Might it be okay to think of "government" as "orderliness"? Rather than any specific form of rule, domination, etc.
God had seen (Genesis) that the world had become chaotic, and imposed orderliness upon it.
God is not the author of confusion, but of peace - orderliness.
Christians are supposed to be peaceful, respectful, orderly, both in the church and in their relationships with other people. We are not "peaceable" if we are being anarchic, butting up against people, arguing and fighting. That, however, does to mean that we should not stand up for what we believe in:
Mordecai [book of Esther], whose act of civil disobedience was not words but simply refusing to bow when the pompous bully Haman passed by. But Mordecai did not fight against the regime of the time - in fact, quite the opposite - his submission to that regime brought about hte liberation of his people.