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  1. One thing I've noticed is that a decade and more ago, Mike made it very clear that his method of communicating would be steeped in a dishonest approach that simply refused to acknowledge the possibility that he was wrong about something. Period. His methods have not changed one bit. They are fundamentally dishonest and inconsistent with a desire to engage in an honest discussion. Unfortunately, there is no GSC rule against being so utterly full of crap that flies cannot bear the stench.
    4 points
  2. Can anyone tell me dictor paul's scriptural position on the word "Covfefe"? What is the true meaning of that word?? Mike's textual criticism, and use of the basic dictor "keys to research", is as made up as "Covfefe" and equally as meaningful. When one decides that he/she is indisputably right based on words, phrases, and cliches which are self-invented, and self-defined, and unintelligible to anyone else in the real world, that one would be accurately diagnosed as "delusional", or "schizoaffectively dysfunctional". NO argument is considered by such self-deluded totalist "thought". You are simply arguing semantics with a madman who lives in his own reality and dreams he has insight into a world-shattering "revelation" entirely of his own making and definition. Again, arguing with such disjointed, delusional, self-defined illogic and garbage-in/garbage-out incoherence, is like "administering medicine to the dead". As long as there is a response, Mike will continue to drag out every last ounce of his insane self-delusion, make up new words and phrases with meanings known only to Mike and a dead drunk serial rapist and Nazi rotting in some waterlogged shrine in OH. That is why I try not to post on any thread Mike craps on. However, sometimes his insane diatribe and abject bullshit become unbearable to the point of comment. By now, we should ALL know better than to try and engage Mike in rational, factual, non-delusional dialogue regarding ANYTHING of seriousness or social value. At least we give this whacko an audience. Hopefully, that will help avoid a true psychotic break so folks in San Diego won't have to deal with yet another lunatic scaring their city. Okay! Nuff said by me. Mike, I'm thankful you are not a violent or maleficent man. But, your insanity becomes more annoying with every self-absorbed, self-deluded paragraph you post here. Carry on as you must. Hopefully, the rest of us will tire of your foolishness and let you babble in the corner somewhere behind the counter. Blabber on MacDuff!.......peace.
    4 points
  3. Mike, I do feel sorry for you. I am very glad that PFAL delivered you from the sin-bondage of the RC church and showed you much greater truths about who God is, and his desires for his people. I'm very glad. Not just for you, but for all those other people who learned a lot of stuff that their churches, RC or otherwise, hadn't taught them. Myself included! If you paid attention to the posts all over GSC, you would see many people saying, Glad I got in, glad I got out. Presumably they are "glad" for similar reasons. However, what any good Bible teacher should do is always point you in the direction of Jesus Christ, his accomplishments, and through him to God, the creator of our entire universe. It's hard enough to fathom Jesus; it's impossible to get a full comprehension of God - and not even a smidgeon of comprehension outside of Jesus, and what is written about him in the OT and in the gospels and in the epistles. Glory must go to God, and to Jesus. The bad Bible teacher constantly draws attention to him/herself, and replaces Jesus as the focal point through which we must pass. The RC church usurped this function by installing a "Pope" [Father] and imposing mini-popes (ministers, also called Father). We don't need these people: but they may serve as guides, teachers, those who help us on our way. Your "thesis" is absurd because you haven't learned to see Jesus, to see God (in your heart) because a man has interposed himself in the Sonlight. That man casts a very long shadow in your life. There are better Bible versions than what you call KJV, actually AV; my preference is for Holman Christian Standard Bible (very readable); others prefer NIV (I don't like it); others RSV. There is a choice available! But the central themes are the same (despite your argument to the contrary). You will not find deliverance, salvation, peace of heart, or "what you need in life" in the writings of a man, and especially not in the writings of a man whose lifestyle was so perverse. If he couldn't convince himself of how to live life - why on earth should he be able to convince anyone else? To the extent that you do find "what you need in life" in PFAL written material, have you thought why? It's because the scriptures that are quoted are satisfying that need. I am sorry for you, because you are trying so hard and apparently expending so much effort to find the right path. But you are looking in completely the wrong place. Can't you see the Lord himself holding out his arms ready to welcome you? Waving and saying, "Here! I'm over here, come this way!"
    2 points
  4. This situation reminds me of another story: The Pope and an atheist were arguing. The Pope finally got irritated and told the atheist: "Your just like a blindfolded man in a black room at night searching for a black cat that isn't there." The atheist responded: "We're more alike than you think. You too are like a blindfolded man in a black room at night searching for a black cat that isn't there. The difference between us is you found it."
    1 point
  5. It reminds me of the story of the guy on his hands and knees on his front lawn. A passerby approaches him and asks if he's okay. "I'm fine," he says, "I'm just looking for the keys to my car." After them both searching for an hour, the passerby asks, "Are you sure they're here?" "I lost them in the house," the guy confesses. "Lost them in the house?!!" the passerby asks. "Then why are you looking for them here?" "The light's better out here."
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Apparently, I wasn't clear. That Dictor claimed that what he was speaking was God-breathed is irrelevant. We can see what you're talking about. I don't believe that those 22 occult statements (occult means hidden) constitute anything even approaching "evidence" that they were God-breathed. If you're going to make a convincing case that anything he spoke or wrote (or had anyone else write) was God-breathed, you're going to have to do it without reliance on his narcissistic pronouncements.
    1 point
  8. If wierwille had hidden anything in PFAL I tend to think it was that he was a “good” con-artist…and so really the greatest secret in way-world today is that wierwille was full of $hit For any folks interested in what’s really hidden in PFAL you might want to check out this thread: the subtle thread which runs throughout PFAL
    1 point
  9. Awesome thing about actual errors and contradictions: they don't give a F@#$ whether you approve or disapprove of their existence.
    1 point
  10. I'm going to write a book about it. I think I'll call it The daVeePee Code
    1 point
  11. THAT was the root of the evil that was and is Dictor's cult. But you say, doesn't scripture tell us that the love of money is the root of all evil? Well, "axiomatically" [one can't serve two masters] if one is narcissistically incapable of considering the needs of "his way corps" perhaps he's more obsessed with what is important to himself... even if he frames it as "word over the world" and "the word of God is the will of God." Or as Martin Buber put it, there's a fundamental difference between the I-Thou relationship and the I-It relationship. To Dictor, the way corpse (individuals as well as the group) was a thing, not a human who deserved to be treated with dignity.
    1 point
  12. Wait! Here's another Sledgehammer.
    1 point
  13. Bump.........."writings of wierwille" The last manipulative letter in this collection.............full of salt-dipped daggers thrusting at the gut instinct to leave this cult.
    1 point
  14. Why was Bill Greene ADDED to the board of directors?............. Was he added............because of his vast experience in planning big events? ........Doubt it......simply because twi hardly ever has any big events. LOL Was he added............because of his field experience and outreach efforts? ........Doubt it......all signs point to this cult turning inward with each year. Was he added............so you, JYDL, & Rupp couldn't side together and vote rosie out? ........YES......I believe that that is the main reason greene was brought onboard. Once again.........rosie has maneuvered strategic advantages to her corner. Cross her............and you're gone. Donna will be next in line for promotion.
    1 point
  15. So basically, Study up on psychopathic thinking. EXAMPLE Then look at every story and topic in PFAL as a psychopath would use it for their purposes.
    1 point
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