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  1. Rosalie Fox Rivenbark snaked her way to the top of wierwille's cult........as health issues (don wierwille/cancer) and legal counsel (craig martindale/sexual predation) ousted these men from wierwille appointments. In August 2000, Rosalie had the reins of this cult in her hands. As president, what did Rosalie do for those 16 years of her reign 2000-2016? Damage Control Measures........yeah, she had to tread lightly and secretly as martindale was ousted. Slowly and methodically....rebuild and reshape the BOD to give her strategic advantage and cover her weaknesses. Keep the railroads running.......the WAP class was now anathema, so corps were mandated to "teach those wap classes." Micromanage Sunday Services.....the reading of sunday sermons became the norm and a yawn-fest was the result. Three Puppets teach new class.......Rosalie can't teach or inspire anyone. She rules by fear and intimidation. Strategically build twi's financial assets to $64 Million.........in case people and abs-contributions dissipate. Run off staffers that have health issues.......silence anyone in twi that is asking too many questions. Keep debt policies in place........no matter how many times it was researched and debunked. People keep exiting the twit-cult.......but people are replaceable. Always have been. The Resistance was growing: Resistance to the same old, same old micromanagement. Boring teachings, pathetic classes, sanitized explanations........the outreach was dead. More corps were exiting that those being "trained" each year. The programs were a joke.......and no one was laughing. FINALLY.........enough corpse leaders rallied to challenge Rosalie. She had her shot.....and failed. She was too legalistic. And, now......too old. FINALLY.........by August 2016, a seven-page letter was sent to address their concerns and dissent. Rosalie refused to give audience to such claims, but would be willing to meet with corps couples. She refused to give them advantage in numbers......trying to suppress these claims and then, target those who speak out. FINALLY.........a new president is "installed" in January 2017. LOL. And, Rosalie is slotted as vice-president !! Months later,...........the moynihans, horneys, forts, fredericks, sheldons, etc. are labeled with the pozzezzed label, m&a. What a kick in the head !?!? Same damn thing that wierwille did over and over again...only different terminology. Rosalie and Donna even bring in Marcia Faulk Greene to add to the girls' club.......as Chandler, Bill & Marcia's son, is the (cough, cough) corps coordinator. Circle the wagons and buy another keg of beer. Woohoo. The Cult will continue to find a way to survive......and scheme......and deceive. Rosalie's Cult Tactics 2.0 Re-teach old classes with new faces to reach a new generation..... The wagon train moves forward......it may be grueling, but it's moving.... It doesn't matter how many remain.......whatever it is, it's a "remnant of the faithful" Delusional and deceived, the cult is not going to change........EVER. And, Rosalie is going to wield power as long as possible. When she can't..........Donna and Marcia will. .
    1 point
  2. "Legitimate' has to be measurable. It was not accredited. He did receive a doctorate from a correspondance school seminary. This seminary did not have classes of any kind, not math, physics, chemistry OR Theology. It was a correspondance college. Correspondance college at that time meant that the only curriculum consisted of a series of papers graded by the seminary professors. The house in Manitou Springs has 6 or 7 bedrooms, which at the time were all rented out to tenants. At that time those tenants were the teaching board of the correspondance school called Pike's Peak Seminary. So in reality the only time the teaching professors of Pike's Peak Seminary ever met VP Wierwille was during the 2 week or so period documented in Mrs. VPW's book where he traveled out there and delivered a sermon to fulfill partial requirements for his doctorate and to receive the degree. I've done the actual research here. I'm presenting you with facts. And what you are coming back with is a vague recollection of a 12 year old post where someone said it was going through "radical changes"? and their impression was that his degree was "legitimate" as opposed to "stellar"? Yeah. What one of the professors couldn't come up with rent? Again Mike, please do some research yourself before posting misinformation on this thread.
    1 point
  3. Hi Mike, I would suggest you also use the search button here. I have personally posted threads on Pike's Peak. It was a correspondence college whose address is a house in Manitou Springs CO. I also stopped by there many years ago. Several single residents of that house as roommates and theology students started the "college" after obtaining their ThD's and being unable to obtain pastorates. Curriculum consisted of mostly mailing in papers. There was an in-person requirement to deliver a sermon so they could check homiletic skills. The time VP took the family out there is documented well in Mrs. VPW's book. Calling Pike's Peak seminary a "degree mill" is kind. That would mean they actually had a lot of students. It was more like mailing in a cereal boxtop along with a few papers and some money for a doctorate degree. Oh, except you did have to give one sermon that you wrote a paper on. VP's was on homiletics. It's fine to have a separate opinion but please stop posting misinformation. The whitewash sites are at the Way.
    1 point
  4. From my perspective, those who have truly done "re-search" on VPW's works have found high levels of plagiarism and low levels of scholarship. And the scholarship which was done was not done by VPW, but stolen by him and the names removed from the work like JCPS. And now they aren't doing ANY research beyond consistency comparisons in teachings? I guess they are saying they are the Dead Sea. With a new class. "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
    1 point
  5. Some of that R&R leadership group were willing participants in many of the types of misdeeds we have cataloged here including the sexual swinger's club at the top level. While I appreciate their words of contrition, their actions right now exactly mirror the Way's. Whitewash their past, while securing their future by starting a new ministry utilizing their teaching credentials and connections from the past. Starting a new splinter group is not a new thing. There's even threads on "How to Start a Cult" around here, giving pointers to better ways. Some of the old wineskin groups are less harmful than others of the old wineskin groups. For example, I remember talking to Shr0yer and Cl@pp when they left and started CFFM. That's the last group to leave the Way and teach all the good stuff but remove all the bad stuff. I guess they weren't good buddies enough with this group leaving and Shr0yer left it as an inheritance to Tonya his daughter so they can't have the same power over there. So instead joining that group, they need to found a new splinter. So they can have power and influence again. It is another variation of serving their own belly as the Bible states. Their primary interests are their "position" - in society, in this new group they are founding. They are the leaders, the founders, the head cheeses in charge. I mean why couldn't they realize so much about their training is messed up and have the humility to allow others with better training to lead? Like joining a church locally. Or mixing it up with other Christians in the body of Christ. But no, they gravitate towards those that treat them with the same status they had in the Way. It's a ministry founded on alligator tears and fake contrition. It is as Jesus taught, an old wineskin.
    1 point
  6. Hi Taxidev. Welcome to the Spot! "They have admitted such. And they have expressed their apologies and sorrow for having done any harm to anyone. While they are all adults, they did think they were doing the right thing. Being deceived was not an easy thing to recognize and acknowledge, but that is what they have done. And they have asked for forgiveness." "I don't have a long history with many of these people, but the ones I know personally are incredible men of God, with a strong stand on the Word as opposed to any organization or individual, other then Jesus Christ. It is because of those individuals that I know personally that I am following what they are doing and teaching. I see here that many of you have a plethora of negative experiences with many of them, but I don't. Maybe that's why I am more willing to give them a chance to prove themselves." I have been reading with interest, your several posts concerning R&R. You do have a unique, and much closer view of both TWIt and it's latest Offshoot, R&R, as they exist today, and your firsthand experiences with some of the major actors in both cults. I quoted the first two paragraphs of a post you posted early yesterday morning, because imo, it effectively summarizes your baseline opinions and attitudes toward TWIt and R&R, and it sparked some thoughts on my part that may expand your knowledge of facts which you are most likely not aware of. You say you got involved in TWIt in 1995. By that time Boob and Doody MoneyHands and Michael Fort had already been involved with TWIT for 25 plus years. Moyneyhands officiated at my wedding in 1973, and was in-rez with my wife and I for the one year the 3rd corpse was in-rez with the 4th. Boob and Doody were made "honorary" 3rd corpse grads after that year. Boob got ordained in the fall of 1970 at HQ by dictor Paul in the BRC along with John Lynn and Steve Heefner. Heefner went to The Way East (NY and New England), Lynn to IN, and Moyneyhands to NC and the ECU Way Home. Later, when dictor paul pulled his silent coup/takeover of the Way East in March of 1972, firing Heefner and replacing him with none other than Boob and Doody, I was a full-time TWIt employee at The Way of Long Island. I had first been to ECU in March, 1971 for a "Youth Advance". I went down with Pressed Down and Steve Heefner from NY. That's where I first met Boob and Doody. Then, I was a full-time Branch Leader in Queens/Brooklyn under Steve Perez, when Boob came to be the hatchet-man for dic's putsch. Heefner was fired, Perez quit, and the full-timers in Long Island and NYC all quit and got jobs. That is when my 16 year interaction with boob and Doody began. You said they have apologized with sorrow "for any harm they have done to anyone". Well, they did great harm to me and my family 22 years before you ever heard of TWIt'n'Piffle. I confronted them. They NEVER repented, not to this day nor have they ever apologized. They were adults alright, but they were NOT DECEIVED! They knew EXACTLY what they were doing, and why they were doing it. They knew EVERYTHING and I KNOW what they knew because I confronted them, and da Forehead, and the board of trustees personally for 9 months at HQ in 1986, right up to when I resigned in December of that year. They repeatedly and willingly lied to cover for Wierwille, both dic and Donnie, Howard Allen, Da Forehead and BellaDonna, Rosalie Rivenbark, THEMSELVES and all their ECU pals, who were just loving dic's Ephesians license to sin teachings. I have shared numerous incidents of their lying, manipulative phony "counseling", covering up for all the scores and scores of abusive sex acts committed by their moggie pals, contributing directly to suicides among those who had been raped or molested by their BOT and other "top leadership", in order to guard their "lockboxes" and the man-o-gawd. There are numerous posts for you to review here Taxidev, should you want to know more facts. They did that for 20 years before you ever heard of TWIt! Do you realize how many VICTIMS they have yet to apologize to??? Fortunately for you, you "don't have a long history with many of these people." I do, and let me assure you, these "incredible men of God" are exactly THAT! INCREDIBLE! They are liars. They have been participants in and guardians of the very behaviors you say they "independently" and concurrently arrived at a biblical consensus about, thus condemning everything they themselves gleefully participated in for 25 years before you ever met them. There can be no genuine forgiveness to elders in the church without their genuine repentance (Matt 18). They never asked me for forgiveness. That's what Jesus taught, but that's only "for your learning, it's not TO you"! LOL! They were not deceived. Not since 1972! And they STILL lie. They're still guilty. And, so are the Forts, and the Horneys. I know plenty of their facts too. They have not apologized to me nor asked for my forgiveness. It's been 31 years since I last confronted them face-to-face. I wrote them a letter and submitted 16 separate questions for their FB dog'n'pony show last May. Never answered any one of them. I did get a response from incredible boob though! I posted it here. It was, "Hi Ralph." Many of us here do have a "plethora" of nasty experiences with your pals at R&R. We ate their rotten "fruit" for 20 years before you got to personally know how incredible they are. They "proved themselves" as pimps and whores for 20 years before they pimped you. They got more "consideration" by far, than they ever even considered having for those they helped destroy through 48 years of faithful TWIt service. There are dead human beings on their "bema list"! I think their bema time will be a helluva lot of "I never knew you(s)" and very few, if any, "rewards". Looking forward to your thoughts Taxidev..............peace.
    1 point
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