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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2017 in all areas

  1. The list is long.........of those trying to revive the twit-corpse. Let me define "twit-corpse".........imo, it is the semblance of wierwille's pseudo-Christianity with home-based fellowships, class-structure and pyramid hierarchy wherein all tithes and offerings are funneled to one location. The mystique of wierwille is revered in an honorary position right up there with the Apostle Paul, ie. "the 20th Century Man of God." It matters NOT that splinter groups have disconnected from the central-cult........they are STILL trying to "revive and restore" the nostalgia remnant of their spiritual relevance in life. Many of these leaders in splinter cults are deceivers, frauds, hucksters and opportunists. They are hirelings who have self-serving motives and interests. To them, they've simply hooked their wagon to the wierwille name and clichés, because they know it swathes the greatest number of loyal followers. It matters not that wierwille was a drunkard, sexual predator and bully.......... didn't wierwille teach in pfal that critics would focus on the man, and even the ties he wore? /sarc Chris Geer was given the most vaunted platform to revive the twit-corpse. The then-trustees, Craig, Don and Howard, allowed Geer to stand on the main stage at Corps Week 1986 and read his poop paper........declaring that 90% of USA corps were "off the word." The Way International needed revival and restoration.........see?? Right. There. In. Plain. Sight. Leaders and corps, even the trustees.......NEED TO STRIVE to "get back to the word." Of course, Geer hopped on the next plane and headed back across the Atlantic........never clarifying the ambiguity of his bloated pontifications and pronouncements. Sure, it was 90%........not 91%. Bullschit. Soon, John Lynn and others had their version of how to revive and restore. What needed reviving? What needed restoring? Hearts? Attitudes? Behavior? Doctrine? Practice? Why did walter c. dismiss the paper on adultery as "new research?" New Research??? So, add walter and johnnie to the geer camp to revive and restore.... Keep it generic. Keep it ambiguous. Keep control of the masses. Region men had the greatest access to loyal followers.......and take full advantage of it. Doug Seed. Vince Finnegan. Steve Sann. Others. Keep soft-pedaling the wierwille clichés and classes........baby steps........as they keep distancing themselves from the mother-cult. Slick. Deceptive. Calculating. Years later, John Shroyer deems it necessary to revive and restore "the good, old days of The Way International".......you know, those feel-good-about-your-spiritual-self-days. Soft spoken and compassion helps to win over scores of others........and CFF, at Troy, Ohio, just down the road from the twit-cult starts a-cooking the brew. Heck, even a couple wierwille kids see their calling in this new revival movement. Fast forward................May 2017. After eight months of deliberation, the Revival and Restoration Group have their Q&A Meeting. With Bob and Dottie Moynihan, Michael Fort, the Horneys and Sheltons to spearhead this dissent........are they trying to resuscitate The Way International Cult? Are they trying to affix Victor Paul Wierwille as the arbiter of truth? Were they trying to underscore that Rivenbark was a micro-manager.............and give wierwille a pass on all this? Gawd, these guys are SO LAME and DISILLUSIONED. Just heard..................that Tom Kn-upp went down to meet/teach at an R&R group and is now, on twi's shun-list [note: twit-cult is making EVERY EFFORT to avoid using mark/avoid tactic and label in the public domain. Probably, has legal backlash.....]. Wowsers.........30 years of trying to revive the twit-corpse and that's the thanks he gets. Back-stabbers...... 30 freakin' years.....................
    1 point
  2. That would be a good Halloween treat
    1 point
  3. And yes, the Way knows about as much about counseling as it does about running an accredited Christian college. See the following: nothing, nil, nix, nada, null, aught, cipher, cypher, goose egg, naught, zero, zilch, zip, zippo(adverb) a quantity of no importance Synonyms: postal code, nought, zipper, zero, vigour, zip, energy, goose egg, postcode, naught, aught, cipher, nix, zippo, nil, zero point, nobody, secret code, slide fastener, nonentity, vigor, zip fastener, cryptograph, cypher, zilch, nothing, nada, null nothing(adverb) in no respect; to no degree .
    1 point
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