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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2017 in all areas

  1. The question: The answer: Mike! The hidden question: The answer: DWBH and Skyrider! (with assistance from Cafe friends)
    2 points
  2. Mike........I find your credibility sorely lacking when you "have a Xerox copy of Mrs. Wierwille's book from 1996 and haven't looked at it yet." Sounds like you are selectively cherry-picking only material that agrees with your preconceived adulation of wierwille. You, Mike, are trapped in an echo chamber of your own making. Here at GSC alone, you've posted 3711 times........and yet, you haven't even read this book, a biography, from the wife of this man that you so dearly revere. What does that say about you, Mike? If you care to have an honest, substantive discussion here at GSC about victor wierwille ......then, at least, read her book. You've had 20 years to do your "research" and yet, you give it that lame "time permitting" excuse. Really? Just face it Mike.......you only want material that strengthens your idol-worship of wierwille. I've put in enough time to really understand who wierwille was.......and he was a fraud.
    1 point
  3. A follow up to my Archdiocese of Boston reference in previous post and how it relates here…for those not familiar with the scandal the Boston Globe newspaper brought to light - the Boston Globe revealed the efforts of the Boston Archdiocese to cover-up the pattern of sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests in Massachusetts - - you might want to catch the movie Spotlight an intensely thrilling crime drama that portrays some of the highlights of that story…As far as the topic of this thread goes…I just don’t think anyone needs to apply a fresh coat of paint to the whited sepulchers of New Knoxville.
    1 point
  4. So, interpolate from extrapolated data inferred from subjective experience and THEN you will see the truth. I'm glad that point was finally explained.
    1 point
  5. Informal is right, and therefore not accurate. As anyone who has dealt with polls knows: How you ask the question has a lot to do with the results you get. You, of course, understand that "What blessed you about the class?" will garner a different response than "Did the class bless you?" That's why most polling companies list the questions they asked on their website. The don't list vague statements like "(1) what went right, (2)what went wrong, and (3)what can we do about it." So, what were the exact questions you asked? Second, when did you take this poll? Right after they took the class perhaps? And what did you expect them to say after they spent all that money, Go back and retake the poll now, I'll bet your results will be very different. Also, how many thousand? Where did you get the grads names? Somehow I find it hard to believe Way Nash would give you the names and numbers of thousands of grads. Further, I find it harder to believe you have nothing better to do than call people on the phone conducting an informal poll.
    1 point
  6. Thanks again, DWBH........ Yeah......."believe absurdities" Namely......."the law of believing" wherein believing equals receiving Pursuing "God first" is to drop everything from goals, family, friends, career, etc. and join a cult movement Discounting all scrutiny of wierwille's plagiarism, degree-mill doctorate, drunkenness, ineptness, and sexual predation Never able to question or criticize wierwille-mandates, skewed research or classes/programs The "true household of God" doctrine that countered ever aspect of the One Body of Christ Weaponizing verses such as "mark&avoid" to shut the door on dissenting voices And........."commit atrocities" The definition of atrocity..........behavior or condition that is inferior, dismaying, appalling or offensive Every twi-class and program was skewed/marginalized to overthrow individual thought and control...... Inferior classes.......targeting individuals to sway them to allegiance towards cult, not God Appalling conditions were not addressed on WOW program, nor corps program Herd mentality......droning of information........static conformity......adding to cult culture Offensive to individual growth, liberty, prosperity, lives and career.......stagnating all potential The cult life is a black hole...................
    1 point
  7. On the subject of pat answers, it's disgraceful for so-called leaders to rely on them like twi mandates/mandated. They are sloppy, lazy, and don't help people as much as silence people. But, it started from the top. pfal: vpw quoted the question "If God is All-Powerful, can He make a rock so big he can't lift it?" His answer in the class-which he had time to prepare, was "God is All-Knowing. He wouldn't DO a stupid thing like that." That's a pat answer and doesn't address the question. Maybe 2 years in (3 tops), I phrased my answer to that question. "God is Spirit (John 4:24), and a spirit doesn't have flesh and bones (Luke 24:39). So, the error is in thinking God has a body to lift with in the first place." Raf followed up by addressing how the question supposes 2 numbers with the value of infinity, with one number supposedly of a greater value of infinity. That's MATHEMATICALLY impossible, so the question makes no sense since it doesn't even work on paper. We were teenagers with little twi background and we had better answers than vpw. He was lazy and preferred pat answers. We were not and we did not.
    1 point
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