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The reason for this thread is to point out the blatant lies stemming from headquarters. Mr. Wierwille stated that he began "the way ministry" with the first broadcast of Vesper Chimes: October 3, 1942 Mrs. Wierwille stated in her book that twi and "A New Headquarters" began at 649 S. Washington Street: December 19, 1957 Mr. Wierwille claimed that "they were pioneers"........because they had young people singing in those radio broadcasts [while those he listened to by Rev. Charles Fuller did not]. Mrs. Wierwille's book: Page 1...................... "The idea of writing my husband's biography didn't originate with me. I was asked to do it. Previously when a biography was mentioned, I had thought I would be able to contribute to one. I was very aware that no one else could accurately relate Dr. Wierwille's life without my input. He and I were raised in the same community and lived much of our lives together. I felt I knew his life better than anyone else and therefore could reconstruct it most fully and authentically." So, who you going to believe? Victor Paul Wierwille or Dorothea Kipp Wierwille? To look at the Vesper Chimes broadcast as twi's beginning when wierwille was a pastor at St. Jacob's Evangelical and Reformed Church in Payne, Ohio stretches credulity to the limit. In no way, shape or manner did victor paul wierwille have any inkling of a "class-based, independent ministry" in 1942. Wierwille was rooted in the denominational structure of the church......and by listening to Rev. Fuller's radio broadcast each week, wierwille crafted this plagiarist path to get his voice heard to a wider audience. No revelation from above. No originality. Just wierwille studying the religious landscape to up his influence. Hiding In Plain Sight......is the substantiated anniversary date, documented in her book no less, by Dorothea Kipp Wierwille: December 19, 1957. So, why do the directors lay claim to the flippant and not the obvious? Dr. Wierwille made the claim that Oct. 3, 1942 was when "twi was founded." Can't go back and correct the record.........the cult never retracts anything Who cares if this cult wants to fanaticize its beginning? Don't all cults? Besides.........NO ONE reads mrs. w's book for details. It's a picture book. lol And if they can't even get THIS right.......from a "biblical research" organization?3 points
Sheesh! So much motivation by guilt and the logical fallacy of false equivalence! "MY Ministry", eh? Thanks for posting Sky! Never saw this before. Saw the resignation letter and the back-and-forth between dic and the denominational beaurocrats, the haggling over "Dilemma of Foreign Missions in India", the allegations of embezzlement and extra-marital sexual affairs, and the animosity dic had toward his previous employers. But, I never saw this letter! Sounds just as bad as the corpse letters he had Karen Kerger, Donna Randall, and others "help" him with. As I've said many times before, there was NEVER a time when TWIt was "good"! It was built on lies, stealing, and adultery from the 1940s-1957. After they got the farm to be their HQ, and alleviated the "constant Satanic pressure" from the denomination, dic was free to build his cult of personality and self-aggrandizement. He was free to guilt and shame "the household" into giving him their $$ as proof of their stalwart belief and financial support of ""HIS minus-tray"! He was free to bang any woman he wanted to with impunity. The King "owns" ALL the women in the Kingdom, remember? That includes their teenaged daughters too! They had their hula-hoop product and now they sold it like crazy. Once dic stumbled into the hippie Jesus freaks in CA, while "researching" their supposed "open marriages" as practiced in their "Christian orgies", the "ministry of God's woid" took off. That's what he went to The House of Acts in the Bay Area to do. Jim and Judy and Steve and Sandy freaked. So, dic gave 'em a free ride to Summer School in 1969, allowed them to establish their own independent 501(C)3 corporations in NY and CA, The Way East and The Way West, and made them the mogs for the coasts. Add Donnie Fugit in Wichita, KS, and Steve/Laurie Perez on Long Island, NY, the ECU Way Home started by Tim Somerville (John's brother), and the jalvis show in Indiana, and you have the explosion of TWIt onto the "Jesus Freak" scene, from 1970 forward. Then, in 1972, dic brought it all home to HQ, and TWIt began it's 16 year rise and fall. Both happened with dramatic speed. When dic successfully pulled off his "Christian martyr's" death show, and "turned his face to the wall" to "save" HIS minus-tray, the stage was set for the utter destruction of everything dic said he built! He took his ball and went home! If HE couldn't be the captain, then neither could anyone else! He wanted Donnie to be the second prez. But, he had to go with the moron from Oklahoma, because Donnie was so deadpan boring when speaking publicly, or "teaching Da woid", that he could put the trees his father preached to in the TWIt woods, into the deepest sleep available to trees! LOL! Interesting to note that dic was a whiney little baby beggar boy back then already, who wanted to live the champagne and caviar lifestyle of Hugh Hefner in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What a farce and what a fraud. And the beat goes on......3 points
page 239..........wierwille writes this letter to confront those who were pushing back against the plan to make the wierwille farmstead "the new headquarters.' Also, there were some who were walking away or not financially supporting his efforts. April 1959 "...but Satan hindered..." I Thessalonians 2:18 Dear Graduate of Power for Abundant Living Class: Satan's opposition to the ministry of The Way is strong evidence we must be on the right track. If you are one interested in The Way ministry and what it teaches and stands for, Satan will do everything in his power to discourage you and prevent you from supporting it regularly and faithfully. He will bring doubt into your mind concerning the honesty and integrity of its leaders, its plans and its works. The devil knows that you will not only receive the finest academic and biblical training and teaching on the accuracy of God's Word through The Way ministry, but that you will acquire a certainty and assurance in your life you never possessed until after you came in contact with The Way. The devil knows the worth of a soul saved and filled with the 'Power of God,' but he wants us to forget that, and to look at the material side especially the money. That way Satan can keep us giving as little as possible in supporting it and so keep it from spreading. You are my only contact for spreading this ministry. If you fail me, then in your life time and mine we will have written our own story. Don't let Satan so soon make you forget the spiritual light and power and physical and even material blessings that have come to you because of my ministry. There is only one question I want you to ask yourself and by your answer you will know and so will I, how much The Way ministry has you as a co-worker. Do you believe in The Way ministry and what it stands for? If your answer is yes, you will not only pray and believe with me, but you will write to me and support my efforts with your tithes and offerings. I have given my ALL for the sake of ministering the wonderful Word of God. I am glad and happy to minister to you the spiritual food from the Word. Surely you should not begrudge me your material support. We operate the business end of The Way ministry more economically than any Christian organization I know. We have only two salaried employees, my secretary Rhoda Becker, and my personal assistant, Malvin George. Both are doing twice as much work as should be required of them. I need these two helpers and we should really have two more people on our staff --- but Satan hinders. Here is how your support helps: Not one penny of your money has been used in The Way farm or in the business connected with it. It is used to meet current expenses including the operation of Headquarters, salaries, foreign missions and home missions, necessary but limited, office equipment and publications. HERE IS WHAT YOUR ADDED INTEREST WOULD HELP DO: Get Malvin George out teaching full time. He is spiritually prepared to teach Classes on Power for Abundant Living. The only reason he isn't out full time is because it takes money and Satan has hindered. Get other people academically ready to teach others. This takes not only a location, but the staff to do it. As far as I am concerned I know God has given us the location, all we need is the friends who really are thankful for what they have received and learned and are willing to help us. Help me to keep the financial pressure off of me by meeting our current expenses on time. Today we are $629.30 in the red. This would not be a source of burden to me if Satan did not hinder our people who have received from me. People many times say, 'V.P. shouldn't have anything to do with the material end.' I assure you I wouldn't have if the necessary material needs were in. Down through the years, from time to time, my children had to draw their savings from their anticipated future education out of the bank to get the current expenses paid. It hurts my personal pride to write this to you, but it's the truth. Don't you really feel that my children should not have to do this? Don't you think I ought to take care of my family? Don't I have even this right? Through the years The Way has helped many young men and women financially through The Way Student Aid Foundation, but not one penny has been offered to my son who is now in college preparing for the ministry, nor will I ever allow my son to receive one cent. But wouldn't you say that the people whose lives have been blessed by my ministry should see to it that my children have their savings restored? The Way needs a permanent place for Headquarters and since we have the farm which is ideally located, from all transportational points of view, I would like to establish our Headquarters there and live there with my family, and start training people in a small way maybe, but at least that way we would get started. After I am gone it may be you or your son who will live there to direct the activities of The Way. I am sorry that Mrs. Bomholt and Mrs. Wiley met with such opposition among some of you among whom I have bled my heart out. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do. You need not be in favor or financially support the establishing and revamping of the two houses at the farm, you can send your contributions in and 'ear mark' it for any purpose you desire for it to go, and for that purpose or purposes it will be used as it has always been used. There are so many needs I have listed a few, if you desire to know other needs The Way is endeavoring to carry out spiritually, write to me and I will give you details. Also any question you may have regarding The Way, its work or ministry, if you will write me or see me I will answer your questions. Don't let your questions or doubts defeat The Way ministry. I need you and God needs you if I am to do the work in a larger way, to which He has called me. I thank God for everyone of you who have faithfully stood by me to help and I know God will not only bless you now but reward you in the resurrection. God bless you. I believe I can say to you what Paul said to the believers in Corinth. Will you please read the first five verses of I Corinthians Chapter 2. These are my words to you and may God have mercy upon us for so soon forgetting what He has done for us in Christ Jesus. Sincerely, In His Service, Victor Paul Wierwille P.S. Before you go to bed tonight will you write me and then having written me please read I Corinthians 3:4-11 and then pray for me and the ministry of His Word. God loves you and I do and I love to teach and study His Word. .3 points
Some background that preceded this letter.........page 234 "Since the November 16, 1958 meeting, believers had again worked on plans for starting The Way Biblical Seminary. One proposed location for the seminary was the Wierwille farm. The solicitation of funds to begin work on the seminary found resistance at the meeting of the Miami Valley Group. The Way branch in Troy, Ohio, said that they wanted the farm of The Way in New Knoxville to be kept separate from the spiritual arm of the ministry. They wanted to be sure that their money was going to help spread the work of the ministry and not to help pay off the mortgage at the farm or for the business of the farm. They wanted a seminary to be started but at a location other than the Wierwille farm." "In responding to this concern, H. E. Wierwille gave a detailed report on how the farm had been given to The Way by his brother Victor and himself. None of the money from any graduates of the Power for Abundant Living classes had been used thus far in work done at the farm or for business related to the farm." In reading thru mrs. w's accounting of this time period.......it is clear that Troy, Piqua, Dayton and Columbus areas were growing hubs of outreach. Wierwille taught an "advanced class" in Troy, OH from June 30 - July 11, 1958. Still "headquartered" on Washington Street in Van Wert at this time, plans were formulating towards establishing "a new headquarters" at the Wierwille Homestead now that Old Man Wierwille died and the farm was inherited by Vic, Harry and Reuben. Dissention was growing.....and trust to keep money separate from the business side of the farm was evaporating. The First Exodus of TWI.............was the Troy/Piqua believers.2 points
Mrs. Wierwille's book gives a listing of foundational classes run in 1958....... January Fort Myers, FL February Arcadia, FL April Columbus, OH June Van Wert, OH August New Lyme, OH "..... Kitchener, Ontario, Canada [Mal George] "..... Covington, OH "..... Piqua, OH September Dayton, OH October Columbus, OH "..... Urbana, OH -- Mal George taught during day, Vpw taught nights November Jamaica, NY *Note: Dick and Dee Fischbach [Dorothea's sister] were living in Arcadia, FL **Question: Except for about 20 faithful............where did all these grads go? Doesn't everyone become committed when they hear pfal?2 points
Page 234 (continued)......... "Both Eddie and Donna Doersam stated that they and the Columbus branch gave their money to be used in the Lord's work for The Way Ministry wherever needed. Issues kept coming up, and underlying doubts and distrust from certain members of the board surfaced. The pros and cons were discussed about whether The Way should be engaged in any secular business such as farming or the raising of nutria (fur-bearing animals). Dr. Wierwille said that the farm had been to the Lord's work and that the business side and spiritual side of the ministry of The Way couldn't be separated because we had to have money to operate with. One of the members of the board observed that if anyone other than the Wierwilles had given a farm, she felt it would have been gratefully received." "Several board members thought that the people who give money would like to have a report on where their money went, how it was being used. H. E. then said that an annual financial statement had always been available to the board and to those who requested copies. But to allay people's concerns, Ermal Owens suggested that the financial records of the past be audited. Dr. Wierwille agreed that Ermal Owens's suggestion was good since there was an apparent doubt about the integrity of the Secretary-Treasurer and suggested that a committee be appointed by the board to hire an independent auditor and have the books audited for the annual meeting scheduled in June." ~~~~~~~~~~~ ......... Issues kept coming up, and underlying doubts and distrust from certain members of the board surfaced. Oh My !!1 point
It was either Don or George Jess that taught one Sunday evening in Kenyon Hall. 2/3 of the 6th and 8th Corps fell fast asleep. G Wrenn punished us all in the ensuing days by making us get up at 4:30 to exercise and then work our asses off and then run run run. Great way to deal with people who fell asleep - wear them out so they're even more tired.! Your comment about Don's teaching being boring brought that back to me. Help!!! I've been TRIGGERED!!! It seems so bizarre to me now that I was ever in such a thing.1 point
Perhaps they went WOW and then were missing-in-action... seriously, great “investigative reporting “ Skyrider !1 point
We have nurses in our family. At family gatherings, they inevitably wind up in a huddle, deeply engrossed in shop talk. You would think I would listen in and learn a thing or two. Nope. I've learned to tune it out after 35 years.1 point
Hi Waysider! i did not mean to be so "verbally" condescending as I perhaps was, in my statements regarding the "chemical imbalances" you referred to. It just happens to be a Nusing Certification I used daily for years.....Nursing Pharmacology.....and, there are not only many misconceptions about medication selection and administration in times past, but, the incredible advances made in the last 20 years in medical and technological research have produced amazing and reproduceable results at a rate almost as fast as the high-tech industry itself! This makes the number of treatment modalities expand geometrically, and new medications as well as new categories of medications are popping up like crazy. This is why I am so disheartened by "Big Pharma". They are sitting on a lot of great new treatments just to squeeze out every last possible dollar they can IMO. The implications and prognosis for future beneficial use of new medications discovered with the latest technological aids and the brightest research minds, are enormous. The understanding of biology, physiology, and electrochemistry at the quantum level literally has made "all things possible"! Imagine 3D printing of human organs developed from the patient's very own individual genome allowing for transplants with absolutely no risk of rejection! This has already taken place at the animal level.....mice, pigs, sheep. The understanding of biochemical interaction at the quantum level has made the understanding of "chemical imbalances" far more detailed and holistic. Medications are now being designed from the patient's own genome and antigens genetically specific by it. Cancer chemotherapeutic agents are now being produced on an individual basis for each patient. Results are showing wonderful results and promising new treatment modalities. The knowledge is expanding exponentially every year. So, it is an extremely hopeful and exciting time not only for development of medications and treatments for the physiological killers like cancers and retroviruses, but also for the tormentors of the soul like psychiatric and social anxiety disorders. Sorry for the pedantic lecture, but I did not want to offend you in any way, so I tried to explain myself fully. Love ya bruddah!1 point
I haven't studied the issue enough to know when the earliest democracies were founded ... but ... I am at least conversant on modern democracies and writings that underpin the concept. The Social Contract by Rousseau clearly sets forth ideas upon which the US was built as the first modern democracy (or democratic republic if you prefer). The Declaration of Independence spells out the purpose of government. " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..." Lincoln famously stated in the Gettysburg Address his intent that "government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish." The Arizona Constitution states (in Article 2, Section 2) " All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights." A central theme of Paine's pamphlet "Common Sense" was to debunk the notion of hereditary succession of allegedly God-ordained monarchy. To me, that all combines to put Romans 13 in a different perspective than we have heretofore been led to believe... and therefore shines a light on the notion of civic responsibility. It also suggests that the Bible does not have ALL the answers necessary for leading a "quiet and peaceable life."1 point