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And further........not only was it accepted as "normal" by young corps...........but most splinter group leaders are STILL singing the praises of wierwille and promoting his doctrines, methods, tactics of manipulation, etc. in their little fiefdom cults. It is clearly one thing to be manipulated and intimidated in one's youth.........BUT now that the curtain has been pulled back, it is downright REPULSIVE to see sycophant splinters herald wierwille's name as founder and "man of god." Thank you Pawtucket......for keeping the doors open here at GSC.3 points
What you don't see is, firstly, any genuine love for God, or for Jesus Christ; and secondly, any genuine concern for God's people. No kindness, compassion, consideration. No honest concern for the Way Corps. No concern whatsoever for the "mission field" other than getting bums on seats. (Well not bums, they wouldn't be allowed, but bottoms on seats.) Just whiny moaning and "poor-little-me-ishness", and complaints about abandoning the ministry. Shows how degraded the WC of that time had become, to accept this as "normal." (Can't speak for myself as WC then, as I didn't come along till after the Great Man was dead - we had other terrors (or terrorists) to contend with.)3 points
I agree - these corps letters from wierwille are self-incriminating ! It’s a partial peek inside his criminal mind ! You get to see the means and opportunity he had at his disposal - - the only thing hidden is his motive....but I guaren-damn-tee ya it was not love ....any wierwille sycophant who disagrees just compare the way he handled anything with the way love is defined in I Corinthians 13 !!!!!!! I rest my case.1 point
Not only is it "like" an RC confessional.........it is written documentation. Who knows how many times wierwille passes these around for others to read.............1 point
Grace / T-Bone......thanks for your replies. These corps letters are of interest to me.......because they give insight into wierwille's mindset, without being edited to death. It seems to me, wierwille's unfiltered ramblings were left, basically, intact by his secretaries [who didn't want any confrontation by correcting/editing his ramblings]. Also........these letters document, time and time again, that CORPS WERE LEAVING......and wierwille's only response was to play the "woe is me, I'm doing my best to love them" card.......ALL THE WHILE he is still sexually preying on corps women. He continued to BLATANTLY LIE thru his teeth. Here at GSC, we've got the documentation and first-hand accounts of sexual predation! Those who defend wierwille TO THIS DAY.........are sycophants and opportunists. And, what about those in R&R Group? Are they, too, going to simply take their fight against Rivenbark......and give wierwille a pass? Another wave of wierwille-apologists splintering from the mother-ship......BUT heralding the praises of wierwille? Probably so. Another wave of splinter sycophants.1 point
These corps letters give insight into the unfiltered, pathological mindset of wierwille......... May 24, 1979........... "An idea has been working in my heart that I would like to get started among our Corps. I want a sharing by you---an honest and truthful account of your life. It should be systematically laid out, from your birth to the time you entered The Way Corps training. Entitle your sharing 'The Way For Me: From Birth to the Corps.' I want the where, what, who, when, why and how regarding every major decision point in your life from birth that brought you to the point of entering The Way Corps. For example: I got into sex in the sixth grade; I started drugs when I was 12; I robbed the local liquor store; I was in the Baptist Church; my basketball coach taught me something that changed my life. Paint the picture of what you were in, and vividly relate how you were delivered." Why did wierwille jump to SEX as his first example? Why were the first three examples.......sex, drugs, and robbery? Is there a connection, a pattern as to WHY NOW THESE PERSONAL ACCOUNTINGS?........when, a month before [April 25, 1979], wierwille assures everyone that the "lock box" of his mind is sealed and then, acknowledges that people are leaving the "corps household." Why are people leaving? Are these women who've been sexually assaulted on the motor coach? Are these two corps letters.......April, then May's corps letter......tandem inner-workings of a sexual predator? And, as has been clarified here at GSC.........how many women did wierwille EXPLOIT because of this "idea to write these papers?" Gee........WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE, TO THIS DAY, STILL BELIEVE THAT MARTINDALE WAS THE ONE WHO SCREWED TWI? Then.......when MANY, MANY corps do not send in these papers, wierwille sends a manipulating letter [November 6, 1979] and even takes a swipe at those who DID send in their life's account of "Birth to the Corps." Anyhoo, it just shows how vpw took swipes at ALL the corps no matter the issue. Always, wierwille gauged their "commitment" as a group.... never on an individual basis. The underpinnings of a cult..........group-identity and group-confrontation !!1 point
Great posts Skyrider and Twinky ! Thanks to all for the running commentary on these corps letters ! for some reason a pressure cooker came to mind when I was reading this thread this morning - looking back on my time in residence - it was a pressure cooker - gets the indoctrination job done faster and uses less energy.1 point
There is nothing like reading the "ORIGINAL" ........before it's translated dozens of different ways by the splinter groups. Bwahahahahaha...................1 point
The best way to start a cult is actually to let someone else do it. Then when it all goes south operation-wise (see footnote #1), you can rise up and lead a revival and restoration to draw others to your new cult - so you don’t need to reinvent proven cult-tactics...just repackage them as “new and improved “. Once you’re officially the new offshoot Cult-leader remain ever vigilant and have a clear vision and goal where you want to be in five years. (See footnote 2). Footnote #1: some cults may or may not start out in the wrong direction - that is contingent upon the degree of ineffable greatness that wells up from the dark recesses of the megalomaniac’s heart of hearts - which is now the heart of the cult - and becomes infected...make that infested - in the senses realm by many despicable acts. Footnote #2: once you’ve started a cult by imitating the schmuck that inspired you - common sense will tell you there’s bound to be some dumb fvck like yourself, who’s eyeballing your illustrious position of power and glory. So plan ahead, if it takes four or five years to get a masters degree in secular shystership - get started immediately while you’re on the cult’s payroll.1 point
Another reference to doulos............... February 1982 "Some Corps have said to me that they never really were called to be Corps. I don't believe that. You never would have been in the Corps in the first place had not God had His hand on you. Man, you're Corps! I haven't the time to figure it all out, but I'll let God be the judge at the bema. All I know is what God has called The Way Corps to do, and what our sold-out, committed response must be." "The Way Corps is a lot bigger than just you or me. It's the accuracy and integrity of God's Word that is at stake. When any Corps start turning away from the Corps, they are turning away from the Word, the great Mystery. We are to diligently keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. Your loving response to the ministry that has given you the privilege of being Corps for four years of teaching is your total commitment and service to the Word as a bond slave (doulos)." With each letter, the incessant focus on "you're corps, called to be Corps, privilege of being corps" was to ratchet pressure against those who knew it was time to get off this moving train. When one reads thru this whole letter......it's obvious that lots of people were dropping their nametags and moving on in life. How about a timeline of some facts? 5th Corps [75+] graduate in July 1977 6th Corps [320+] graduate in July 1978 1977 ROA in Sidney, OH......utilizing buildings and areas on the fair grounds 1978 ROA was moved to hq-grounds and needed lots of labor to set up tents, food pavilions Corps Week added prior to roa. Now, corps traveling long distance needed 16-18 days of "vacation time" from employer each year Add, Anniversary Weekends, WIB, Weekends in the Word......the corps were scrambling to meetings and scrambling to pay bills By 1980, 81.........corps marriages resulted in babies, babies and more babies Wierwille could have written a corps letter per month......it wouldn't have mattered. Reality of life was settling in.......with marriages and babies came MORE bills, MORE financial burdens in the short AND long term. Working menial jobs wasn't paying the bills........especially with a growing family. Since wierwille demanded corps attend corps week and roa each year.......a large portion of corps were self-employed; [painters, landscapers, window cleaners, salespersons, etc.] With each passing year, the exponential burden of family/ child-rearing was inescapable reality !! Read thru the corps letters.......and what you DON'T see? Emphasis on education, family, children, school, careers, building a family unit thru generations..... Read thru the corps letters.......and what you DO see? A driving emphasis to jump thru hoops of fire and don't complain if you got burnt, dammit.1 point
5 days later.......wierwille sends ANOTHER corps letter.........January 2, 1982 "My Dear Way Corps: .......<snip>......[2nd paragraph]......"It always hurts when any believer "leaves" the household, YET the Word still says, 'Therefore seeing we have this ministry [we've got it!] , as we have received mercy [God's withholding merited judgment], we faint not.' ' It is ours. We do not deserve it, but we've got it. God committed it to us, so we are responsible to God; therefore, we are obligated to commit ourselves to it. There is a great and final day of reward throughout all eternity on the threshold. When the Corps has a fuller understanding of rewards, they will stay in fellowship. Speaking in tongues is a constant reminder of eternal rewards." ANOTHER corps letter about people leaving twi.......... And.....this little doozie, "When the Corps has a fuller understanding of rewards, they will stay in fellowship." Yeah, wierhole........like YOU were (cough, cough) IN FELLOWSHIP amassing all those eternal rewards.1 point