Twi's "75th Anniversary" is laced with lies.......
In 1942, wierwille was already discouraged with his church pastorate work........Outreach beyond vpw's congregation
So, he gathers together a few kids to sing some songs as a prelude to his teaching a radio broadcast.......whooptee do
Wierwille patterned his radio teachings from Rev. Charles Fuller.......wierwille copied/plagiarized all thru his life.
Old man wierwille paid for wierwille's education and degree mill doctorate.......and 1948 new car.
Vpw stayed on Van Wert payroll until August 1957.......and twi "officially" started in December 1957.
No originality, no vision, no risk-taking, no "founder" of anything...........all manufactured/fabricated image.
The conjuring of the wierwille ghost will be heralded during twi's anniversary weekend.......count on it. The mystique of wierwille will be glorified throughout the auditorium and sounded forth on the sunday teaching tapes for all the sycophant followers to relish this manufactured marvel. They will, once again, hear of this "man of God's" life.......his relentless devotion to research and rightly divided the word of truth, the pfal class, the corps program........and how he blazed a trail of glory that, still, is beyond comprehension. I mean, heck........God had to wait for nearly 2,000 years before a man like wierwille would rise and follow in the pattern of the Great Apostle Paul. Praise be the name, wierwille. sarc/
The cult will laud his name to the rafters........for he, and he alone, set the cult in motion.
But.......who's gonna ask........why, if wierwille was SO GREAT, did some 510 clergy leave twi? Why have some 3,100 corps abandoned and/or splintered away from the mother-cult? Why were the wierwille-corps letters lamenting the fact that notable leaders were abandoning ship as early as 1975? Or, why are things so pathetic and boring.....IF the spirit of the living God is 100% behind "the faithful remnant"....the "true household of God.?"
Could it possibly be............that conjuring of the cult's ghost is the ONLY FORM of cohesion that the group has?
The manufacturing of the wierwille-mystique gives the cult a semblance of relevance?
Spiritualists and and the same.