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  1. Yes, no doubt. Filling in details... WAP - this one was an interesting one. So the 67 class was so outdated by this time it looked like season 1 of Star Trek. Fancy that. So the "research department" wasn't around, mainly because after the fog years loyboy pretty much fired every single last person in the department. Then good buddy Wayne started hanging around a bit, he was the family corpse coordinator. He actually went to class in college unlike football athletes. This was around the time loyboy is writing his Acts book - the one never mentioned again. Loyboy is actually probably studying scripture during this time and exchanging notes with Wayne. They basically took PFAL and re-worked the outline of the class. This was probably heavily Rozilla involved as she can micromanage a teaching plan like nobody's business. Then Loy taught it on stage at the auditorium - they re-worked it all and bought broadcast quality cameras. At the end they paraded him around and gave him a smoking jacket that was reminiscent of Hugh Hefner. He sent us all a picture from the Bahamas while we were taking 10% pay cuts. WAP 1.5 - so WAP really was never destined to last. Too much anger towards the gays. Too much subtext going on with loyboy losing his wife to Rozilla. The lawsuits. The power grab. The exile. So in the gap, when in doubt, what do you do? Make the corpse do the work. The lesson plan must go on. So the corpse had to teach out of the red syllabus. They freak out. People are doing like 10 hours of prep for every hour of teaching, trying to master the material in a short period of time. So guidance is given to spend one hour in prep for one hour of teaching. So classes turn into a read-the-syllabus-a-thon, and sound a lot like the STS. People sit there with mind-numbingly bored looks on their face. Corpse interjected personal stories to alleviate their pain. But oh no, this cannot be. It must be franchised to be controlled. Thus WAP 2.0 - the upgrade. Teachers without sordid sexual pasts. Use of broadcast cameras. And a video review by one of the Stepford wives at the beginning of each segment. Ladies and gentlemen we have an advancement in animatronics. A real live person that sounds like a robot you would listen to at Disney. The rest of the class is just kind of ... meh. Trying too hard for a metaphor - like chocolicious Rupp. But hey - now with a lesson plan and broadcast cameras they can rule the world. All by re-working a set of materials gathered by a plagiarist. Now they can do things like coming down on corpse for not plugging enough brain dead recipients in to their DVD player, making people do Jehovah's witnessing type neighborhood canvassing, etc. etc. while they sit back and enjoy the money and the fame. Except for that the class is based on re-worked, re-regurgitated research work picked through from old materials. So it doesn't spread like wildfire. In fact, this approach drops followers off so fast that they now no longer need to run an Advanced class every year. So to me the Way is looking more and more like Jehovah's Witnesses all the time. Comic book level materials from the ruling class along with a heavy-handed approach mandating sales quotas from oppressed followers. But hey, they are "staying faithful to their commitment to the Word", right? Keep taking that blue pill, and keep staying a slave.
    2 points
  2. OMG.........un-frikkin-believable Could it possibly get worse? This whole thing is seriously warped. WAP 3.0........mimicking the skinny tie class and storylines?
    1 point
  3. Amazon's Kindle store is charging only $1.99 today for Ehrman's book on How Jesus Became God.
    1 point
  4. I understand what you’re saying here – but – that’s not the way you were talking about in your earlier post; you said “Of course you don't. Yet, you are evidently compelled to denigrate anyone else that doesn't believe as you do, in a forum where such things are presumed to be true.” Those were your exact words “in a forum where such things (such things as what DWBH said:” I don't believe the Bible is the God-breathed Word of God. I don't believe the Bible is inerrant. I don't believe the Bible is perfect.”) are presumed to be true.” Presumed to be true by whom? Everyone who contributes in the doctrinal forum? And can you be specific where DWBH denigrated…criticized…disparaged other posters on this thread who don’t believe as he does? Have you read Raf’s posts? That’s about as different as you can get – (belief-wise anyways) from most of the posters so far. Your "presumed" statement implies that everyone that posts in the doctrinal forum - regardless of their belief system or doctrines they hold to (or reject ) – presume the Bible is the God-breathed Word of God, that it is inerrant, that it is perfect…and what you’re talking about now (defining doctrine) has no continuity or even relates or excuses what you said previously “in a forum in a forum where such things are presumed to be true.” The “presumed to be true” is a grossly mistaken assumption whereas your more recent “doctrines, subset…premises” post is talking about something totally different – what is doctrine – which I already addressed in my previous post by giving the definition of doctrine… maybe if you could understand the difference in your two posts – and review what everyone else said on this thread, consider some of the questions and suggestions I posted - you might be able to contribute something that’s relevant to this thread...just a thought anyway.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Claudettee had a polyp on her vocal chords removed in the early 90s. THAT'S when she went the more the way of the secretary. Moved to Atlanta and tried an online cookie store and who knows what else. She is and always has been one of BellaDonna's BFFs. Bob S. OTOH, I've really enjoyed ever since Wayne Merrill had him play at some meeting we did in IL, in 1977. That's all it took, and I got him hooked up to do his first album for TWIt and he became a mainstay at the ROA. That he is STILL a wayfer, and in addition, a "product" of Bill Greene is just completely insane. Bill Greene's ONLY claim to fame was that he once appeared in a porn flick and that he was a "weatherman" on some local TV station in KY or TN before becoming the faithful moggie he is today. If i hired the best screenwriters in Hollywood or NY, I still could not script a stranger, more pathetic, more morally depraved, story of a group of miscreants and perverts than the actual, factual history of dic's pathetic cult. Truly, among all humans, the most miserable and despicable.
    1 point
  7. I don't know if you in the US will be able to follow this link but it's a really interesting series of 15 min talks by Neil MacGregor, ex curator of the British Museum, now working in some top museum in Germany. Excellent credentials. Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia, from which longer article I learn, to my surprise, that he is a devout Christian. He has run several most interesting series on examining the backgrounds to many artefacts and currently he is looking at Living with the Gods. It's of general interest, not even remotely considering the Bible, but is considering the routines of religions (that's plural), what they might have meant then and now, and similarities and differences. He bases his talk around some artefact that may or may not have (to us) religious significance. The artefact might be a garment, a coin, a shard... I mention this because it might give some insight into how some different religious practices came into existence. How those practices play out in other cultures, religions, time periods. One recently was about sacrifice, starting with Incas, moving through various stages, taking in Christianity, and moving forward. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09c1mhy If that doesn't work, you could try bbc.com (rather than bbc.co.uk).
    1 point
  8. I still don't feel that I have a proper concept of Jesus. At least - of Jesus now. I don't doubt the physical Jesus of two millennia ago. It occurs to me that I don't have a big enough concept of "God," either. My view is far too parochial. God is the God of the universe, not of solely of Planet Earth, or even (merely) of our solar system. Who, then, or what, is God? An energy stream? Plasma? The bond that holds atoms and molecules together? And yet, some - entity - that possesses what we (in our minute and dust-like brains) might call thought processes - some discrete entity that occurs literally everywhere, always. Sometimes I read a Bible and substitute every reference to "God" with "Love." It makes for an interestingly different read.
    1 point
  9. I see this person saying what he's had enough of; not saying where he thinks he's going or what he's looking for. I wonder if his perspective might be different if he were a black person (I do get the impression he's white, but I might be wrong). It seems to me (from this side of the pond) that a lot of American Christianity is "prosperity gospel" and that's certain a lot of what TWI propounded. There is very much more in the Bible about suffering, persecution, and persevering through difficulties. And there is a significant amount about compassion leading to open-handed help and service. I live in a different country, and have lived in other countries, and the fear-bashing and money-oriented culture of the American mega-church or of the cultish TWI does not prevail in those other countries. This person needs to explore outside of the USA. Go on mission to Africa or India or Albania or somewhere else, for a little while.
    1 point
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