Oh, it's relevant alright..........thanks, T-Bone.
I find it interesting to study the "class-history" of the twit-cult......
Stolen class [1953] from BG Leonard.......and swaths of plagiarism from Stiles, Bullinger, Kenyon and others
1967 class............and pulling out segments that confused students / shortening class to 33-hrs
1977 pfal..............scrapped when wierwille couldn't muster the quality/discipline needed
WAP.....................featuring dancing doofus and the lesbian sex in the garden
WAP..........with corps teaching from the red syllabus [ignoring the white elephant who was ousted and moved to Toledo]
WAP2........using 3 guys to "teach" certain sections or whatever........
Have I got that right? Since I exited before martindale got booted by twi's lawyers.......I heard this stuff on GSC.
Detailed accounting of twi's deceptive, polished history EXPOSES THE WIERWILLE-MYSTIQUE.......and clears the way for people to exit the twi-cult without guilt, fear or condemnation. These GSC threads relieve people of the heavy burdens that this RELIGIOUS CULT heaped on the shoulders of the deceived followers.
Talk about HAPPY THANKSGIVING...................