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  1. http://www.sciencealert.com/this-is-what-power-does-to-your-brain-and-your-body
    1 point
  2. I have no desire to "search" the AC transcripts or review SNS tape #214. All that would really prove is that Wierwille spoke of the alleged event. We already know that much, otherwise you would have no knowledge of it. It doesn't make it anymore true than his fabricated snowstorm stories. And, yes, I'm aware the expression can be used figuratively, much like people today say someone threw them "under the bus". If you're still not sure what kind of behavior is acceptable and expected of someone who supposedly represents God, I suggest you spend less time searching Way publications and reexamine the scriptures. If this is the kind of behavior Wierwille found admirable, I believe his understanding of the scriptures may have been skewed.
    1 point
  3. So, Mike, why does it seem that Saint Vic is attracted to people who mistreat others? (Birds of a feather, perhaps?) First, the guy that snaps at his wife. Now, a guy who throws someone down stairs for the venial sin of being late. Two, three steps or twenty steps makes little difference. Either way the person could have been hurt or even killed (should he have hit his head) by such an idiotic move. Nowadays, in the least, that's assault and it can get you time cooling your heels at the crowbar motel.
    1 point
  4. Yes and for good measure as a door stop prevention strategy- you might want to post a sign on your forehead
    1 point
  5. It must be difficult for someone to get on the local news and admit they've been swindled out of their life savings. Now, imagine how it must be next to impossible for someone to get on the world wide web and concede they've flushed nearly the last 50 years of their life down the crapper chasing a non-existent, elusive golden pony. I wouldn't look for it to happen anytime soon. * I've got a little Stowwwry for you. It's kind of a parable, I guess, except it really happened. When I was just a little whipper, I wanted to be a cowboy. Maybe you did too. Lots of kids did back then. More than anything, I wanted a Palomino pony.(That's that beautiful golden color you see in the movies.) Trouble is, that's not too realistic for a kid in the inner city. One day, as I was out front playing broomstick cowboy with the neighbor kid, I happened to look down toward the end of the block just in the nick of time to see something that was a beautiful golden color, turning the corner, moving away from us. What do you suppose it was I saw? Yep. You guessed it. It was, of all things, a Palomino pony. Just to be sure, I asked the neighbor if she had seen it too. She was sure she had. We grabbed our broomsticks and set out immediately, at a full gallop, in pursuit of that buckin' bronco. There was no time to consider where we would keep it or what we would feed it. We were on a mission. We were so excited, we didn't even notice the houses that became a blur as we flew past them. Huffing and puffing, we made it to the end of the street and turned the corner. And there it was, our Palomino pony. He was still on the run, though, and we only caught a glimpse of that magnificent yellow tail streaming in the wind as it turned the next corner at full speed. We only paused long enough to catch a quick gulp of air as we both looked at each other in a knowing fashion. We knew we had to continue the pursuit. Off we went, gasping for air and straining to run just a little bit faster in an effort to gain some distance. At last, we made it to the next corner. Again, we only caught a glimpse of that golden tail and his rear hooves as he toyed with our chase as if it were a game. The scenario repeated itself until we were back where we started and the pony we wanted so badly had vanished into thin air. If you still believe The Way can make fantasy come true you'll spend forever grasping at thin air.
    1 point
  6. In my opinion this above post is the voice of reason giving a summary of an outlandish belief system. == == == == Now what I find very fascinating is the degree to which a person will go to obfuscate issues and challenge any intelligent criticism of the cornerstone of that outlandish belief system; on this thread as well as others - it has become monotonous how much Mike tries to justify wierwille's abhorrent behavior; and it's not like we're specifically criticizing PFAL or any particular way-doctrine when Mike starts launching a counterattack - it's when folks talk about the cornerstone of Mike's belief system - wierwille himself.... ...yeah, yeah I know - Mike thinks PFAL / and other TWI materials are god-breathed and that's really what all the fuss is about and why he's so upset with the critics...but what is odd is how much Mike has to go through contortions of logic and rhetoric to try and convince people that wierwille is of the same caliber of character as those who wrote the scriptures...I guess for some reason he feels the need to shore up the reputation of his favorite deluded plagiarist ....I guess he can't fathom why others don't see the greatness in wierwille's "works" - as if folks have some mental defect - so he says things like Grease Spotters suffer from intellectual inbreeding. here’s Mike responding to someone who took offense at his “intellectual inbreeding" statement: Notice the little bit of backpedaling and soft-selling – with Mike’s trying to suggest a discussion of wierwille’s gross plagiarism, licentious lifestyle or megalomaniac style of leadership should be no different than any other discussion about religion or politics throughout the world. This may take some more research – I mean…just wondering how many religions or political systems there are in the world today that are based on large-scale plagiarism, abject immorality and megalomania. == == == == Another curious thing that intrigues me is to try and figure out what motivates someone to make such an obvious and flimsy attempt to rewrite history: == == == == == and below - the attempts to rewrite history are exposed
    1 point
  7. What you "heard" contradicts what vpw said happened, what Mrs w said happened, what both said about him, and what we heard from people who actually met him, interacted with him, and took his class. There's one CONSISTENT account of BGL (really nice guy-which is why vpw got away with what he got away with. Your story crashes hard into what happened. vpw HIMSELF said that he contacted BGL and was told the current class was in progress and not to show up. vpw then showed up and demanded to be let in anyway. BGL let him. Thar's TOTALLY not what vpw said to do with any pfal class, and not what vpw would have done. Sounds like you've constructed a vile, mean version of BGL that didn't exist to try to excuse vpw for being vile and mean. It's part of your "vpw gets a free pass on almost everything because it's all acceptable behavior", which it isn't and never was.
    1 point
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