He's a fool, So_Crates, or badly fooled, little difference here. I can't be bothered with him any more. I have things of genuine profit, to do.
Prov 26:4 "Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him."
Bump.........."writings of wierwille"
The last manipulative letter in this collection.............full of salt-dipped daggers thrusting at the gut instinct to leave this cult.
LOL.Mike, you got discredited and left here embarrassed with your tail between your legs, unable to successfully rebut a single point I had made.
I will not let rules be violated just because I don't like you, but I will also not permit you to lie and distort what happened here during your first attempt to promote your laughable thesis.
PFAL fails your thesis on its own terms.
That alone should embarrass you into silence. That it hasn't is just evidence of how shameless you are in your devotion to a degenerate, perverted xerox machine who was no more a follower of Christ in his day than I am today.