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  1. It's a good thing this site doesn't have "smell-o-vision". The stench of bull crap would be overwhelming.
    3 points
  2. I never served at any of the top levels of the Way, but I did graduate from the corpse. I did hold some leadership positions. When I finally left twi, I told God I didn't want to lead again because I was that torn up about having misled people either into the lies or deeper into the lies and slavery of twi. I spent several years after I left reevaluating ALL of my beliefs. I think anyone who leaves needs time to decompress and reevaluate. I wouldn't even read KJV because of the ruts in my brain that led to twi beliefs. I'm still in process.
    3 points
  3. My Prediction: This R&R splinter group will fade into irrelevance within two years. Why? GSC.......the power of the internet is exposing cult activity Too Late..........all the pfal cult-sycophants were taken 30 years ago Bad Marketing.....already, they've had to drop one "R" (restoration)....oops Too Old............who wants to follow self-appointed, grey-haired retirees? Too Complicit..........what credibility do they warrant for having stayed in the twit-cult so long? Teaching PFAL clichés...........refried beans and a cookie anyone? Who needs you?.......here splinter, there splinter.....everywhere there's a splinter splinter And.....if no followers........who's up and out the door to go witnessing? You R&R guys are deceiving yourselves...........you are irrelevant. Give it another year or so.......let the fresh air clear your foggy, cult brain cells........and then, see what happens. I suspect that MANY (in your band of merry men) will find new avenues, opportunities and vistas of life. Especially those who feel compelled to sit, listen, obey and give $$ to your refried teachings....... Even the big-name splinters (Geerites, CES/STFI, and CFF) have gone thru major shifts, staff-firings, fraud teachings & prophecies, and people left those groups. Here at GSC, there are sub-forums on these groups.......and hundreds of threads on their corruption and pettiness. And,.......no one even talks about Larry Panarello's splinter group anymore. And now......I heard recently that Larry suffered a stroke. Maybe, you guys should consider a name change? Revival and Survival...... and use the "defeating the adversary" material as a pretext to survive devil onslaughts that come your way.
    2 points
  4. In all of Mike’s posts over the years, where is honor and glory given to Jesus Christ, the head of the church? Where? I see honor and glory given to the cult leader he heaps praise and adulation upon. But, what about Jesus Christ? Where does he fit in your “Way Box”. What I see like so many others who were mesmerized by the cult leader(s) is there is no room at all for the active presence of Jesus Christ. Right? Wrong? What?
    2 points
  5. What an amazing way to keep the propaganda going ... with more propaganda! With posts like these, you keep yourself and others from climbing outside the TWI box and learning new things, like what research really means. Your spouting off about VP's so-called research would be funny if it weren't for the fact that it shows how some people are still very delusional when it comes to understanding what VPW did. To me, this is a sad reminder of the damage he caused. Penworks. P.s. My real name is Charlene Edge and my personal story of being on the research team in The Way can be found in my book, Undertow.
    2 points
  6. Consider you may be missing their goals. Look at the people who did this. DECADES of PERSONAL involvement in the inner circle of twi, burying the bodies, hiding the truth, silencing truthful dissent, and so on, through decades of decay and stagnation at twi. They only jumped ship now they reached retirement age and had no recourse from twi. This isn't about a lasting group. This is about saying it's a lasting group and saying all the right things while covering a retirement and "running the clock." So long as there's sufficient freewill donations to cover them into the grave, it's all good just as it was all good to cover for the evil of twi for decades while everyone else who saw behind the circle jumped ship, whether from disgust or others with practical concerns. They just need a few hundred to cover expenses and feather their nests a bit while they retire. Oh, and they can talk pious about how NOW they're suddenly remorseful after DECADES and how they don't REALLY want to push for money. Let the money dry up and the message will change overnight.
    2 points
  7. Mike, btw, u keep saying vpw knew everything by his 5 senses he could then God gave revelation. You do know there are more than 5 senses, right? Pressure Itch Temperature Pain Thirst Hunger Direction Time Muscle tension Proprioception (the ability to tell where your body parts are, relative to other body parts) Equilibrioception (the ability to keep your balance and sense body movement in terms of acceleration and directional changes) Stretch Receptors (These are found in such places as the lungs, bladder, stomach, blood vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract.) Chemoreceptors (These trigger an area of the medulla in the brain that is involved in detecting blood born hormones and drugs. Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://twentytwowords.com/humans-have-more-than-5-senses-here-they-are/&ved=0ahUKEwjXyaWTjarYAhXJkOAKHSamC4IQFggxMAE&usg=AOvVaw0XUSXtXpg2BnQCOEFJuiU- Surely, God would have showed vpw this as well. And im far from a scholar and this post danm sure is no schorlarly work, but notice how its proper to cite a source so the website is credited, oh, and the article author cited their sources. Neither me nor the site author claimed God gave the information by revelation, or we dug it up by years of research while eating only grapes. That would be lying now wouldnt it? And lying is wrong.
    2 points
  8. Oh, i understand perfectly well what they meant. I also understand what your saying. Now ask yourself if you understand anything anyone else has said. Im wondering if your not just trolling for fun at this point because much of what you explained regarding research is laughable.
    2 points
  9. Ive read it cover to cover and was sorely disappointed. I know all the directors personally and am known by them. I mean no offense to you and dont wanna sound like a jerk when i say that its you that should beware of twi, doctrinally, and especially practically. My advice is prove all things and hold fast to the good....also check that scripture about by good words and fair speeches they decieve the hearts of the simple. Here at gsc u can find a fairly accurate snapshot of twis past starting with wierwolf. Martindales reign of terror is here too. I personally witnessed the coverup and whitewashing efforts of rozilla, twis lawyers and so many more. I was at hq working several corps assignments and reported directly to two of the vice presidents during the timeframe the coverup machine went into overdrive to hide twis extremely sordid past. Rosalie is an evil woman and a deceiver who has no problem eliminating those who dare express the slightest dissent. Anywho....have fun with that book my friend, ive extricated myself from twi. Im only thankful that God's purposes are accomplished in spite of false peophets and cult leaders.
    2 points
  10. What the heck is Mike's great long post/transcript at the bottom of page 10 about? I have better things to do with my time than read all that, got through a few paragraphs. Anyone care to summarize? Nah, don't bother. I think maybe picking one's nose would be a better way to spend the time. Time for another glass of Merlot, methinks.
    2 points
  11. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6c9d86
    2 points
  12. Jay, good question!! I think followers of TWI, worshipped VPW, more than they worshipped Jesus Christ. Perhaps if we had worshipped Jesus Christ, instead of VPW, life would have been so more meaningful, and less stressful. Just my opinion.
    1 point
  13. It was Mike who tipped off Geraldo Rivera to Al Capone's vault and all that was in it! Geraldo was a piffle grad. LOL!
    1 point
  14. Mike........it looks to me like you've passed thru the cult skeletal corridors, into the inner sanctum of mystic-delusion, and found the lockbox of the psychopath's papers. Clearly, no one is going to understand the depth of your discovery. Your grasp of the secret codes of research is a three-dimensional chess paradigm that few will ever understand, let alone accept. Rest assured that you are one of wierwille's truest disciples.........and bestowed with honor, the Bullshcittery Maximus Award. .
    1 point
  15. Well put Penworks! I've been waiting for a comment from you! You are so good at courteously stating the obvious about TWIt propaganda as spread by delusional wierwille sycophants. If anyone here at GSC is experientially and intellectually qualified to accurately review and critique dictor's "research" principles and "techniques" (private interpretation by drambuie revelation) from a firsthand POV, it is you! We've written tons here regarding the actual FACTS of dictor's "research" principles, how "his" books were actually put together, what the sourcing was, and how it was forced to be handled professionally and academically as the highly educated linguists, and textual critics began arriving in the research dept. as they finished their REAL degrees at accredited universities of international repute. Dic's sloppy, vapid, anti-intellectual, baseline provided nothing of genuine value in the field of textual criticism or MS research. It was ALL plagiarized from the sources repeatedly documented here at the GSC. ALL OF IT! I try not to write much on Mike threads, because it's like debating the reality of a My Little Pony episode, or a particularly disturbing episode of Criminal Minds, where the unsub is disconcertingly weird. If looked at substantively, what he says is like reading a bad translation of C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe. It is increasingly annoying with each post. So, rather than posting a sarcastic, cynical NYer 'tude comment, I just read and see how others respond. After 15 years, I have finally concluded that Mike is totally meshuggene with his verkackte wierwille-worship. That's a Yiddish way of saying it nicely. Thanks to all who take the time to post in response to Mike's delusional propaganda. It protects newbies and lurkers from the insanity of wierwille drunken delusional, self-aggrandizing Bible fairy tales. Mike lives in a reality of his own making. I knew him back in the day, both in NY, and at HQ. He is a harmless, good-natured, gentle and kind soul imo. But, he got stuck in a bad batch of kult koolaid because of some 14 year old hippies (who I also know) who were electrified by Jesus Christ as they knew him for the first time. They were in the midst of a genuine Christian revival that dictor paul was lucky enough to grab a piece of and make his P.T. Barnum fortune, and service the needs of his perverted sexual compulsions. They escaped eventually. Mike loves it in the briar patch with the tares. He's happy and comfortable in his delusions. He is a physical threat to no one. He is just a lost pilgrim on the dpw bullshit road who loves the journey to nowhere. Not even Narnia. Peace Mike.
    1 point
  16. Every splinter group is, supposedly, a teaching ministry......................why? Self-appointed leader goes straight to the top of the pyramid Unaccountability.........to board members, progress reports, deadlines, underlings All-expenses paid traveling........of course, double-honor is given to "teachers" No overhead or operating expenses..........butt behind desk or podium, easy-peasy Access to tax-exempt status and gifts/perks...........win/win Adulation from others goes straight to leader's head......feeds the narcissism Leaders teach.........others "serve tables" No missionary work, feed the poor, charitable programs.......that's all counterfeit (wierwille said so) /s Starting a cult-splinter..........the fastest way to jump-start a career, when resume looks like dang
    1 point
  17. Maybe, I should have added a sarc tag...... No, I'm fully aware of the deception......what they say and what they do is in two different realms. Doing a start-up splinter.......re-directs their vaunted egos and diminishes guilt/repentance Attempts to salvage reputation.......trying to help others with "the word" /s Supplements income........and adds perks their way (gifts/dinners/trips) Feathers their nest.........with some added income and activity "Being seen in the marketplace"........as someone of importance, ie pharisee Heck, even a couple of GSC-posters noted that Rosalie is "running out the clock."
    1 point
  18. The answer to both of you, obviously, is of course they do! You can get all the details at the stand set up in the lobby of the theater.
    1 point
  19. So much more class than my post. I rhyme to shake out the cobwebs. Because to me although I knew certain details, putting them together into a large picture just didn't happen. The circuits were disconnected. It took too many years and too much personal impact to my life to put those details together into a coherent picture. And that coherent picture includes a detailed historic timeline of the Way. From inception to current. And it is NOT what they project. People don't work that hard to hide things that are appropriate, true, honest, just, lovely. They work that hard to hide the exact things we bring to light here. That do exist. That are true. People live according to the lusts of their own belly. Those lusts in many ways are for power and influence. They worship their positions in the organization. The only overarching truth in their minds is "God called ME to THIS POSITION". Therefore they shut their ears. Actually their ears were welded shut by their own lusts for power. I used to know all of those fools and they me. In a time where it was my whole life. During a time where all I had was fake friends. A false "household". That false "household" led me to treat real friends poorly, real family poorly, real Christians poorly, real community from a position of condescension. The same way the false "household" treats people today. Why? Because they can't help it. Draconian rules. One way conversation. Teaching / Talking at people. Narcissistic viewpoints. The "household" I have today is kind of a ragtag amalgamation. I've got the family component. I've got the pet component, one that a corpse lifestyle never accomodated. I've got the neighbors friends component - a real community. You know, cookie exchanges, birthday golf. Shooting. Prayers over holiday meals. Respect each others church. One I didn't have moving rental to rental. I've got longtime friends that I visit. I've got real hobbies. I've got a career. The people I work with are like a strange family of sorts. There's politics at times. But nothing of the Way magnitude of viper's den. I've got my faith. I've got a church. And a new viewpoint on the stupidity of fundamentalism. Actually, my life isn't all that bad today all these years after leaving the Way. So why do I still come here and make up funny little rhymes? I could give a flippant answer, but honestly coming here and reading and writing helps me to recover from that false "household". I'm still putting together threads of truth from that whole time period, years later. And in a way, I guess the posters here are a part of the ragtag amalgamation of a household I've got going on now. And if my meanderings help inspire similar paths, then perhaps I also am performing my 18 Hail Mary's as an act of contrition from being a part of the Way leadership. So go ahead and judge me and my "household" I know you've been doing it for years anyway. I'd put it up against yours any day of the week, Way followers. R&R aspiring "leadership", splinter group followers and leaders.
    1 point
  20. Mike, why on earth would adults want to attend meetings with people under 21? I know I wouldn't. BTW, I am not talking about people who want to "mess" with underage kids.
    1 point
  21. It really doesn't matter what you "think", much as it doesn't matter what you "think" about murder or bank robbery. Plagiarism is unethical and against the law. Period. No, his citations were not "unconventional", they were nonexistent. Dropping a few names to make your self appear to be in good company is in no way a substitute for proper citation. In your last paragraph you are conflating various phases of the ministry to make it appear the unethical behavior is excusable. It's not.
    1 point
  22. The Way is judged by its own fruit. Nothing necessary from me. Other than pointing out to people Jesus teaching on that topic.
    1 point
  23. I think you both are correct. Dictor wanted to project a credible (intellectual) persona... but he only tolerated anti-intellectuals among his followers. Once anyone developed a sense of cognitive dissonance and said so out loud, he banished them.
    1 point
  24. No apology needed, T-Bone...... I had this misplaced loyalty to "biblical research" and believed that twi would break thru the barriers of wierwille's arrogance/manipulation..... Having "fought" thru deprogramming to marry my fiancé (5th corps)........two years later, I found solace to be on the field and away from headquarters. Especially, our three years in Canada......1984-1987. Yeah, I could have voiced my dissent much earlier.....and probably tanked my marriage. Not sure how all that would have played out. Anyhoo........we hung in there far too long, but exited together nearly 20 years ago. What a difference these past two decades have been.
    1 point
  25. VPW only recognized 1 spirit and its name was Drambuie
    1 point
  26. Well, of course.........no more mention of restoration. These guys were kicked out of twi. You can't "restore" when you're not allowed in the door.
    1 point
  27. There's a guy from Cleveland, Ohio, named Eric Carmen, who had a couple of hits in the 1970's. His family is from a Russian background, his aunt was a violinist for the prestigious Cleveland Orchestra. He started studying classical music even before he entered kindergarten. So, one might surmise he was no stranger to the works of Rachmaninoff. Well, it turns out that All By Myself was partially based on Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto #2 in C minor/Opus 18. Never Gonna Fall in Love Again was influenced by the second movement of Rachmaninoff's Symphony #2. It was no coincidence. Carmen had probably been exposed to these works hundreds of times. The problem he encountered is that he thought they were in public domain. In fairness to him, I should note he was, at that point, not much more than a local kid, trying to break out on the music scene, not yet versed in the legalities of the music industry. His error was quickly discovered and he reached a royalty agreement with Rachmaninoff's estate. Wierwille's deliberate deception, on the other hand, took decades to come to light. Some still can't accept the reality of it. It's quite a different and darker issue than the Eric Carmen/Rachmaninoff controversy.
    1 point
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