives. This is Pharisee behavior. The top Pharisees are allowed to lie for the greater good of the Phariseedom. But the lower Pharisees are not, unless they are lying to the public and presenting to their superiors similar motives. It is a culture of lying to the lower caste. The Way has rejected the trinity as a teaching since the publication of VPW's book "Jesus Christ is Not God". Since that is his teaching, that is what all wayfers believe.
    1 point
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