Thanks again, DWBH........
Yeah......."believe absurdities"
Namely......."the law of believing" wherein believing equals receiving
Pursuing "God first" is to drop everything from goals, family, friends, career, etc. and join a cult movement
Discounting all scrutiny of wierwille's plagiarism, degree-mill doctorate, drunkenness, ineptness, and sexual predation
Never able to question or criticize wierwille-mandates, skewed research or classes/programs
The "true household of God" doctrine that countered ever aspect of the One Body of Christ
Weaponizing verses such as "mark&avoid" to shut the door on dissenting voices
And........."commit atrocities"
The definition of atrocity..........behavior or condition that is inferior, dismaying, appalling or offensive
Every twi-class and program was skewed/marginalized to overthrow individual thought and control......
Inferior classes.......targeting individuals to sway them to allegiance towards cult, not God
Appalling conditions were not addressed on WOW program, nor corps program
Herd mentality......droning of information........static conformity......adding to cult culture
Offensive to individual growth, liberty, prosperity, lives and career.......stagnating all potential
The cult life is a black hole...................