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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2017 in all areas

  1. "mind bottling" ...that's one way to say how cults encourage closed-mindedness....ya know, a bottled-up mind doesn't get out much...I'm here all week folks.. rewriting Jim Croce's tune: ...If I could save my mind in a bottle... (glad I don't get paid for my songwriting )
    2 points
  2. love it OldSkool !!!! now I'm wanting to put a band together and we'll call ourselves The Burnt Chaff not sure if the name of the band should be in red - to symbolize the flames of fire that burn the chaff or just have it in charcoal black to be "accurate" as charred remnants of the chaff....oh decisions, decisions
    2 points
  3. omg, they used America Awakes album? It is after this that Way Production sank because VPW wanted his cowboy gospel quartet the Victors and High Country Caravan singers.
    1 point
  4. "When Claudettee Royal, Debra Olthouse, Trudy Yeats, Debra Berger, Marsha Perry and Bob Stanley came on stage, they were savvy enough to wait on their opening bars, give us a chance to greet them in thunderous applause." ~~~~~ WHAT A BUNCH OF CONFLATED BULLCRAAAP.........oooooh, they were savvy enough to wait on their cues to enter stage right. Leave it to Clem Robins, 10th Corps ......and his artistic flare for expressive arts to go off the deep end with this "review."
    1 point
  5. What?............no dynamic teaching that turned their hearts to the Lord? What?............no "biblical research" that opened their eyes to that mighty, prevailing Word? What?............no signs, miracles or wonders that demonstrated the Lord is present? Just songs of yesteryear that took them back to group hugs and cult daze.......songs that took them to emotional nostalgia. Maybe those who "write the songs" should be grafted into the board of directors.......since the directors are the walking dead.
    1 point
  6. It is mind bottling. How to win in this life. Let's examine track records....
    1 point
  7. emotional high............nostalgia aaahhhh..............it's yesterday once more.
    1 point
  8. Bliss, sorry that you have to put up with this in your family. Take care and know real Christians love you and support you
    1 point
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