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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2018 in all areas

  1. Thanks Grace....... It was intense......and I really tried to stay focused. Having interaction with other posts adding to this documentation was elucidating on many levels, but I certainly had to refrain from answering every post. Running off on a hundred different tangents wouldn't have kept my message on track. Looking back.......it was a confluence of events that helped me to decide to *put it out there* for others to see. And, with Charlene's book so hot off the press......I was inspired to "connect the dots" of what had happened after she'd resigned from the research department at headquarters. The only changes I would make.......are around page 11.......when I closed it out too quickly. I should have stepped back for a few days......and put things on pause. I was too emotional in the end.........broken to see how much my parents loved me and tried to help me out of this cult. .
    2 points
  2. Hey Mike.......... If you want me to ASSIST you in detailing your "thesis paper"....... Here's an example of how I approached my "thesis" of wierwille's/twi's dark underbelly...............Insanity on Steroids
    2 points
  3. Here's an idea: we each drop out of this topic and go read a book.
    2 points
  4. A THREAD JUST FOR MIKE - post from the Theopneustos thread Let's make it easy. Nike, give us ONE THING that you know better than anybody else. ONE THING from the collaterals that you know and apply better than anyone here. ONE THING that works. Note: from the collaterals. So that means you aren't referring to the Bible or quoting verses, since elsewhere you've disavowed the Bible as anything other than "background." Be sure also that you aren't plagiarising other people's work. ONE THING. Quote one paragraph or sentence, one pronouncement of VPW. Then, show how it applies. How YOU have benefitted from it. EVERYBODY ELSE: please keep off thread. No tangents to distract him. Let's see if he actually has anything.
    1 point
  5. Sound advice DWBH. I’m adhering to it, and will spend my time in other areas of GSC. This thread is going nowhere but in a 0.
    1 point
  6. Had to say in passing one more thing - after all these years and tears, these R and R people ("rest and relaxation"?) are being said to have "noticed" and "seen" some things that were wrong. It sounds so normal - like "I went outside and noticed that the air was a tad chilly." But under these circumstances saying they "noticed" something wrong is like saying they went outside and "noticed" the snow was piled 3 feet high in the streets and it was so cold their breath froze....and as if it had just happened and was such a surprise! Or like saying...the people in Houston "noticed it was raining and decided to call it Hurricane Harvey". When I saw the video of those people going on about how what they had "seen" was so wrong, I LOL'd. Really, I don't usually LOL like that but that day I did, and I went to my study (AKA "The Garage Shoppe") and laughed even more, upon reflection. Why did you LOL so, socks? you might ask. Well - read on. The Way's been in a rag tag dyslexic nose dive for decades. Then this. Lurking below the exodus and the bladdy-blah the question wafts by.... What was it that really sparked the exodus? I'll stop, with that question and call it a year. But for those of us who have seen and heard this merry-go-round going round and round so many times over the years we know there's usually something going on a little deeper down that not everyone knows yet. Something that made it personal.....finally. Peace!!! See you round!
    1 point
  7. "I'm glad I got in, and I'm glad I got out."- me, many times.
    1 point
  8. Mike, it was very intense, but it was also well-written. I thought it was a great read!
    1 point
  9. You beat me to saying this, Waysider. Life is not "pure evil" just as nothing is "pure good." But just as having, say, a potato that is gnawed by slugs that have eaten it, or a piece of fruit that has been dropped and bruised - once you cut away the damaged areas, there's really very little that's usable left. Better to and get some new, undamaged, potatoes or fruit. The "good bits" relating to TWI in any event are mostly the lower-level people (not any writings), some of which people, I am the first to agree, are passionate, enthusiastic, and awesome. But that is because they love God - and not because they love PFAL.
    1 point
  10. Mike, it might help your cause if you stopped labeling your case as a manifesto. That's simply self-serving glorification. Perhaps in a semantic sense it is a manifesto. We don't really know because we haven't seen it. Maybe if you just said "Here's what I believe." and then (This is the important part.) provide some reasons why, people would be a bit more receptive.
    1 point
  11. If we have misconceptions, that's YOUR FAULT. Your responsibility is to transmit your message so that there are no misunderstandings.
    1 point
  12. "To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."........Thomas Paine.
    1 point
  13. Add a word, subtract a word....hahahahahahahaha!
    1 point
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