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  1. In the grand scheme of things, wierwille was no "compiler"..........he was a deceiver and a fraud. Sure, he gave a passing "credit" once or twice.......but then, would discredit their work as missing the mark. In fact, I will go a step further and say.........imo, wierwille reworked this material from good, honest and godly men and re-tweaked it to serve his own agenda. In other words, wierwille's work was conniving and detrimental to the individual and the church body. Everything from wierwille's classes, programs and structure ensnared the students/followers into a pyramid of dependency. That whole "study to show thyself approved unto God"........became the cult's cornerstone of manipulation, intimidation and exploitation. Oh sure, it says "approved unto God".......but how many ways were we instructed to obey leadership, no matter what. Going down the road of re-researching wierwille's work is a fool's errand. And, the irony of this whole discussion which has been turbocharged by Mike's hypotheses is......Mike is one of wierwille's truest disciples and not in twi. His beady-eyed, laser focus on the jots and tittles of the writings is NOT cult-friendly to twi.......it only serves as a wedge to start another cult. Similarly, Chris Geer did this same thing in the mid-70s. He and his wife, Barb, studied every aspect of wierwille's life........listening and detailing every sunday teaching tape, corps teaching, wierwille's habits, mannerisms, reading genre, mood swings, dog training, etc. to become his valet/bus driver/aide. In his mind, Geer became the sole authority on wierwille.......what he preferred, when he wanted privacy, ad infinitum. Geer's rabid obsession with all-things-wierwille became a cult within a cult. Man's theology and study, no matter how well dressed or "intended"......leads you away from God.. And, studying wierwille's works will not bring one any closer to "the Word in the flesh".....the Lord Jesus Christ. .
    3 points
  2. Following Mike's argument, if Kenyon, Bullinger, Stiles, and all the others received God's special revelation and VPW was just a compiler, even so, VPW should have credited the other people as having also received revelation and not pretending that he was the one who received the special revelation to "put it all together" in the special PFAL way. Lemme think: in the OT there were lots of prophets who received partial revelation. Later, other prophets quoted the earlier ones, and gave credit for it. Sometimes, it was "as it says in the law of Moses," which was so well known that chapter and verse (or the equivalent) simply didn't need to be cited. Even Jesus quotes the OT and gives credit. If Jesus feels the need to give credit... what does that say for VPW and his refusal to give credit?
    2 points
  3. Thanks Mike..........for participating in this thread, "The Wierwille Legacy." You epitomize his legacy. You've given me a crystal clear example of the end result of the cult's twisted approach to research by "re-researching the works of wierwille." I have never been so thankful.........to have jumped from this train when I did.
    2 points
  4. It's too bad you systematically reject and ignore the KEY details to understanding VPW's life and "ministry".
    1 point
  5. Calling that a "thesis" is a stretch. This gives the false promise that there will be logic somewhere in the discussion. That's not the case. All there exists is an unhealthy VPW worship and an inability to come to grips with what life has shown us about PFAL. For instance, a big part of the PFAL written work is the work that is in written form in Receiving the Holy Spirit Today. In fact, that book VP considered among his "greatest work". He shared about writing it how he checked into a motel away from his family for a week and ate a diet of grapes only while immersing himself into the 350 plus verses on holy spirit usage in the Bible. The result of that book is one that John Juedes does side by side comparisons on and has what I estimate as 70% directly copied material from JE Stiles book on the holy spirit field. This book was published 3-5 years earlier than any of VP's published works. So the fruit of what was produced contradicts VPW's account of what was produced. The explanation is simple. What VPW accounted about writing RHST in Elena Whiteide's book is partially true. The part left out was the fact that he checked into a motel where nobody could observe him scribe copying JE Stiles book. Then he lied about that part by omission.
    1 point
  6. In absence of scholastic skills and the ability to manage things according to actual Biblical input, Wierwille's laziness condemned the ministry to being run by catch phrase. It is still run that way today.
    1 point
  7. Not so much a trigger phrase - but this has to do with a triggering event - that activates a certain mindset: I’ve heard believers talk of how god blessed them by something they’ve found - a watch by a walk-path or an air-conditioning unit that fell off the back of a delivery truck - I’m not kidding - these folks were bragging about their good fortune - instead of turning it in to lost-and-found or contacting the delivery company...oblivious to the misfortune of others.
    1 point
  8. There's just no arguing or reasoning with someone who's totally convinced he's right. Available in other translations here: http://biblehub.com/proverbs/26-4.htm Available in other translations here: https://www.biblestudytools.com/proverbs/13-20-compare.html
    1 point
  9. JayDee: Mike will never stop with his annoying, circular illogic, doublespeak, babble. He enjoys talking about HIMSELF and dictor paul, his MOG of choice. He's always got another post of Unabomber quality ready to go. I appreciate you, and Socrates speaking logical counterpoint. But, debating with the willfully insane is a profoundly futile effort. He'll go on posting this delusional, deranged gibberish as long as there is a response. It's like a cat toying with a mouse. Again, I appreciate your logical counterpoint, but insanity owns NO logic, no shame, and no authentic humility. Good luck, and.................peace.
    1 point
  10. As I continue to read Mike’s post on this topic, I’m stunned at his level of dedication and commitment to an alcoholic, misogynist, delusional, serial rapist. Mike, you can’t seperate the man’s actions, legacy, and words from the man. Sorry. The convicting, eyewitness evidence is overwhelming. He was a false prophet. He was an unconvicted felon. I’m glad when I read something from an legitimately educated theologian, or for that matter scripture itself, that I no longer ask myself “What did VeePee or twi teach me about this 40 years ago”? Took me a while to get over it, but I did. Yeah. Really glad.
    1 point
  11. This is like me telling you if you don't want to accept the ground rules of evil Saint Vic stealing others work, then bow out of the debate. I would never do that. You know why? It would be conceding. It would be saying, I can't address the points he's making. I have just as much right to present an alternate viewpoint as you do. And I will continue to do so. What's wrong? I'm making headway so you have to silence me? See the above post. A copy of an earlier post. Let's see how many more trivialities we can find in the 5-senses realm. Rape...that's in the 5-senses realm, do you think that's trivial? Abuse..that's in the 5-senses realm, do you think that's trivial? PLAF...that's in the 5-senses realm, do you think that's trivial? The bible.. that's in the 5-senses realm, do you think that's trivial? Saint Vic..,he was in the 5-senses realm, do tou think he was trivial? Now that we've established that things in the 5-senses realm aren't so trivial, we're back to the original question: If God owns his word, which makes it okay to steal others work, and God owns everything in the earth, then why is it okay to steal in one realm, but not the other? (I'll add the earth we'll all inherit and Psalms 115:16, as you seem to love moving goal posts)
    1 point
  12. This is absolute nonsense. Even VPW knew the writings weren't up for grabs. Maybe that's why he, himself, registered copyrights on them before he could get caught. edit: This idea presupposes that the writings in PFAL are a product of revelation. I have yet to see evidence to suggest they were.
    1 point
  13. Time and time again, I, and many other posters, have openly stated there were good times and good people mixed in with the bad. The take-away point here is that the good does not outweigh the bad. Same goes for the PFAL materials. There may be some good mixed in with the bad. But, there is just too much bad to make it a worthwhile pursuit.
    1 point
  14. Taxi, I also saw Tomorrowland last year. I thought it was a great movie. It certainly was different.
    1 point
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