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  1. Thanks, Chockfull, for providing that link. Undertow is also available at Barnes and Noble. Independent bookstores and public and university libraries can order it easily, too. The ISBN is 978-0-9978747-0-9. NEWS UPDATE: Part II of the American Studies blog interview is now published at http://blog.asjournal.org/escaping-fundamentalism-interview-charlene-l-edge-part-ii/ Cheers!
    1 point
  2. indeed all views are welcome, as far as I'm concerned. and sorry to be repetitive and self-referencing - but one of the last points I made in my first post was - - hopefully - - setting the spirit of this thread...perhaps inspiring others to share the reasoning for the course they have set...and if folks would think about the bigger picture...context...the common ground of Grease Spot - that being most of us here were a part of a group (The Way International) that has a fundamentalist view of the Bible...therefore - - in my thinking anyway - - there is no reason for debate or defending one's choice of path since they left TWI (assuming all who respond have left - but it could be one is still in TWI - they too are free to explain the path of their choice ) I dunno ....maybe it's wishful thinking on my part...was just shooting for a discussion that wouldn't be another hostile bashing of opposing views on anything.
    1 point
  3. For those readers who have not yet subscribed to Penworks's blog, part two of her interview is now up on the American Studies blog.
    1 point
  4. True dat. Claudettee went more the secretary way than the singer way over the years. Yard Dog kind of doesn't encapsulate the modern version. Modern version would be more Porch Dog. Remade in image of Billy Greene.
    1 point
  5. Great example. That's why I have considerable discomfort with common conceptions that Romans 13 presents a scenario in which Christians have no worldly role in the conduct of politics or government. Even before the era in which governments derive their just powers from the people, human action (beyond simply shrugging one's shoulders and defaulting to "it's a spiritual battle that I can't do anything about") made a huge and important difference for liberation of the people. I continue to maintain that such common misunderstandings serve to keep people in bondage today rather than enable liberty to live in God's freedom.
    1 point
  6. Might it be okay to think of "government" as "orderliness"? Rather than any specific form of rule, domination, etc. God had seen (Genesis) that the world had become chaotic, and imposed orderliness upon it. God is not the author of confusion, but of peace - orderliness. Christians are supposed to be peaceful, respectful, orderly, both in the church and in their relationships with other people. We are not "peaceable" if we are being anarchic, butting up against people, arguing and fighting. That, however, does to mean that we should not stand up for what we believe in: Mordecai [book of Esther], whose act of civil disobedience was not words but simply refusing to bow when the pompous bully Haman passed by. But Mordecai did not fight against the regime of the time - in fact, quite the opposite - his submission to that regime brought about hte liberation of his people.
    1 point
  7. 12 Angry Men = 24 examples of juror misconduct. The Untouchables: Not even in 1930s Chicago can a judge remove a jury from one trial and replace it with a jury from another trial. Not even in 1930s Chicago can a defense lawyer decide, without consulting his client, to withdraw a not guilty plea and enter a plea of guilty. Holy crap! My Cousin Vinny: Ok, I got nothing on My Cousin Vinny. Law schools use it to teach, for f-s sake, who am I to critique it?
    1 point
  8. 1 point
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