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Twi's "75th Anniversary" is laced with lies....... In 1942, wierwille was already discouraged with his church pastorate work........Outreach beyond vpw's congregation So, he gathers together a few kids to sing some songs as a prelude to his teaching a radio broadcast.......whooptee do Wierwille patterned his radio teachings from Rev. Charles Fuller.......wierwille copied/plagiarized all thru his life. Old man wierwille paid for wierwille's education and degree mill doctorate.......and 1948 new car. Vpw stayed on Van Wert payroll until August 1957.......and twi "officially" started in December 1957. No originality, no vision, no risk-taking, no "founder" of anything...........all manufactured/fabricated image. The conjuring of the wierwille ghost will be heralded during twi's anniversary weekend.......count on it. The mystique of wierwille will be glorified throughout the auditorium and sounded forth on the sunday teaching tapes for all the sycophant followers to relish this manufactured marvel. They will, once again, hear of this "man of God's" life.......his relentless devotion to research and rightly divided the word of truth, the pfal class, the corps program........and how he blazed a trail of glory that, still, is beyond comprehension. I mean, heck........God had to wait for nearly 2,000 years before a man like wierwille would rise and follow in the pattern of the Great Apostle Paul. Praise be the name, wierwille. sarc/ The cult will laud his name to the rafters........for he, and he alone, set the cult in motion. But.......who's gonna ask........why, if wierwille was SO GREAT, did some 510 clergy leave twi? Why have some 3,100 corps abandoned and/or splintered away from the mother-cult? Why were the wierwille-corps letters lamenting the fact that notable leaders were abandoning ship as early as 1975? Or, why are things so pathetic and boring.....IF the spirit of the living God is 100% behind "the faithful remnant"....the "true household of God.?" Could it possibly be............that conjuring of the cult's ghost is the ONLY FORM of cohesion that the group has? The manufacturing of the wierwille-mystique gives the cult a semblance of relevance? Spiritualists and twi...........one and the same.1 point
Testimonials: I’m glad I came back. I really feel like I’m part of a big household now and never want to leave again. It's like being under house arrest, only better ! Lordy Pete (Snowball Pete’s 2nd cousin - twice removed - aka 2 time mark-and-avoid recipient, but is now doing penance on grounds crew at Headquarters)1 point
Don’t Worry, I love your phrasing in this post! After a recent vacation of Tonto and I tooling around Washington State listening to alternative rock station - I’m thinking some grunge band worth their weight in decibels could whip up a good tune about Zombie Jesus Nazis.1 point
LOL!! Sorry! I was just thinking that, if I was still "yoked and salted", that this would have been the 46th freaking time that I would have been "celebrating" the same sex, lies, and video tape that's been celebrated by those inbred mutants since my first in 1971! And, as I pondered these "lotsa things", I burst out laughing....hence the opening LOL. How desperately bereft of any authentic, individual identity these automatons have "trained" themselves to become. I thought, "this is the perfect combo between The Village of the Damned and The Stepford Wives". I see absolutely no way anyone would still be shoveling this horseshit after all these years unless they are brainwashed (Braindead!), or "possessed"! LOL! 75 years??? Pfffftttttttt! What is left on that garbage heap in OH, and the beautiful place built by slave labor in CO, is the stench of death, mental, psychosocial, spiritual and even physical DEATH. Oblivion. Nothingness. Not even Dark Matter! It's like an old Rube Goldberg obstacle path! Only takes one marble to start the totally predictable and destructive path to a TWIt end......."a life of quiet desperation", followed by the ultimate disappointment when they find out all their bema fairytales and champagne wishes are as phony as their arrongant, deluded, impotent brand of "Christianity". Happy Freaking Anniversary morons! Enough is enough already. Stop torturing yourselves and all those who come in contact with you Zombie Jesus Nazis! Please! LOL!1 point
Joe Fair and son David live in Nashville. Both Joe and Ralph Graham are on Facebook1 point
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waysider.......that's one of the driving points of starting this thread. Was wierwille's pride that big that he blundered onward? If the body/eyes are screaming in pain.....why is it ignored? To paraphrase a bit here.....if the eyes say to the brain, "Hey, why the heck are you scorching my retinas?" and no heed is taken, then the brain has been hijacked by a prideful spirit. <_<1 point
A little boy was talking to God.... He said, "God, how long is eternity?" To his surprise, God responded and said, "Son, to me, it's merely a second." So the little boy addressed Him again and asked, "God, how much is a million dollars?" Again, God responded and said, "Son, to me, it's merely a penny."... "God", said the little boy, "Can I have a penny?" "Sure", said God, "hold on a second." Soooo.....God was going to give Wierwille this great cache of knowledge that hadn't been known for 2,000 years... but He couldn't afford to wait an extra week or foot the bill for a proper filming crew....1 point
Great thread guys. One interesting point. What we were taught in TWI is that the adversary counterfeits truth. So for any lurking TWI members on this thread, this means you are going to be questioning what is genuine and what is counterfeit, and initially at least you are going to be looking for the counterfeit here at GS cafe. Now if this PFAL live filming was the fulfillment of what VPW claimed, that God told him He would teach VP the word as it hasn't been known since the first century, how is it that when you examine the details of it, more and more it looks like an ego trip and fraught with human error? PFAL was the culmination of VP stealing BG Leonard's ministry and teachings, putting in all his material, and running with it. His ego was so huge and his budget was so low he couldn't afford an extra week filming for his health. He couldn't afford to hire film crew, thus BOD + HQ Staff did it. He scored big with it too - current assets are at around $53M.1 point
I am not a doctor nor have I ever played one on TV. However I do know that metastastic refers to advanced cancer moving to other organs or lymph glands leading to the final end stages to death. Also, ocular refers to the eye. So when I read the cert, I understood he had eye cancer which led to liver cancer which killed VP. So the real reason he had his eye taken out 2 to 3 years before hand was the ocular cancer was advancing. They were too late and it spread to the liver. I checked it out before writing this and the net verified what I said. Still living near HQ in the '80s, friends on staff said the eye was removed because of constant pain from over exposure to the klieg lamps during the filming of PFAL. He spent at least 40 hours under 3000 watts of intense focused lighting in a two week period. He burned his eye which set up an iritation that set the stage for cancer to start up and take hold. Anyway with what I do know, that is how I read his death certificate several years ago. Curious, PFAL his greatest (plagerized)legacy is what killed him as he stroked his ego in the filming of it. :blink:1 point
another thing that irked me was "reaching into Daddy' cookie jar". Bet his mother and father slapped his hands with the literal thing, and yet VPW wanted us to believe in stealing something from God, with/without his permission on the sly was honorable? WTFH was that all about? Father, I am going to threaten and bully you until you tell me everything about you and I want it now on my timetable, not yours? Wrong Father, more like the pharisees and Saducees that Jesus spoke about. He really was never or rarely humble to take reproof from anyone, including God. But you cross him, you were a dead duck.1 point
I started my brainwashing in 1973 and had the rare previlege at the time of taking the the film version of the class. Living near HQ, (70 miles,) I spent a lot of Sundays there ane developed friendships there. Keiiids.... I count it a badge of honor to have known The Loy'd Craig when he was still a nice guy!!! Between talking with people who were there and some history thing they had about filming the class, I'll try to reiterate what I remember. (...and I remember someone who talked about it once to a group of us once.) Somewhere a year or three before 1967, someone suggested VeePee film the class. The reasoning offered was it would take the stress off VP as classes were getting more frequent. After a while he decided to do it and they started to save up the money. When VP decided to go with it they sought to rent out studios, lights, cameras, get film, and whatever other nesessities they needed for the shoot. The studio was either in Dayton or Cincinnati, I don't remember which. The company which provided the lights and cameras helped set them up and gave them advice. Most of the film crew work was done by folks like Ermal, Howard, and the other HQ regulars of the time. Because of the expenses of the studio and photo equipment, VP wanted to film the class in two weeks. With all the things that need to be done in such a filming set up as this, two weeks are extraordinary in any book. The photo company objected to the two week sched because of the strong possibility of eye damage. (Also in 1967 I was in the US Air Force practicing the art and science of being a photo technician.) In '67, color movie film would have had an ASA rating of 10 to 64. For those who don't know ASA film speeds, that means the film was as slow as a turtle and needed incredible amounts of light to properly expose the the film. For those who have seen the film or video versions of the class, that means the man at the desk was under 5 to 7 500 watt klieg lights for several hours a day for two weeks. Of course these lights generated a lot of heat too. So, to answer your questions; 1) Were there any lighting personnel experts around to give wierwille any technical advice? Yes, they warned what could happen and were ignored by VP. 2) Was this filming done on the cheap....with rented furniture, wrong lighting, and overburdened scheduling? The story I heard was the furnishing were from VP's own orific..., er, office. The lighting was the only thing available at the time and was necessary for the film. The photo company recommended at least a three week sched or even longer. On the cheap, the filming crew were then BOT's, future BOTs, and other HQ staff. 3) Wouldn't God tell "the man of God" HOW to best film this long-awaited class WITHOUT MARTYRDOM OF HIS EYE? It does seem the Bible is full of such incidents, doesn't it. VP gambled on doing it cheap and it cost him not only his eyes, but eventually his life1 point
Don't forget, this is a guy who claimed he could just "reach up in Daddy's cookie jar" and God would tell him someone's spiritual orientation...black hearts and white hearts....just like that....but he couldn't ask why the lights were so irritating?????...not buying it... the guy was a fraud.1 point
1) If there WERE technical experts, vpw would have proceeded as he wished anyway. His methods included telling an expert to do something and letting them do it as they knew how-so long as they obeyed- or assuming he himself was an expert and doing something HIS way no matter what. 2) This filming was done cheaper than you think- the furniture for the set was neither bought nor rented. vpw pretended to want to buy the furniture, installed it for the filming, filmed as fast as he could in the studio, then returned the furniture and said he wasn't satisfied and wanted his money back. This is the same dishonest method recommended by twi when running taped classes. If the location lacked a decent TV, the locals were told to "buy" a big TV then return it immediately after the class and get their money back. Jesus would be disgraced to hear of such dishonesty. 3) If vpw had actually listened to God instead of pretending, he would have gotten guidance and warnings. Instead, vpw did things as he wished. Remember, this is the same man who called himself "The Teacher" ON FILM over a decade before the filmed pfal class when he was mainly a lazy homiletician. (He knew how to preach, and that was the limit of his scholarship.) 4) twi CLAIMS to be about Jesus-sometimes- but it's more about vpw and whoever's in charge than about the REAL things of God. Sometimes locals out on the field were quite godly, but the closer to hq, the more stagnation is in evidence.1 point
It was a scam...plain and simple...including the schtick about how "I gave my eye for you kids!"....Boo hoo.1 point