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How much ungodly fruit does TWI have to bear before you recognize it was an ungodly tree?2 points
What your misssing is that it was the ideology of PLAF that made the crapola of TWI possible. Solzhenitsyn said in The Gulag Archipelago: Ideology – that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and other’s eyes, so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors. That was how the agents of the Inquisition fortified their wills: by invoking Christianity; the conquerors of foreign lands, by extolling the grandeur of their Motherland; the colonizers, by civilization; the Nazis by race; and the Jacobins (early and late), by equality, brotherhood, and the happiness of future generations. And TWI used Weirwille Over the World (WOW). The vehicle for this was PLAF.2 points
Nostalgia? Over the breakup of families?? WTF??? I'd've thought "nauseated by" would have been a better description.1 point
Wierwille thumped his chest and told his stories of "believing" (real or fiction)........in pfal. And, he set up a corps program........culminating in a LEAD-experiment of "believing" entailing hitch-hiking and rock climbing. Corps were subjected to hiking with heavy backpacks, climbing, rappelling, etc. and hitch-hiking back to campus in a certain allotted time period. Upon completion, LEAD staff wrote up a report on each corps person.......then sent it to Corps Coordinators and the Corps Director's office. This report was summarily placed into that person's corps file. ~~~~~~~~~ But in terms of self-referencing greatness.........."Legendary Rock Climber" Alex Honnold has no equals. And, even he is very hesitant to self-reference his abilities. Some of the "greats" of all time.........let their actions speak for themselves. Check out video at 11:10 mark.........1 point
even more Yeah I remember that alphabet gimmick too…I use to practice tongues inspired by the letters on license plates LOL …hey, wierwille mentioned in an Advanced class (I think... or was it in PFAL – so long ago – don’t remember…don’t care LOL) how he’d practice getting revelation by going to the race track – God helping him pick the winners – or practicing discerning of spirits – it was something like having God show him if a person had a white heart or black heart – then he’d walk up to them and ask them if they were a Christian or not – and their answer would confirm what God showed him…amazing that I believed all his goofy shtick…now I think why didn’t he encourage us to practice stuff like that too? “yeah kids, get out there and practice receiving revelation and while you’re at it – try out the power manifestations…start out small, maybe find a dead bug or dead bird and raise it from the dead.” why? I'll tell you why (just practicing my way corps public speaking techniques ) the revelation and power manifestations are kinda difficult to fake!1 point
Mike, please re-read the first two posts when I opened this thread. You indicated that you had been re-reading heart-rending stories on old threads and your understanding was growing. So this thread is for you to share how your understanding is growing. Do be aware that most people haven't written "their story" in one place, but there may be many posts by a person on many threads over a long period that will give "their story". If you read all the posts by one poster, you'd get a little of "their story" but it'd take you a long time. (Rocky, whose post is immediately above this, has, I see, nearly 11,000 posts, some of which may embody his story, and other posts will be something flippant.) People are not bitter, but some have suffered irremediable harm at the hands of "leadership" in TWI. There may have been much forgiveness of TWI, but that does not rectify the loss of a body part or the loss of a child or the damage to a marriage, which marriage might or might not survive. It does not rectify lost job opportunities, career development, financial hardship now caused by surrendering so much to (being coerced by) TWI. It does not rectify the missed opportunity to see a loved one before death, or repair damaged family/friend relationships. I fear for some of the children brought up in TWI who had been raised in a bullying and otherwise abusive atmosphere - raised with fear and not with love. Most here will acknowledge some initial benefits, or deliverance, as you yourself do, delivered from the bondage of the RC church. Others talk of deliverance from addictions of various kinds. (One of my Corps sisters had been delivered from a life of drug addiction that led to prostitution, simply so that she could get her next fix. She had an amazing story to tell - and she gave the glory to God. Yes, she was helped by TWI, only God knows how.) However, too often the deliverance is a deliverance into deeper bondage and servitude; it's just less obvious. So, if you are reading, and you now begin to understand this damage that has been caused, and to develop empathy for the victims, sufferers, abusees, call 'em what you will, it would be a pleasure to share your journey in understanding. If it helps you, here's a brief snapshot. When I was cast out I fell into deepest despair. I was alienated from all my friends and family. All. Everyone. I had given up everything and everyone to follow this wonderful Godly ministry. I was on my way to crawl back over broken glass to get back to TWI after ten years of abject misery and (self-imposed) condemnation away from TWI. I was bright, confident and outgoing before I met a bunch of WoWs; now I was afraid of my own shadow and of every action, no matter how kind, that was shown towards me. I happened across GSC whilst looking for the zip code for TWI. I was totally appalled at the disrespect for this wonderful ministry. I could not believe what I was reading. This godly ministry would never allow these things to happen! They would stand up against sexual abuse, defend marriages, model Godly behavior. Yet, the stories I read chimed with things I'd seen. The severe abuse that happened to me, I learned, wasn't personal as such, just part of the working pattern of TWI. What happened to me had happened to countless others, especially women, and very especially to smart women. I read much that shocked me to my core. And after that, the scales from my eyes and my heart, and God has worked hard to help and heal me. Loving gentle people in churches have helped me. Strangers in the street have been kind to me. Some friends and family relationships are restored, another significant one even more damaged. God has restored very much to me, so much I could weep at his great graciousness. And yet, my career has never recovered, and my longed-for children will never be born; I am now way past childbearing age. Learn to see these stories, Mike, and you will genuinely be able to help people. I believe you have a heart to help and to show God's love to people. You can do that, but you MUST abandon your PFAL mindset because that doesn't deliver into freedom but into bondage. PFAL and TWI cannot be separated. If you argue otherwise, you haven't learned much from the "heart-rending stories." So, what have you learned so far?1 point
The irony of using this particular scripture out of context is that, in the blink of an eye, it shifted the focus from Christ to one's own self. That doesn't simply obscure the message, it contradicts it. You (not Christ) become the central figure, by operating the law of believing and faithfully following the formula for success. To say that Wierwille wasn't operating a bait & switch scheme would be a naive denial of reality.1 point
Exactly, waysider.........those of us who sat in the pfal class 20 times or more, can probably summon wierwille's voice inflections when he stated this. This was a faux pas..............a remark or blunder in a public setting. Wierwille BLUNDERED right out of the gate in this pfal class. It was sitting there like a pile of steaming cow-schit on a flat rock.......within the first 5 minutes of his class. Wierwille equates the more abundant life......with material possessions. He looked around and saw unbelievers with more stuff, better stuff.........and thus, unbelievers were living "more abundantly" than believers OMG........the continuity of his premise (JC bringing "a more abundant life") stumbled right out of the gate!! The FIRST verse in this class......and wierwille screws up. He admits, without grasping his error, what HE deemed "more abundant" ---i.e material things. Which begs the question.............where was that "in-depth spiritual perception and awareness" (cough, cough) DERIVED FROM that wierwille claimed? .1 point
Unraveling the cult indoctrination..........is an arduous undertaking. Lots of overlapping ethics and principles.......but it takes honesty, humility, receptiveness, reflection, etc. Everything that you've been taught or experienced in the cult is suspect.......no stone should be left unturned. In the letter posted above, Melody Ann starts the unraveling process. She may or may not know it yet, but she ALREADY is working her way back to wierwille's cult structure, false teachings, and deceptive agenda: .......manmade policies and mandates / squelching the spirit of God within .......The Book of Acts does not support a headquarters type of structure with 3 or more leading the entire ministry from the top .......already, she has read the book, "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" .......yet, still wants recognition and approval from board members to claim *emeritus status*.........[More to unravel ---- one foot in, one foot out] .......twi became micromanagers dictating what to teach and what not to teach......[Umm, this has been going on for decades!] .......tithing – is not in the Grace Administration.........[and just wait till you start questioning wierwille's "dispensationalism" doctrine] .......no research department.......realizing that the cult leaders' positions and teachings are firmly cemented. No change is forthcoming.... The corps program was indoctrinated *followship*............NOT leadership. And, splinter groups are NOT the answer either.1 point
GreaseSpot Café continues to be a goldmine for those searching for answers. Clearly, those who've recently exited twi will spend years unraveling the cult indoctrination..... Lots and lots of threads will help them..........and just to name a few: The Game of Incrementalism Untoward Secrecy Manipulation of One's Consent Twi Plunders Individual Sovereignty Insanity on Steroids Thank you Paul Allen..........for starting Waydale in April 1999.1 point