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  1. I think this is a healthy way to look at it. Never let the bad experiences and relationships you had in TWI blind you to the good ones. That's my opinion, at least.
    2 points
  2. Twi has been sending out ornaments to their fellowship coordinators with the following comment attached: "The Remnant: Those that stay behind after all others have left. The remnant in the biblical sense, was actually the best part of a piece of clothing, or material due to its quality or durability. So it is spiritually. Throughout the old testament, within every generation, it always came down to a small remnant of believers who stood and believed when all others had left. We can see it in every generation. Still see it today. Stay strong oh ye remnant of the Lord!" Now, all i can say is this appears to be a pretty cheesy effort at damage control since so many folks split with revival and restoration. Im gonna do a tshirt that says "i stood as the faithful remnant in the way international and all i got was this crappy ornament."
    1 point
  3. Jeff, good for you!! I joined the Navy in 1985; what a trip!! Paul and his wife Rita, are wonderful Christians; kind, and truly loving. I know TWI had some terrible leaders like VPW, and LCM, but it also had some wonderful leaders like Paul Norcross. When I think about my time in TWI, I know I met some wonderful people, that I still keep in touch with. But Jeff, you are right; some of TWI'S leaders were not so good. .
    1 point
  4. Hey Mike......I see you made your way back to GSC. Before I answer your questions, I was wondering if you cared to comment on several of my posts in this thread. Noted: Mrs. Wierwille gives first-hand documentation of her husband's life and twi's history in her 1996 book, Born Again To Serve. Most specifically, the B.G. Leonard's foundational classes in Calgary, Alberta and that whole timeline. It is clear that victor paul wierwille was ensconced in the denominational church mindset and had NO ORIGINALITY OR CONCEPTS percolating in his thinking......SO HE ATTENDED OTHER MEN'S SEMINARS AND RETREATS. And, when he found his way to B.G. Leonard's foundational class.........then, he set the wheels in motion for an "independent, class-based ministry" outside of the denomination structure. The whole timeline connects the dots and how wierwille "put it all together."
    1 point
  5. Grace,I was Active Army 79 to 83, IRR for 6 more years. I know of Paul Norcross,but have not met in person. Back then,TWI leaders were considered "untouchable". Sad,innit?
    1 point
  6. Grace,thank you for your service. Have you reconnecred with other "greasespots" yet? I believe the way we live our lives tells others more aboot us as Christians than saying the right buzzwords. Hell,I still cuss up a storm occasionally,but it isn't what is in my heart. People are GLAD to see me now,because they know I keep my word. Whether at work or at home.
    1 point
  7. There I was.........a young, college kid taking my 900 Kawasaki for a ride. The streets were quiet and the temperature was perfect for motorcycle riding on this sunday morning. After about an hour of cruising, I ventured to a nearby park where I wanted to stop and stretch my legs. I had noticed a small gathering of people in the distance so I throttled down to keep my presence non-disturbing to others. After parking my bike, I went for a short walk to take in the quiet serenity. Knowing others were in church, I always viewed sunday mornings as a time of prayer, reverence, and meditation. So, it came as a bit of a surprise when I walked back to my Kawasaki that a young man was standing there holding a Bible. He told me that he was a "WOW Ambassador" and that he and others (in that nearby group) were here in the city for one year to show people the essence of biblical research and how the Scriptures interpret themselves. Anyways............he invited me to a "twig fellowship" to check it out, and after three or four phone calls prompting me to attend, I went. I didn't see the selling of snake oil..........but I did see a couple of things. Having taken marketing classes in college, I sniffed a couple of marketing ploys in pfal that I thought wierwille used that seemed shady. But hey.......I was just a young buck, what did I know? It wasn't like I was getting involved in a cult......../sarc. I saw young people who greeted me with hugs and enthusiasm and a zeal to know God... I saw youthful vigor and concern for my life and where I was headed, now and the eternal.... I took pfal and thought, even with its quirkiness, that it answered most of my questions.... I thought those manifestations seemed repetitive......but that it was the beginning stages of holy spirit within... Except for pfal, I couldn't have cared less about twi's hq, policies, bureaucracy or the man, wierwille.... As a young nineteen year-old, I only really cared about those around me......a small circle of "friends".... Small, incremental steps.........that's what it takes to indoctrinate someone, anyone. Every time I attended twig or threw money into the horn-a-plenty, I was confirming my allegiance to this "outreach group." Of course, within weeks after taking pfal, I began to realize that these people in my college town were "neophytes" compared to others in this "way tree thing." But......all my growing trust and relationships were with THESE people, not the distant headquarters, or whatever. Every week and month that I spent going to twig and taking other classes, I was bonding my love and trust factor to them. Then, after eight months........the pleas for me to "go WOW" were constant. "You should go -- just one year, give one year to God and watch how He blesses you"......you won't believe how far He can take you in your life as you give to Him. So, after all the love-bombing and pleas, etc............I quit college and went WOW. Now, I had put more distance between my college education, college friends and room-mates, my parents and family.......and solidified my allegiance, and the decision I'd made, by plunging headlong into the WOW year. What a roller-coaster ride of a year...........some wild times, bare-cabinet moments, scary moments, answers-to-prayer moments and camaraderie with my WOW family thru tough times so that we could return to the ROA, having fulfilled our commitment to God. See, fulfill your vow.......that's what God honors. Keep your hands to the plow and don't look back......... Incremental steps........why would I go back to college when God has other plans for me? Go Way Corps, you've got what it takes......commitment, dedication and passion for the truth... This wasn't "selling snake oil"............THIS was me, my life, and how God needed me to help "move the word"..... At age 21.......who sees a deceptive, underlying, exploiting charismatic leader hiding in the shadows? BUT..............my first red flags came from the CF&S class and my first year in-residence when wierwille lashed out at corps grads who were exiting as cop-outs? I was stunned by the vehement anger and tone. At the 1978 Advanced Class, I was selected as a Branch Coordinator and was summoned to our coordinator's meeting in the Fireplace Room with Wierwille and Martindale. At this meeting was when wierwille blasted the three 8th corps guys for going "rogue" in their research and were possessed. This anger was laced throughout that advanced class.........and the following months of my first four months in-residence. I should have exited corps/twi then and there. Emotions and relationships, I believe.......are a MAJOR part in why people stay in this cult. Most people formulate their decisions on emotion, not logic......and certainly not "biblical research techniques". LOL. People stay in a cult and REFUSE to see the "snake oil".......it doesn't matter how "educated" they are. It takes something rather dramatic, or personal.....to see the snake oil, and get out. A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. ............and still in a cult. .
    1 point
  8. At lunch one day, in the BRC basement, Dr announced that as part of his preparation for teaching the new class he was going to “take” the class for the first time. At that time he had only seen the first half hour of the ‘67 film class, so in order to prepare for teaching the same material again, Dr set up a schedule to watch the entire thing. Every day he’d show up at lunch and tell us which session he was in as he progressed through the class. Some days he did one session or two, other days he did only a part. When Dr completed Session Five he reported to us that he had Christ in him, “the hope of glory” and we all cheered. Word went around that some staffers were doing up some calligraphy on a PFAL diploma for Dr, so that he could become an official “PFAL Grad” like us. Everyone was quite excited to see Dr take the class this way. It was a wonderful touch to see this as we all worked hard to prepare for PFAL’77. I say “all” in the sense that even though not all was totally perfect, we never voiced it, and it WAS pretty darn good how we all got along, especially compared to ten years later. These were still the “good old days” in many ways. Then one day Dr showed up at lunch with a glum look on his face. I see the propaganda wing of The Way was still working full force. Were we to believe someone who didn't have the patience or gumption to do his own research sat on his hams for three hours watching a snoozefest? More like he had someone else watch it, then give him the Cliff's Note version complete with a highlight to tell all in attendance.
    1 point
  9. Funny how TWI dropped off the face of the planet when the Fit hit the Shan. No more newsletters,or anything. Oh,well. Only the Word of God endures...
    1 point
  10. Hi. Here's a quick primer on a few things you missed. 80s- lcm demanded an oath of loyalty from everyone- 4/5 of the current membership responded by getting up and walking out. Most joined their leadership who refused to swear anything. (When asked, he confirmed verbally it was an oath to follow him BLINDLY.) 90s- lcm tried to erase vpw and replace vpw on everything. His Mrs and Rosalie Rivenbark did all the real thinking for him. After a few years of him yelling and cursing, he got caught when some woman he molested went to the cops. twi settled out of court, and Donna and Rosalie took over twi. Messageboards leading to this one were formed when all that happened. 00s- group got INCREDIBLY boring and bleached of all interest. Rfr insists on holding all the power so she can't be pushed out like she pushed out lcm, and she has no personality to speak of. Group continues to hemorrhage members. 10s- rfr finally steps down and names a successor she has in her pocket. BTW, splinter groups exist. Many were from top twiérs who wanted all the money and power. Some are just local meetings that don't include twi anymore. And groups still split off from time to time, with another set of leaders leaving about a year ago. Nearly everyone once involved with twi is not connected with twi now, nor any splinters.
    1 point
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