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  1. Separating the books from the man: Okay, why not? The books are filled with inaccuracies and falsehoods, regardless of who wrote them. How am I doing?
    2 points
  2. Hey WordWolf thanks for the explanation for how the software works. waysider I hear you on that one. But it's whatever works for me. I don't try to push my beliefs on somebody else,though I do discuss them with certain people. I have come a long way from the narrow minded waybrain I once was, as most people here have. But all religions are narrow minded in some ways. God is bigger than any of us give Him credit for. The mainstream orthodox religions are as bad as the people they call cults, in some respects. We all are I suppose.
    2 points
  3. Mike: "Has anyone thought through how stupid it would be if I dropped PFAL because of the posts here? The collaterals have worked fine for me all my life. How dumb for me to drop them and then ask for guidance as to what do I replace them with? Think it through. Pretend I repented of PFAL. What would you tell me next? What positives do you all have cooking?" WordWolf: Phrasing it as a FALSE DILEMMA is LAZY THINKING and doesn't absolve you of responsibility to think your own thoughts. Mike: "You could have looked at with a heart, like Rocky did. Second, you misunderstood my reason. It wasn't trying to advance my argument. It was heart. It's a difficult concept to Google well." WordWolf continues: I looked at it with a heart and a brain, as did Rocky. He chose not to call you on the FALSE DILEMMA, I chose to. Neither was incorrect. If you don't want to get called on posting FALSE DILEMMAS, don't post them. I only pointed out the FALSE DILEMMA accomplishes nothing. It seems you're not even aware of doing it. Do you need me to lay it out for you, enable the Help Files?
    2 points
  4. Due to eccentricities on how the board software works now, when you hit "save" or whatever, it looks like the message posts out-of-order. Reload the page and it displays where it belongs. The rest of us saw it display after my post. Yes, other Christians consider themselves "superior" Christians, but twi adds more arrogance than non-cults. twi'ers think it's ok to call non-twi'ers all sorts of things like "empties" and from there, it's not hard to consider them worthy of being treated even worse than they treat each other- which is worse than most Christians treat other Christians from other denominations even.
    2 points
  5. Waysider an Twinky both make some very important points! I just wanted to add my 2 cents .... Regarding the verse Twinky referenced (I’m using the ESV of I Thessalonians 5:21 ) “but test everything; hold fast what is good.” is some good practical advice - - and in my opinion it’s talking about developing critical thinking skills... but I have noticed that scriptural advice doesn’t work very well if certain folks insist on using the twisted doctrine, practice and frame of thought of an incompetent plagiarist (wierwille) as a yardstick to check anything.... the PFAL / wierwille yardstick is a very malleable measuring device: the Bible says committing adultery is sin - but with wierwille’s self-adjusting yardstick you’ll find it doesn’t really measure up to sin because it falls somewhere between “anything done in the love of god is ok” and “technically all the women of the kingdom belong to the king / cult-leader.” And there’s another sin-adaptive tool forged in wierwille’s delusional factory: one can always ignore the seriousness of any sin by simply declaring it “broken fellowship”. ...”yeah, no big deal...no serious harm done to anyone - just a temporary lapse in my really tight relationship with God”... I think wading thru PFAL to sort out what’s useful is a waste of time and would take too much work...and I don’t care for some of the stuff he stole from others anyway....like Bullinger’s ultra-dispensationalism (which ignores the importance of the Gospels and promotes an absent Christ) or BG Leonard’s Holy Spirit class - cuz the only thing I ever saw in TWI was a bunch of folks faking the utterance manifestations - never witnessed anyone “operating” the revelation or power manifestations - - you can’t fake those!...besides now I’m a cessationist anyway - until it’s PROVEN otherwise. ....a lot of wierwille’s stuff is geared to suppressing critical thinking and lends support to an abusive and manipulative cult with copious amounts of feel-good pablum peppered throughout to help mask the symptoms one experiences while being in an abusive and manipulative cult. Sorry to be so blunt - but I’m not a big fan of beating around the bush or coddling anyone who is an apparent huge admirer of wierwille and his bull$hit.
    1 point
  6. I think my 2 cents with twi publications, at least pfal, collatetals, and the others ive read is they need to be read like any other commentary type publications and thats considering that vpw lifted from many sources. In other words theres biblically sound concepts intertwined with opinion and error, or erroneous opinion....opiniated error too....lol The reader should beware and endeavor to seperate truth from error, hold fast to the good.
    1 point
  7. Think I have to disagree a little with you on that, Waysider. The orange book and the white book not completely filled with inaccuracies, in fact some of the information in them is good and solid. That's because they were poached from people who understood. But throughout, the real words of truth have been so meddled with, smeared and tarnished by the thief who stole them (ie, VPW) yet who didn't understand what he'd stolen, that it's difficult to untangle truth from error - despite the purported aim of the "class." The orange book and the white book and the other PFAL books are inconsistent with each other (esp the collaterals) - in fact, the collaterals are poorly written folksy stories with no real meat. For myself, knowing what I know now, if I can't trust the man, how can I trust his words? He didn't trust the words himself !!! The only way to work out the truth from error is to ascertain what the Bible really says. If it doesn't say so, anything in PFAL is suspect. Growth occurs when one is able to look at what PFAL might purport to state, and REJECT the false premises, the lies, the contradictions against scripture. And this, Mike cannot do because, in his opinion, the Bible is merely "background." Rejection of the false and holding fast to what is good flourishes best in a heart that rejoices and is thankful to God, see earlier in the same chapter. Anyone who cares to look can see that there has been a lot of growth in the lives of many of the posters here. We have rejected the lies, we have looked for ourselves, and most do our best to align our hearts with God's heart. And that growth allows, nay demands, reaching out to help others.
    1 point
  8. Of course you do. Your hero did too. It brought HIM the attention. Just like you so desperately crave. Sell your brand of snake oil to someone else will ya’?
    1 point
  9. Or than any of us can even imagine...
    1 point
  10. Occam's razor - it's simply human nature.
    1 point
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