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OMG..............every time I think that I've heard the full extent of wierwille's demented pathologies and depravity, THERE IS MORE. I agree that this CF&S class was the "most stupid" [perverted] of all of dictor's classes.........for me, it was nauseating and repulsive. At that juncture in my life, I wanted to learn about the true fabric of marriage, a husband and wife, and a Christian family in relationship to honoring God. Even back then, my young mind was throwing up RED FLAGS........the "vibe" of the intent of this class seemed off. I couldn't discern at the time why it rubbed me wrong, but I remember how I felt sitting in CF&S the first time. And yes, it was a pre-requisite for taking the advanced class. Wierwille didn't take the high road in teaching CF&S............he took the low road. Even that whole "virtuous woman" segment seemed out of place in this class......as if it were a "thank you" to mrs. wierwille for sitting next to wierwille to mask his sexual perversions and marginalized mog-hood. The dutiful wife, and Tick-the-German Shorthair, were present for the magician.....er, teacher to use sleight of hand right before our eyes while the sexual perversity drops thru the hidden stage floor.4 points
I was a very early reader, a very early writer - way before my first school. In later years, I trained as a lawyer. Specifically, as a litigation lawyer. I started in general practice, but the firm I was with had a specialty in personal injury, defending on behalf of insurance company clients. I prepared court documents, and presented cases in court from time to time. I wrote letters on behalf of my clients, and responded to letters in. I also did general work - matrimonial, general debt matters, and such like. Negotiated settlements or compromises. I'm also a northern lass. Northerners tend to be more direct in what they say. But usually I'm more nuanced, more careful in how things are said. So, you can see that words, crafting responses, etc, are what I've dealt with all my life, sometimes directly, sometimes in more cushioned language. TWI was thrilled to get this professional person that they'd sucked in. I wasn't over-impressed by PFAL, which even as a newbie seemed incoherent in places. I wasn't impressed by the rather childish collaterals. The grammar in these documents appalled me, but hey, I managed to see through and forgive all the mistakes to try to get to the truth of the Bible. I shouldn't have ignored the red flags, but brought my forensic skills into play. But ... one trusts church ministers. At least, they ought to be trustworthy. Religion wasn't my specialist subject; words and law are. So when I spoke up occasionally in rez, what happens? Nobody listens to what I say, but I'm treated as though I were at fault. I got told, it's not what you say but how you say it. Go and learn to speak differently. I was given loads of verses to memorise. In actuality, what they were doing was using Bible verses as a cudgel to beat me up. They were attacking a thing I was good at. They tore down my self-confidence. And it has taken all this length of time - how long is it, well over 20 years - to see where the problem really is. What the disconnect is (so, I'm a bit of a dunce at times, too!). They said one thing, BUT THEY NEVER MODELLED APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR. What did we get, especially in rez? The higher-ups didn't model words of gentleness or kindness, but shouting. Words of condemnation. Threats. Bullying. Manipulation. Of course, some coordinators spoke kindly, were nice people. But the Corps Coords, the Dept heads, etc, could be self-important and throwing around of their weight. What's really interesting is that nobody I know now have ever said any of those things to me, that I was accused of in TWI. People have been kind, patient, generous in their loving support. Lovely to me when I was first getting my head back in order - a (now) dear friend said when I first came on the scene, they all thought I was rather strange and that I came out with some very odd things, said and did things in a disconcerting manner. These people in my church, and the Christians I've met from other churches, model patience, kindness, genuine caring, the soft answer. The vicar did pick me up on one thing I said, that had been taken the wrong way and had caused hurt to a third party, but he did it with such gentleness and care that it wasn't a fearful confrontation but something that led to reconciliation and a good outcome for all involved. Those are excellent models to follow. I am so thankful for the patience of those who genuinely love God. And for the humble example they set.1 point
The lovely dog video was not part of the video class I took in '77, but in '81 I was somehow living in St Marys, and was at a 'local fellowships' meeting they decided to do one night at HQ.Unless my memory is faulty, it was not an advanced class, or leaders meeting, and certainly not a corps meeting. For forgotten reasons, they pulled out the dog sex tape to show the good people of St Marys and New Bremen. Reactions ranged from audible gasps to the usual stunned silence so as not to be perceived as taking issue with anything done at HQ.1 point
Uhhh.....this is asolutely true. Rosalie truly believes the way to handle issues is to cram classes at people. She used to have us run classes at hq by cabinet area and she would plainly state the reason for keeping the classes cranking at hq was the classes would minister to the needs staff had. Im talking the same classes crammed at fellowships on the field: Foundational, Intermediate, living Gods word as a family were the staples. The staff were basically light weight coerced into volunteering and taking the classes. On top of all the bs busy work with keeping up with staff life .... more classes.1 point
Hi Greasespotters! My first ever exposure to this most stupid of all dictor's "classes", was at The Way of NY CF&S Family Camp on Shelter Island in 1973. Back in those days, CFS was ONLY taught live by dic'n'Dotsie. There were NO tapes of any kind. I was on the Pilot Counsel for 2 out of of the 4 weeks TWIt NY rented the camp. Boob MoneyHands was the limp Coordinator, and he was there for all 4 weeks, except for the day he came to Huntington, NY to officiate at my first wedding. That's why I was only there for 2 weeks. The second two were taken up by wedding and honeymoon. Then right into the 4th corpse. The "class" was just dic up there rambling on about HIS particular views and peccadilloes, with Dotsie at his side to blush and giggle as necessary. Not much Bible at all really. The "highlights", so to speak, were 1) the original sin teaching that said the original sin was masturbation, 2)Proverbs 31 teaching on the "virtuous woman", 3) The slang terminology Sessions, and 4) The showing of T-Bone's favorite beastiality porn video. The rest was all Nite Owls and Drambuie-fueled ramblings about whatever dictor's delusions were bringing forth. Really annoying! During that porn vid session (which was a late morning session just before lunch), almost every one of the older adults.....22 of them....walked out and actually left the camp! That night's Nite Owl was a drunken rant from dic on how chicken "the adults" were and that he'd NEVER trust any one of them to lead anything, let alone a Twig! He was screaming and yelling like a man possessed (pun intended)! After all, there were no people over 40 there to yell back! They had all left that afternoon after lunch! He went on about whatever pissed him off. I was never happier to get out of a place to "do something" than I was that day and night. There were attempts to make some of the teachings available to grads, but only two ever made it out.....the original sin, and Proverbs 31. Nobody any where had the aura or adulation to do anything with this crazy material other than dic and a reluctant Dotsie. So, during the first week of December, 1973, dic attempted a black and white version of CFS, which he recorded live in his office and living room of " the president's home". We, the in-rez corpse (3rd & 4th) and staff were the live audience (read victims). Chairs were packed in as tightly as possible, and many of us sat in the "balcony" which was above the living room and dic's office. It of course, was the big buzz at HQ. Well, it was a typical dic show.....incomprehensible Drambuie rants, and some of the dumbest, most hoakey hillbilly, farmboy "sex advice" and "guidance" you have never heard before again in your life! LOL! After the "class" was finished, over the holidays, while the corpses were on Christmas vacation, which is what it was still called back then before the horrendous "Ho-Ho Relo", the decision was made that the new CFS class was just "not spiritually right" to send out, so the CFS remained live only with Vic there using some of the B&W tapes from 12/73 so he could drink and molest more women. The dog vid was axed. And, that's where CFS remained for several years, until dic tried yet again, including Doc Rawlins teaching all the sessions on sex and reproduction, childbirth, and neonatal care. I don't know whatever happened to those tapes, but they were excellent. So good in fact, that dic eventually deep-sixed them because Doc Rawlings was so excellent, knowledgeable, and humbly personable, that she made dic look like the dumb jerk he was! I left in 12/86, so I have no clue what happened with CF&S after that. Knowing what I know of TWIt's devolution from that point forward, I can only imagine how perverse, manupiulative, and destructive it became with Da Forehead at the helm! In the 70s as the "advanced studies classes" were mandated as pre-requisites for the AC, (Renewed Mind, The Way Tree, Witnessing and Undershepherding, Dealing With The Adversary), CF&S was initially included by trying to use the 12/73 B&W video. It never worked, and quickly, CF&S was removed from the pre-requisite advanced studies classes. Basically, imo, CF&S was used as a recruiting tool for dic's "inner sanctum" sycophants willing to adopt his perversions and peccadilloes in order to sex and drink-it-up with all the "deep believers" who were steeped in the knowledge of grace, mercy, and the most necessary lockbox. When "from birth to the corpse" essays were required, the abuse and manipulation of those writing them was a piece of cake. And, THAT is what dic and his corpse coordinators at every "Root Locale" did with them too! The whole thing was a journey to the dark side of malignant, paranoid, narcissism combined with the sexual perversions of misogynistic moggies, who were lowlife, dumbass, backwoods perverts.Thanjs for reading.1 point
The first thing a cult does is convince you EVERYONE else is lying! "OUR WAY" is the only way of truth, justice and the AmeriKKKan way. We are Nietzsche's Ubermensch.......Superman. Suspension of disbelief is what fictional story telling is all about...............peace.1 point