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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2017 in all areas

  1. Yessss!!! And dont forget
    4 points
  2. En Garde! Will there be retemory cards? We need retemory cards.
    2 points
  3. I read the comments about this class on the link posted. Same old bs about the household blah blah blah. FYI wayfers you’re not the household and nobody is impressed by the overuse of this word. Also Merry Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas. It’s called Christmas not hoho household prevailing in the 20 th century super duper household holidays lol! Nut job’s
    2 points
  4. Bwaaaahahahaha! Which adversary? Dictor Paul wierwille?Lurch Craig Forehead, da dancing pwesident? Rose-a-lie Fox Dykenbark? Jean Yves De Liar? There are so many! Pick one, and then call Franklin Graham or Fallwell Jr. for a cheap exorcism! Or, you can call boob and doody MoneyHands and revive and restore the bullshit from the 70s era dic-fantasies! Either way, the "adversary" will beat your absent jeezus every time! LOL!
    2 points
  5. Hey, there's a new dta class by the way international! Im sure its the old class offered by twi except highly sanitized of craig martindale, but hey....its new!!, And its an audio class, so now when the teachers leave it wont matter because nobody saw their faces...lol....ok....carry on as u were. http://theway.org/topic.php?page=news&lang=en&m=1
    1 point
  6. Omg. If more people only knew how true your statement is Twinky. We were compelled at every class to write feedback on how the classes blessed us. And it was expected of students to ONLY give positive feedback. Not honest feedback but supposed positive feedback. After a few classes the more seasoned grads learn to barf out some tremendous sounding ministry jargon to appease the overlords. Geesh, thank God im free of all that crap.
    1 point
  7. These posts got me thinking about how when one joins TWI and sticks around for a while – they adopt a unique filter for how to look at things – whether the past, present or future. Something I remember from Everything You’ve Been Taught Is Wrong: Fact, Fiction and Lies in American History by James Loewen on CD – it goes along the lines of history being a fabrication – something that is man-made. My 2-bit opinion agrees with Loewen…besides knowing that history is a study of the past by folks who may not always get all the facts straight, who may have a bias or two, who may filter out things they deem unimportant, I figure it never hurts to check out history from several different sources – from folks who may have a different take on things. That’s the beauty of Grease Spot Café. Sometimes new folks come here and paint Grease Spotters with broad strokes. But even a cursory reading of About the Way and Doctrinal forums reveal there’s quite a difference of opinion in what’s wrong with TWI – told from the unique perspective of each person’s experiences The “official” history of The Way International – is a fabrication alright! A great tactic to hide all the deceptive, manipulative, exploitive, abusive, destructive things that they have done and will continue to do. The Way International - always the consummate chameleon with a carefully planned strategy that adapts to every situation. It may change its color…its outward appearance…but remember it is still a chameleon.
    1 point
  8. yup ! and every prison needs a warden and every cult needs a front man...or front woman.
    1 point
  9. Hahahahahaha! Keys to keeping our minds DULL and pulling a VEIL OVER OUR EYES so that we can be fooled by his attacks, more like. Pity the in rez corps and staff that this class was practiced on, and who were then compelled to write these glowing reviews. Those days will start when you walk away from TWI and start to claim your rights in Christ to be free of oppression, when you stop being a captive of TWI. Innies - do it now!
    1 point
  10. Thanks for the heads-up on TWI’s new DTA class, OldSkool…thought I’d comment on one of the “blessings” listed on their website: "We have learned the objectives, motives, and methods of our personal adversary. We now recognize how he functions in the world and against our lives. We have been given practical keys to keeping our minds sharp and our eyes open in order not to be fooled by his attacks. We can now walk out with an enlightened understanding of what it means to be in the spiritual competition. We have assured confidence that we are fully equipped to win.” There’s just a few issues I have – even with just this one testimony from an excited graduate of Defeating the Adversary. 1. How can these qualities or benefits be verified? 2. From my own experience of involvement for 12 years with The Way International – especially in their way corps leadership training program and knowing of the abject hypocrisy and moral depravity of top leadership - I am extremely doubtful that TWI was ever qualified to teach about the motives and methods of a personal adversary or how to be fully equipped to defeat spiritual foes on the attack…unless we’re talking about TWI’s top leadership as being good examples of how “inner demons” (figuratively speaking of course) will get the best of you if you're not honest and repentant. 3. Thinking about when the passing of a patriarch was read – and many months thereafter of everyone trying to sort through all the blame-shifting and smoke-screen tactics used by the Board of Trustees and Chris G as they supposedly addressed any scandals, division, controversy, and the spiritual status of followers – I tend to think TWI’s followers probably had an understanding that was darkened NOT enlightened as to what was really going on…about anything!
    1 point
  11. "how to use their authority and inherent ability to defeat the adversary in the spiritual competition of life and win!" Holy schmolly... here I am, stuck at thinking that the whole armour of God enables us to "stand against the wiles of the devil"... or that it's God that can "bruise Satan"... but they have (or say that each person has) the authority and "inherent ability" to defeat the adversary? Isn't that what Christ (and Christ alone, according to Isaiah 63:3) does when he returns? (oh... but that's not the extreme defeat they're talking about. check. this is only little "baby steps" towards it...) Geesschh... if anyone thought the egotism in TWI couldn't get any more blatant or worse, well.. maybe time to guess again.
    1 point
  12. Yeah............and the first of four-fronts of the devil that you need to beware of is YOU. The prison of the cult NEVER changes...........
    1 point
  13. Twinky, this thread is not all about you! It’s about Rocky...I mean, his Steve Martin references...no wait.. .(reviews the minutes of the previous meetings)...uhm I think Kathy started the Steve Martin references.... (scratches head, does several rounds of relaxing breaths) ya know what - - this thread IS about Kathy...sorry about the detour - once again welcome to Grease Spot, Kathy !
    1 point
  14. Kathy, we would all agree with you in that sentiment. In fact, almost any life is better than the drudgery and crushing guilt of TWI.
    1 point
  15. Here.have a look at this. It's currently 4 pages long (we have a lot to say about that, here )
    1 point
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