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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2017 in all areas

  1. It's kind of a stretch to suggest that a MOOC on Global (anything, let alone...) Diplomacy relates at all to a discussion on an obscure cult escapees' forum about the role of the Bible in societal mental health. Btw, "Unless you are satisfied being a raving maniac..." does boil down to name calling.
    2 points
  2. Hi Grease Spotters, I thought I'd pass this info from the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) along to you in case you or someone you know would want to attend this conference. High-Control Groups: Helping Former Members and Families Santa Fe, New Mexico - November 3-5, 2017 ICSA offers a whole lot of info to help people. I have spoken at two of their conferences, although I won't be going to this one. More such conferences are available throughout the year at different locations. Cheers, Penworks Online Information Online Registration ICSA will conduct a conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico November 3-5, 2017. This conference will focus on the helping needs of former group members and families and will include a training track for mental health professionals. Conference sessions will emphasize discussion so participants can address issues pertinent to their individual concerns. The conference will take place at La Fonda on the Plaza, one of Santa Fe's finest hotels, located in the heart of the old city. Santa Fe has been chosen to give ICSA's western supporters an opportunity to attend a conference closer to home. It is also a lovely setting for those who come from other parts of the USA, Canada, and the world. Speakers include some of the cultic studies field's most experienced mental health professionals, as well as former members and family members who will share their experiences. More Information is available online: http://www.icsahome.com/events/conferencesantafe (links to hotel etc. on left). Attend this conference if you are interested in how psychologically manipulative and demanding groups can hurt people and what can be done to help those who are harmed. The agenda will address the needs of those seeking help and those who want to help others. Among the topics to be explored are What helps people leave cultic groups and relationships? Dealing with cult-related trauma Coping with triggers Building relationships and communicating with the cult involved After the cult: who am I Support groups Exit counseling and conflict resolution Spiritual issues in recovery What churches can do Cults and children Case discussions for mental health professionals Postcult sexuality Hypnosis Because Santa Fe is a “daytime” city, we have scheduled 2-hour lunch breaks so that attendees can enjoy walking around old Santa Fe, where there are numerous art galleries, museums, and quaint shops, as well as stunning Southwest architecture. The hotel will permit the special conference rate 3 days pre- and post-conference for those who wish to spend time touring Santa Fe and its environs. Call La Fonda’s Reservations Department at 800-523-5002, #1 or 505-982-5511, #1. Give group code 873870. Please call between the hours of (Mountain Standard Time): Monday – Friday: 7am-8pm; Saturday: 8am-5pm; Sunday: 9am-5pm. Or register online. Please tell others about this conference. We hope you join us! Online Registration (https://icsahome.givezooks.com/events/high-control-groups-helping-former-members-and-families)
    1 point
  3. Don’t Worry, great post and thanks for addressing the error; I’m reminded of the movie Multiplicity - a sci-fi comedy with Michael Keaton feeling overwhelmed in life volunteers to be cloned. Michael likes the advantages of having two of him to handle life - so he clones the clone - but with each cloning there is a degradation of quality in the latest edition of himself. but copying wierwille’s theology is not funny - because the “original “ is not benign . Using wierwille’s theology is more like a sci-fi / horror movie like Alien or Species - where an already insidious “lifeform” is experimented with or mutates.
    1 point
  4. total lol ASSENT Thank you for clarifying. Make a lot more sense. More ego inflating.
    1 point
  5. If one is going to plagiarize the plagiarizer, then that one ought to at least have the "alacrity of mind" to do so accurately, or, at the very least, correctly. Along with the inordinate number of baseless wierwillean platitudes, and the complete lack of any evidence, scriptural or otherwise, some post their regurgitated Wierwille-ized unbiblical disinformation as if it as true as Einstein's General Theory of Relativity! Then, when completely incredulous and demonstrably ignorant statements regarding "chemical imbalances" and treating them with man-made chemicals are proffered as if they carry even a featherweight of educated relevance, the complete imbecility of these unprovable, platitudinal, OPINIONS becomes horrifically blatant. The dictor paul term "mental ASSENT" has been erroneously quoted or referenced as "mental consent". Sorry.....but it's just as much mental masturbatory BS as the original term dictor paul invented. What is demonstrated to me by such mindless, reflexive "intellectual" crutches, used habitually without critical thought to "prove" non-existent "biblical principles", exhibits a complete intellectual laziness accompanied by a total lack of critical review and objective counterpoint. You can take the vegetable out of the cult, but you can't take the cult out of the vegetable. LOL! My recommendation to the intellectually challenged wierwille apologists, is to first, get an identity other than the one dic manufactured for you in TWIt. And, secondly, stop choosing to stay stuck on stupid for the rest of your life. It is insulting to any ex-Wayfer to be lectured by any other ex-wayfers on how much we need to continue to delude ourselves and others with the ridiculously outdated and disproven "teachings and research" of dictor paul. He was a deranged, perverted, malignant, paranoid narcissist. Get over those FACTS, accept them, and then you may begin to uncork your cranium from dic's rectum. TTFN.
    1 point
  6. Okay......I decided to dig out Mrs. Wierwille's book, [BATS].....and give you the specifics. Page 215.........wierwille's resignation letter Page 219........."A New Headquarters" ........................"While we were preparing to leave the Van Wert pastorate, we had found new housing for our family, as well as for The Way Ministry, at 649 South Washington Street, still in Van Wert. This house was an outstanding example of the Queen Anne style of architecture, with its three-story round tower, fretted windows, elaborate bay windows, and distinctive pillared and balustered front porch. And we had all the room we needed." "Parking space was readily available along one side of the street, as well as in our large backyard. The location and house were perfectly suited to use as our family home, Dr. Wierwille's and Rhoda's offices, and a meeting place for the many Way activities." ......snip......."We moved into this home the week after the final Sunday service at St. Peter's. Dr. Wierwille was now free [emphasis added] from all denominational responsibilities and pressure." "Uncle Harry said, 'The in-depth teaching really got going in 1957 when he [Dr. Wierwille] resigned from the organized church. It wasn't a surprise, but then, really it was. I became vitally interested in his work at that point. I wanted him to succeed in his venture.'" "We began our independent undertaking by having meetings in this Washington Street home on Thursday evenings and late Sunday afternoons. The first Thursday evening fellowship was held on December 19, and the first Sunday meeting, on December 29, 1957." Therefore.........according to the most-detailed accounting of The Way International's beginnings, Mrs. Wierwille documents the timeline AND the exact day and date of their INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKING...............December 19, 1957. So, one last time........twi has not yet arrived at their 60th anniversary. Now.......who wants to "trust" them to do honest research?
    1 point
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