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  1. .........Wierwille exemplified the works of the flesh, not walking by the spirit. He committed adultery and sexual predation, assaulting the foundation of love as Christ loved. He lived a life of uncleanness, not uprightness of heart. Wierwille lusted after idolatry, not seeking the altar of the Living God. He stirred up strife and seditions, not comfort and exhortations. Wierwille reveled in drunkenness, not the quenching of thirst from the Fountain of Living Waters. He was a cherry-picker of selective verses, not the harvester of fruit of the spirit. Wierwille stoked the fires of his night owl-meetings to send indoctrinated corps members to replicate his craft.
    2 points
  2. I have some friend innies that drive me crazy with their pushing the class at all kinds of venues. Every Faith convention, online business fb page, local farmers markets. Full displays of books and happy pictures of grads after the class. I could go on... i just find it mind boggling that in this day and age of the internet there are still people who jump at this. But, if you feel love bombed and a sense of community that you’ve been missing, I can see the appeal.
    1 point
  3. I personally do not really lay a finger of blame at those who were/ still are, involved with twi who were grass level, twig turner upper, help others get saved type of believers BUT there IS NO justification for them who were/still are in leadership positions who turned a blind eye to the insidious bs going on in that vile place. Now it seems with rnr off-shoot 'leadership' they are all about covering their own backsides as their lightbulb moment has hit them that they will not be taken care of by twit hq in their old age lol...every man and dog for themselves huh ?!
    1 point
  4. That's the important thing about looking back. What happened? Why? How can (I) prevent this happening (to me) again? We will always come up against "red flags." Some we have to view with caution: proceed forward warily. Others definitely mean DO NOT PROCEED. Which is which? And how do we proceed? What do we do to stop getting into similar dangerous situations? How do we respond to red flags, now? At work? When we see something happening in our neighbourhood? In many cases, our friends and families warned us - and we didn't listen. How do we warn our own friends and families of dangerous situations that they might be wandering into? It doesn't mean being suspicious of everyone and everything. It does mean being vigilant (roaring lions bearing red flags are everywhere!). And it definitely means SPEAKING UP and "whistleblowing." Which is not easy when one is in a position of subservience to someone with power or authority, however it comes, over one's life.
    1 point
  5. Thanks, Don’t Worry – but I’ll tell you why your detailed posts resonate with me like The Grateful Dead's Wall of Sound (- caught some of the Long Strange Trip documentary and was absolutely fascinated by all the technical details and work that went into their wall of sound ) - – because your in-depth detailed analysis often has an almost tangible quality to it.....like being at a live concert – where you see, hear and feel it all… why is that important? When a technician is troubleshooting a system it’s like grabbing the brass ring – when you get to put your finger on the problem. “Ah ha, so that’s why this thing failed!...yes that would cause this to do that!” and why is that important? When you understand the cause or causes – you can fix it…or at least know what to do to prevent it from happening again…and with that comes closure. The same holds true when people do bad things…we want to understand why and how it could happen…figure out how to “fix” what can be “fixed” (or healed)…what to do to prevent something like that from happening again…I’m sure a lot of us here on Grease Spot at times have some sort of analytical program running in the back of our minds now and again…ONCE AGAIN we rummage through old events, experiences, conversations, etc. from our time in The Way International – and we notice another detail…realize another factor involved…and come away saying “I won’t get fooled again” …resolve and another taste of closure. honestly.... it bugs the $hit out of me sometimes trying to figure out what made wierwille tick !!!! I think that’s what’s so unsettling for everyone after the Las Vegas mass shooting – so far investigators are stumped as to the shooter’s motive. People want to understand why someone would do that. How do you prevent something like that from happening again? I know realistically you can’t prevent every evil thing from happening – but if there were red flags on mental health issues, lifestyle, behavior pattern…did anyone close to him notice something odd but brushed it off? …something that folks can point a finger at and say “there’s an issue we should have addressed.” NPR on why finding a motive after the Las Vegas shooting matters == == == == Anyway…I’m no psychologist or a medical professional anything …but as a technician I am driven to understand how things work …so I’ll probably drive myself crazy trying to figure out all this stuff…better self-medicate with some Irish Coffee. Love & peace to you Don’t Worry == == == == btw while working on this post Tonto walked by and asked me what I’m doing (she’s busy picking up after a mess I made reorganizing my stuff in our closet – boy, do I have it made…hope she doesn’t see this post ); I gave her a brief rundown of your 2 posts here and she said it’s great having your input as a healthcare professional and also from your perspective as someone who had a high leadership position in TWI…and she wishes you happiness… and I agree with her...you are like a double-barreled shotgun that blasts through the bull$hit of TWI ok boys & girls, your assignment for tonight is to watch shotgun willie
    1 point
  6. Hi Fellow Greasespotters! Thanks for your kind appreciation! T-Bone.....no shade at your "theory" bro! Just added info. Knowing many "intimate" details of dictor's childhood nuclear family provides extra info to analyze and then review clinically. Hindsight, as they say, is always 20/20. So is post-mortem psychological evaluation, LOL! Seriously though, I have enjoyed the good fortune of "interviewing" numerous firsthand eyewitnesses and their accounts re: dic's early childhood development, and family dynamic. I found them to be very enlightening and helpful in understanding the factual, nature-based events of dic's unfolding personality disorders. I enjoy your "theories" because they are thoughtful, self-reflective and honest! Keep on keepin' ' on brother Bone!
    1 point
  7. hmmmm...I see there's a lot more stuff I need to factor into the theory I posted earlier thanks - great post Don't Worry !!!!
    1 point
  8. Thanks again.....DWBH Love it when you post!
    1 point
  9. Hi all! imo, one must never lose sight of the debilitating co-morbidities and unconfronted, untreated pathologies which were an integral and dominant part of dictor paul's lifelong devolution into madness. This was never "a good man gone wrong", or a "spiritual 'breaking bad' " story. This was the predictable outworking and acting out behavior of a deeply disturbed individual. This was the inevitable progression of a sexually and psychologically abused child of a dysfunctional Prussian immigrant family (read pre-Nazi white, Aryan nationalism), in rural, agrarian Ohio, populated by a major cluster of German immigrants. This is reflected even in the local town names....Minster, New Bremen, St. Mary's, Anna, and others, amongst an equally large population of Scots-Irish Protestant "colonists" in the area. Interesting cultural and historical mix of genomes. Add to that, an increasing need for self-medication with alcohol in the teen years, and the growing paranoia and demand for approval and attention his malignant narcissism demanded, his mental "clarity" was under self-destructive assault from at least age 14. There were various misguided and/or uniformed attempts at intervention by family members, most notably older sisters Sevilla, and Lydia, and angry, punitive interventions by his guilty father, but dictor's "problems" remained unconfronted and untreated, hence predictable and inevitable from a clinical point of view, but totally hidden and disguised socially and interpersonally. Quite typically solipsistic and sociopathic. dictor paul was "outta control" in high school already, and as the substance abuse increased so did the erratic, attention-seeking behavior. He eloped with his HS sweetheart. Went through a C- academic career at a WI Evangelical and Reformed denominational college supported by the local New Knoxville congregation, was part of Lindbergh's America First "Anti-War" Movement, took his first pastorate in Payne, OH, had his first extra-marital affair with a "Christian evangelist", Rosalind Rinker, started Chimes Hour Youth Caravan, and a series of extra-marital dalliances with musical directors, personal secretaries, church secretaries, all during the move and pastorate time in Van Wert which lasted until the fall of 1957, when dic, and Harry, and Ermal, founded The Way Inc., and started work on renovating the family farm, and then the BRC. All during this time, there was no "good going bad". It was bad gojng worse! And, gaining money and members and victims yearly until the wretched death of metastatic melanoma claimed another body in May of 1985. Not a pretty story. Quite a shitty legacy. Immeasurable human suffering and horrific human carnage. No Jesus visible. No "good fruit" from the Righteous Branch. Abjectly opposed to and anti(against)-Christ. Don't be fooled by the false narrative of possible "good intentions"! The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In the twisted case of dictor paul, there were no "good intentions". There were perverted and psychotic pathologies with the accompanying depraved behaviors . There were victims, not "blessed followers". There was destruction, not deliverance. There was was brainwashing, not teaching. There was group think, not fellowship. There was normalization of Aryan Supremacist Theology, not Biblical Research. There was hubris, not Holy Spirit. There was theft, not community service. There was MLM economics, not outreach. There was control, not love. There was a cult of personality, not the truth of da woid. It was all trick, no treat. Don't be fooled again. Happy Halloween.
    1 point
  10. I've been out of town since my post on Friday evening. Upon returning, I've seen some interesting comments in this continuing discussion. I'll try to answer as best I can, and I'll even "open up a bit"! For one thing, I noticed T-Bone apologized for having "taken us all hither and yon". Such things do tend to happen in forums such as this. But NO PROBLEM T-Bone! We LOVE your diversions at times, and pick up some "very interesting connecting slants" during the process, which are most refreshing! Nevertheless, T-Bone did say (basically) that my post caused him to return to rrobs' original post and reply to it from a different angle. And as a result, I believe we'll be making more progress now! rrobs: Upon returning though, the first thing I did was laugh to myself at some of your recent remarks to me. (We BOTH mean no harm, and I believe ALL here understand that.) Here are some of those quotes: "Right, I did not mean to start a fire-storm." [AND] "No argument, just discussion." [AND] "Sometimes I find myself in what I consider to be a discussion with someone that they considers an argument." (And that same tone seems "somewhat integrated" within your entire reply to me.) What made me laugh though, was that these remarks seemed to be in response to Rocky's having called my Friday post an ARGUMENT, and you were simply clarifying some things for me --- to reassure me that "all was well". (Bless your heart.) HOWEVER! It appears to me that you never clicked on the link he included which leads to its definition --- and assumed it was akin to "quarreling". (LMAO!!!) I beg you to simply click on that link and bone-up on the definition of "argument". Perhaps you'll laugh with me! Of a truth, I perceive that (all along) we've NOT been "bickering back and forth." Although there HAVE been "differences of opinion" among the many posts by everyone here (which are to be expected) --- all has seemed quite civil indeed! Now robbs, let me make myself quite clear: Concerning my first reply, I admit to having approached your OP from a "purely literal standpoint", as though I thought you meant everything exactly the way you worded it. And I'll also admit to having taken excess liberty along that same line (towards the extreme) to reinforce "my supposed standpoint". SO: Please forgive me for having been obtuse, and "picking" at the way you presented the OP. My intent by that was merely to encourage you toward considering what you're saying "just a bit finer" before posting, in light of how it MIGHT be perceived by others. Now (after long last), let me give a more appropriate response to your OP, reading between the lines to get at "the heart" of the matter. Yes, something SHOULD be done concerning the recent Las Vegas shootings, and the like. And yes, it sure wouldn't hurt matters to promote good will by first keeping ourselves pure (as individuals) and then "spreading the Gospel" as you propose. Everything DOES have an affect toward either good or evil. And yes, I'll admit to you that harsh words from certain people DO tend to have "some adverse affect" upon me at times, whether I like it or not (even if only in some small way) --- because I'm human. Yet, my ability to resist that continues to strengthen with each new stride I take upon the truths I glean --- not only from the Bible, but from "everywhere". (Yes..I said EVERYWHERE!) So I really DO see the heart behind your OP after all. (And I have from the start.) And yes, I do believe that "more individuals banding together" can have a greater effect upon society. And it's true we cannot negate what will eventually happen to this earth; but in the meantime we can all still "do our part" to improve society as best we can, despite all which happens to the contrary. BUT! (And this may be hard to fathom.) I would have you know that "the Word alone" (that is, teaching and sharing Scripture) is not a "cure all" by itself. Consider Waysider's remark concerning people with "chemical imbalances". Have you ever tried to have an intelligent conversation with (or even heal!) a crazy person in a mental institution? It's just not likely you'll get the results you hope for --- unless you first have "specific guidance" from God himself. Forgive me for being sarcastic, but I suppose the TWI would suggest casting out that "chemical imbalance devil spirit"; and if it didn't work...then either "the man just wasn't believing for deliverance", or the believer "just wasn't trying hard enough himself". How silly! We live in a real world --- with real-life physical problems. And many times the solutions are NOT merely spiritual, but physical. And "the fix" is a practical one, based upon things which are learned from science, physics and chemistry, etc --- ALL of which God had designed himself, long ago! The Bible itself doesn't contain detailed lectures on these professions like you would find in college textbooks. But I would have you to know that God himself endorses these things and stands behind them --- because (in the wide view) what lies behind these things are SPIRITUAL LAWS that align with the physical ones...which make them work! SO: It not only behooves us to study the Scriptures, but to also learn what we can from NATURE as well. And that includes science (etc) because those things are actually in alignment and harmony with the spiritual things which lie "behind them", from which they are derived! Here's a simple related verse: Ro 1:20 "For the invisible things [spiritual realities] of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being UNDERSTOOD by the things that are MADE, even his eternal power and Godhead..." You'd be surprised what you could learn about the Bible by simply "looking behind" the things God made. Time fails me to explain...but let me simply say that what the sun does in the physical sense for the earth is what Jesus does in the spiritual sense for the Church! (Please forgive my lack of documentation here, for it's quite vast. Maybe I'll start a Topic of my own on that, as an example of this wonderful reality.) What I'm saying rrobs is that "da Woid, da Woid, and nothing but da Woid" will just not fix things by itself. You need MORE than written words to accomplish things in this world. You also need the science, etc, which lies behind it! OK, Mel...back to reality! T-Bone offered PRACTICAL and VIABLE solutions to the problems of society, by doing what we can to stay informed as to what's happening around us (via the media...it's not ALL corrupt, ya know!) and addressing those issues with our Representatives and Congressmen to adapt our laws accordingly, which (in the case at hand, for example) will at least diminish the ability (to some extent, anyway) for people to have weapons "they just don't need" for hunting and personal protection.
    1 point
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