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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2017 in all areas

  1. The topic question asked what was the purpose of The Way Corps training? I was in the 2nd Corps. I'll venture this. The purpose was to indoctrinate us with Wierwille's ideology (propaganda) and have us spread it "over the world." We were unthinking puppets. There's enough on this website to fill a planet with information about how this was done. Besides the few that have spoke up here, I would like to see more "Corps trained" people speak out about the sham that Wierwille perpetrated. Hello?
    4 points
  2. FIFY...................... Dear Faithful Sycophants of The Cult: God has nothing to do with our scam.....but it sure is a good lead in towards deception, ain't it? On the occasion of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of The Way International, .....soon-to-be 60th Anniversary of our plagiarist cult [December 19, 1957----according to Mrs. W's historical accounting to be exact] we could care less about you and your families. Please keep sending in your money, though. Our hearts are filled with deceit and, even though some 30 Thousand have exited since our heyday in 1984......we still like our gravy train. Because of the plagiarist efforts started by our Founding President, Vic The Man, and his wife, Dorothea......we here at headquarters live a life of ease and sordid gluttony . Men, women, and children are still being taken in by our scam......but that damn GreaseSpot Café internet site is doing significant damage to alert others. Stay off the internet and tell all at your twigs that the internet is full of devil spirits. We encourage you to keep selling our classes and programs—it is making a difference! This cult gig is the greatest! We have so much time on our hands to dilly and dally around the shopping malls and restaurants here in Ohio. Heck, we've probably eaten at nearly every new place that's hit the market in the last ten years. And, we are thinking of heading back to the Bahamas, but need to check on that since those devil hurricanes went thru there. But, if we go.......we will send you another picture. Please pray for us constantly.........the devil is nipping at our heels. Feeding at the trough and lovin' it, Rosalie Rivenbark and Donna, my BFF Jean-Yves......my underling Billy Greene.....can you believe he's still around? Johnny Rupp......he believes what we tell him
    1 point
  3. with Rosalie listed as chairman ( - my underline/bold of part of the word is equivalent to Bullinger's notes by the text ) ...anyway... I'm thinking she will always have the advantage when they play musical chairs - she never has to get up - the other three are expendable.
    1 point
  4. One of the clear things to me now that was more cloudy looking back is this idea of authority. With so much in the past in the Way having been presented under the guise of a spiritual authority that has proven to be a false spiritual authority, wolves in sheep's clothing, false prophets and apostles, I am now much more in tune to what real authority is, what its boundaries and limits are, what my rights are with respect to authority, and that spiritually I have the right and privilege to remove myself from any spiritual authority that is false. Any church you belong to as a free will choice. Any false authority you can be brought under in that respect you can say NO to. You can travel right down the street to the next church on the block where you will not be subject to spiritual abuse. Yet people feel trapped and limited in their choices and stay in their situations. The danger of Way splinters is here also - people fell like they don't have another choice. Other forms of authority we are subject to - legal, community, employment - those are real authority not false, and they have certain things you must do for compliance, as well as very distinct limitations. Most real authority is not onerous, at worst most of the time it is tedious and time consuming. Where we see people overstep authority that is real and approach in to the false authority, we may not be able to stop a person, but we can many times change a situation. If things get too bad we could change employment, community, legal authority we are under and swap them out for a different situation. Sometimes we are genuinely stuck, but even so only for a time. No challenge lasts forever. So this is kind of what you are talking about with red flags, suspicions, and learning from our past. To me. Authority - interaction with, collaboration with, recognition of genuine and counterfeit, and removing myself from false authority - that is what has changed with me.
    1 point
  5. We were only "in" the FWC for three months, so I'm not sure how qualified I am to answer this question. But here's what I recall: Rome City campus had farm fields, a dairy barn, a pig barn and chickens. While I was there, chickens were slaughtered and dressed and frozen, potatoes, onions and tomatoes were harvested (I wrote elsewhere about the nightmare salsa making and tomato processing), pigs were slaughtered, dressed and frozen. You would think we ate like kings! Nope, these goodies were for the tables of the anointed ones at NK. We worked four hours and went to classes four hours. I was on the cleaning crew at first, and we would scrub that long open staircase with wonderfully fragrant Murphy's Oil Soap, then polish it with some sort of furniture polish. Often I would labor at this task in the morning, and see the afternoon cleaning crew doing the same thing! The best I can recall, our purpose was to be the lowly and unworthy servants of the powers that be. We provided them with food and someone to yell at. After the first wave of hapless souls were sent to Gunnison for LEAD and many of them failed, including one poor woman who went into a bad bout of asthma and was housed in a hotel because she was so disgusting to the Martindale he couldn't bear the thought of her contaminating the holy ground of Camp Gunnison, we had a corps night hookup to end all hookups. Martindale was screaming and howling about the situation in general and this asthma sufferer in particular. I was in shock; call a doctor for her you damn fool; people die from status asthmaticus! Then, in perfect rage and completely unspeakable fury, The One Man Of God For This Day And For This Time And For This Hour bellows at the top of his voice, referring to the FWC: THERE'S NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU THAT IS WORTHY OF THE PRIVILEGE OF CARRYING MY JOCKSTRAP! It was all I could do to not jump to my feet, throw my hands in the air and yell: THANK YOU JESUS! So that's what I saw as the purpose of FWC: Feed the anointed ones, be screamed at by the MOG, be criticized, condemned, run ragged, and oh by the way half starved. WE didn't get to eat any of the goodies! Work your butt off four hours straight, eat a few veggies and a piece of zwieback for lunch. Listen to a boring lecture for four hours, eat a bowl of soup for dinner and a few leftover veggies and zwieback for supper, either go work on a special project or go to another boring class, go to bed at 11:00 and up at 5:00. To make a short story long, one more thing: I don't think VPW or LCM had ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation. Volunteers my foot! We were slaves, pure and simple.
    1 point
  6. Probably wouldn't find production capital (or anywhere that would be willing to broadcast it) so easily these days... might have to wait a few months to determine the extent of fade in the Weinstein uproar.
    1 point
  7. I still feel ill when I recall how they soaked people to build that auditorium.I was in CT where we had an area meeting with Joyful Noise traveling through, pushing for the building fund. A couple of impassioned songs by Claudette had a woman who I was 'working with, just starting the class, not a penny to her name, emptied out her wallet that night for the place. I so wanted to tell her not to do it, and still feel guilty that I didn't.
    1 point
  8. Whether it's the WAP class, the FLAP class or the CRAP class........it doesn't matter to the cult. The class is the mesmerizing monomania to which all in the cult bestow regurgitated renown. The clichés gain a life of their own.....repeated over and over, in the cult magazine, in home fellowships and sunday teachings. The repetition drowns out one's surroundings......drudgery and monotony and misery......and captivates the collective marching of symbolic syllogisms.
    1 point
  9. Well said. I still shake my head in near-disbelief at all of these things. That I really lived through that, for 23 years. And outandabout is right, the longer you stay in, the harder it is to leave...for all of the above reasons. And I was among their so-called leadership once, too. I didn't know jack about leading, but I wanted to learn more. I went into the Way Corpse because I wanted to learn what the advanced class promised but never fulfilled: to learn how to operate the other 6 manifestations--the revelation and impartation ones. Hoping to learn these in the advanced class, I left disappointed but without the courage to say so for fear of speaking up against the tides of popular belief. So when the emotional urge to go into the Way Corps hit (it was not a calling...it was an emotional, impulse decision made at the Rock of Ages), I thought then I'd certainly learn how to operate these manifestations to serve in the "household." Well the Corps doesn't teach the manifestations either, but does twist truth, part truth, and popularly believed sayings to control people. To make them feel like they're the best of the best of the best. Or to make them feel like they're dung if they're not doing "right" (per their definition). Their so-called leadership can be summed up in the one phrase they use to control their leadership: The best leader is the best follower. Wrong again, TWI! Craziest thing I've ever heard. Again, just a popularly believed saying that they use to control people (and one that doesn't even make sense; kinda like Rico's famous "You don't think! You only think you think!" WTF???). Run while you can, people. And even if you think it's too late, run anyway!
    1 point
  10. If only I had a "flashy thing" to use on some of those numbnuts..
    1 point
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