Wierwille was nearly 51 years old when he filmed this 1967 class. Clearly, thru the years......he used cunning and stealth to plagiarize from others. Often, he'd tweak paragraphs, phrases, poems, and one-liners just hide the source.
Hell........the guy even stole "The Red Thread" teaching from Oral Roberts.
Much of what we saw in wierwille's foundational class and stories was ..........pre-emptive strikes. You see, wierwille was crafty.......and spent decades hiding in the shadows and hitch-hiking off other's work and reputations. IMO.......that is why the "hitch-hiker" analogy in pfal was so strikingly real. Wierwille WAS the hitch-hiker.
He being a drunk......wierwille expounded on the "drunk story" and challenged all student to NOT judge. And, that he went back to his office and knelt and prayed to God that he would never teach another negative sermon......blah, blah, blah. Well?.....did he teach other negative sermons? Yep.
Parlaying all this together.......heck, wierwille told us that he'd need to read it "line by line, and word for word BEFORE he would call the Great Apostle Paul a sex pervert!" pervert? Who was even thinking that.....besides wierwille? Was THAT a pre-emptive squelch "rumors" of wierwille's sexual predation? I think so.
So......when your thread addresses this "more abundant life"'s a pre-emptive strike to get us to solely focus on "the more abundant life is SPIRITUAL"......
Yet, wierwille stayed on church payroll until August 1957.........never served one day on any "mission field" helping others
Later, surrounded himself with harleys, motor coach, plane, bodyguards, etc.
Parked his motor coach at Indy 500 to hobnob with big wigs....
Tried to entice wealthy donors and celebrities to come to hq...
Exploited the way corps to work for free at every event.....
Bait-and-switch.........starts class with John 10:10.......but then, cherry-picks all over the bible to stake his claim that "the abundant life means spiritual abundance."