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  1. Another reference to doulos............... February 1982 "Some Corps have said to me that they never really were called to be Corps. I don't believe that. You never would have been in the Corps in the first place had not God had His hand on you. Man, you're Corps! I haven't the time to figure it all out, but I'll let God be the judge at the bema. All I know is what God has called The Way Corps to do, and what our sold-out, committed response must be." "The Way Corps is a lot bigger than just you or me. It's the accuracy and integrity of God's Word that is at stake. When any Corps start turning away from the Corps, they are turning away from the Word, the great Mystery. We are to diligently keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. Your loving response to the ministry that has given you the privilege of being Corps for four years of teaching is your total commitment and service to the Word as a bond slave (doulos)." With each letter, the incessant focus on "you're corps, called to be Corps, privilege of being corps" was to ratchet pressure against those who knew it was time to get off this moving train. When one reads thru this whole letter......it's obvious that lots of people were dropping their nametags and moving on in life. How about a timeline of some facts? 5th Corps [75+] graduate in July 1977 6th Corps [320+] graduate in July 1978 1977 ROA in Sidney, OH......utilizing buildings and areas on the fair grounds 1978 ROA was moved to hq-grounds and needed lots of labor to set up tents, food pavilions Corps Week added prior to roa. Now, corps traveling long distance needed 16-18 days of "vacation time" from employer each year Add, Anniversary Weekends, WIB, Weekends in the Word......the corps were scrambling to meetings and scrambling to pay bills By 1980, 81.........corps marriages resulted in babies, babies and more babies Wierwille could have written a corps letter per month......it wouldn't have mattered. Reality of life was settling in.......with marriages and babies came MORE bills, MORE financial burdens in the short AND long term. Working menial jobs wasn't paying the bills........especially with a growing family. Since wierwille demanded corps attend corps week and roa each year.......a large portion of corps were self-employed; [painters, landscapers, window cleaners, salespersons, etc.] With each passing year, the exponential burden of family/ child-rearing was inescapable reality !! Read thru the corps letters.......and what you DON'T see? Emphasis on education, family, children, school, careers, building a family unit thru generations..... Read thru the corps letters.......and what you DO see? A driving emphasis to jump thru hoops of fire and don't complain if you got burnt, dammit.
    1 point
  2. well...since you ask - before I formulate an explanation or just to see if what you say is true - I would need to see your posts on those sites as well as the response by others – - so, please be so kind as to provide links to your posts on the two Christian forums also I’m curious to see if you have any credibility or validity issues on these two Christian forums as well – and whether you actually did post the same paper there as you did here… …if you don’t want to provide those links that’s alright…no big deal…I’ll just assume those instances are non-existent like the chapters and verses to support your assertions I identified…on the flip side – maybe I’ve misunderstood you here and maybe a “change of venue” might help me to give you a fair shake.. ..sooooooooo....got links? but you are asking the reader to do just that in a round about way - you are asking folks to disprove your statements yet you do not offer any proof of their validity - other than you saying so...you are expecting folks to assume you've already made a VALID point and then you expect folks to make a counterpoint to a non-existent point. ...."prove all things" and "be ready to give an answer to everyone that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you" come to mind - and it's along those lines that I think the onus is back on you to provide reasons for what you said - and to stick with the "rules" you yourself set up...you claim all that you said is in perfect alignment with the word - ok - so show me specifically by chapter and verse - anybody can claim a particular doctrine is in perfect alignment and harmony with the word and even show verses to back it up....yeah, I have a small collection of systematic theologies that do just that - so step up to the plate and prove your case... sorry to be so persistent on this but I'm curious if you were just spouting pat answers or if you have really taken the time, thought process and due diligence to declare such bold and authoritative sounding statements...that makes me think of a pivotal scene in Working Girl. Sigourney Weaver's character stole an idea from her assistant played by Melanie Griffith - and the stolen idea impresses the heck out of a CEO - enough so for a merger deal. The CEO asks Sigourney what was the inspiration for her idea but she fumbled around trying to explain a particular thought process she never had in the first place. Whereas Melanie could because it was her idea - and the CEO could tell...things worked out well for Melanie...not so much for Sigourney.... If you want to compare reading material...personally, I prefer reading authors who accurately and honestly document their references and provide logical arguments for a subject that I'm interested in. I don't need to hound them for more info if they've intelligently and honestly laid out their case - - how they clearly show from specific data how they arrived at a given idea...and really, a lot of my favorite authors on a variety of subjects tend toward overkill when it comes to documentation, references, etc...needless to say I've got lots to look into from their footnotes, references, further reading, bibliography, etc. but the quickest solution by far would be for you to prove your point by scripture references - since you started the thread...I’m sorry but I’m not a fan of circular reasoning. Very odd…as I said above - usually the onus is on the person making the claim, to provide evidence, documentation, or some fact to support their assertion. - you do realize you made a lot of forceful and confident statements in your first post - I just picked out a few for brevity's sake ; surely you must have SOMETHING to back up your statements – you’ve been acting so adamant and insistent that you do. another thing - can you please define GSC speak ?
    1 point
  3. Way, thanks for the link!! I heard it some time ago, and I figured out who DWBH is! But, it was a great broadcast in MHO, because DWBH didn't tap dance around; he said what he meant, and meant what he said. But, I was appalled by the way DWBH and his family were treated by TWI!! All that he did for TWI, and they treated him like he was a Criminal!! I am so happy that DWBH is doing well these days, and wish the best for him, and his loved ones.
    1 point
  4. T-Bone, what a wonderful post!! I think we are blessed to have DWBH, and others here at the GSC, exposing all the garbage behind the TWI facade. I too wonder how DWBH functions knowing what he knows about TWI, but he seems to me, to be at peace about it. God bless him, and his family!!
    1 point
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