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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2017 in all areas

  1. There was nothing memorable about the class when I took it. No dogs with women videos. There was negligible stuff about families, Christian or otherwise. In these days of inappropriate treatment of children, you might think there'd be loving guidelines about bringing up a child with tenderness and love (oh wait - this is TWI), teaching kids to say prayers at an early age, etc. I recall nothing of the type. There was probably a section about wives submitting to their husbands - their husbands, not to other men/other wives' husbands. Whatever - this section would have been taught in a way that pushed females to a lower status than men. (And, not followed in practice anyway, where other men's wives were fair game for VPW and LCM.) When it came to sex, there was no careful teaching about (if you like) how to make love (not sex) except that "sex starts at the breakfast table" - in other words, be nice to your wife all day if you want her to be nice to you at night. Some people are even now, and more so when this class was recorded, remarkably ignorant about how babies are made, best times to make babies, natural family planning etc. This got a brief nod and may have taken all of 5 mins. It could have been a decent, careful explanation - but it wasn't. No teaching about what happens to a woman's body during pregnancy, extra care she might need, post-partum issues, or possible loss of libido. What I do recall is a great long list of nicknames for men's and women's private parts. VPW spent a lot of time on this. We needed to know, because people might use these names to describe their sexual problems to us when we were "counselling" them, so we'd need to know what these terms meant, and not to be shocked by them. This class was a total disappointment, an abysmal waste of time, and if you'd paid for it, an utter waste of money.
    3 points
  2. Yeah......and possibly, with mounting evidence and similar experiences with such men, these women would have been heard and believed. Amazing ain't it?........the lewd acts of sexual harassment when men have authoritative power over women GSC posters have detailed accounts of wierwille walking around naked at a women's way home, groping/raping women in motor coach. ......"Uncle" Harry groping a corps woman's breast and commenting on how firm it was. ......a young WOW Ambassador girl invited to wierwille's motor coach. Then, thrown off WOW field because she refused him. ......sex porn video of two women and a dog shown to the in-residence corps, a "Christian" training program. ......and martindale, proclaiming that vpw told him that sex outside of marriage ministers to these women's needs. ......and Rosalie deposed in a court of law, stating that she KNEW martindale was having sexual relations as early as 1995. ......then martindale, stating that he has "blessed" hundreds of women (via sex) thru the years. Rotten, sexual predation has been coursing thru wierwille's minus-tree since its inception......
    2 points
  3. All I have to say about CF&S or any platform that gave wierwille a chance to “teach” is student beware ! I was involved with The Way International for 12 years and can honestly say (based on my personal experience as well as investigating his credentials) that wierwille was not qualified to teach about being a Christian, being a family man, about sex, or even about the Bible. I took his CF&S class when I first got involved with TWI…I remember him showing graphic pictures of couples having sex while he makes remarks along the lines of “I’ve so renewed my mind that I don’t see this as offensive” …I also remember him suggesting the original sin committed by Adam & Eve was masturbation - - I’m not kidding. Fast forward to some 10 years later – I’m in the Family Corps program – during a CF&S type class in residence, and wierwille hosts a pajama party – adults and TEENS are present. He shows a porn video of women having sex with a dog. Afterward he tends to the palpable shock in our group by again going along the same lines as he did in the original CF&S class I took years ago and also throwing in some leadership lessons too since now we’re corps – stuff like “I’ve so renewed my mind that this stuff is not offensive to me…how are you going to counsel believers if you’re shocked by something like this…” he even justified this highly offensive and sexually depraved “teaching” session by saying something like “anything done in the love of god is okay.” Gosh, he must have really “loved” us a lot. oh by the way...welcome to Grease Spot, KingTravel4 ! now aren't you glad you asked about CF&S ? well, don't just take my word for it...there's lots of other threads in About the Way forum that reveal the darker side of wierwille (not known to the general public) - you might want to do some reading. hope you stick around awhile.
    2 points
  4. Interestingly, if VPW was alive today with all the sexual accusations by Hollywood and political, there would be investigations into Wierwille and Martindale by the media
    1 point
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