So did he do the Lo shantra bit? So, if I accept they were real manifestations, then he operated two out of nine once. Hardly, "signs, miracles, and wonders following the man of God like a tail follows a dog." Hardly proof he was in fellowship. Can I SIT when I'm out of fellowship? Yes. Can I interpret? Yes. I think one or two people here even said they made up their interpretation beforehand just in case they were called on.
We are talking about the person that once said: "The leader sets the example," right? We are talking about the person who expected me to follow his lead, right? Did Paul womanize then rationalize it as well my walk was terrible, you know how that goes. How many people do you think would have followed him?
Saint Vic knew full well he was doing evil, that's why he worked so diligently to cover it up. And, when you think about it, covering it up is compounding the sin, not asking forgiveness.
And the little point we were trying to make is that Saint Vic never lived up to his self-referencing.
George Carlin once said: "I have as much authority as the Pope, it's just not as many people follow."
Well, to paraphrase, I have as much authority as Saint Vic, it's just not as many people follow