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  1. I was told a number of times that my birth was miraculous. Thanks to The Law of Believing. However, through diligent research, careful, rational thought, quiet observation and a hard look at the facts, I've learned something that I hope is one day backed by peer-reviewed literature: Human Beings are born every f'ing day.
    2 points
  2. Evidence..........that wierwille's corps leaders were bailing in 1976, 1977, 1978, etc..... All those wierwille-apologists who attend splinter groups OR plaster things on Facebook are cult-sycophants. Wierwille's letters, over and over, were lamenting the reality THAT CORPS LEADERS WERE LEAVING TWI.......year after year. The only reason that this is NOT wide-spread news is wierwille instigated a cover-up......trying to put it in "lockbox territory." How damn convenient!! When wierwille could NO longer contain the hemorrhaging, he resorted to his "corps letters." The last card in his hand was........"woe is me, that my corps leaders are deserting me".........ugh. A con-artist to the end.
    1 point
  3. DWBH, I love reading your posts, because you don't Bulls--t us. You were in the "Inner Circle," when so much of the Sh-t in TWI happened, and you knew the players. I enjoy your posts because they are honest, well-written, and entertaining. However, it angers me greatly that TWI was a phoney Christian Ministry, and the real purpose of it was to entice young people, to give of themselves, and their money. VPW didn't care about God at all; he only cared about satisfying his lusts and desires. He claimed to be a "Godly" man, yet in reality, he was a piece of garbage. Thanks for sharing with us, "outsiders," the inner workings of TWI. Shalom!
    1 point
  4. Thank you really very much it would be nice to talk to Garth 2000 again also Really appreciated
    1 point
  5. It was horrible because you see the true nature of the follower. The damned eyes. The old folks were deceived and therefore innocent. The rest of us were and are not.
    1 point
  6. The reason it was horrible is because I was an adolescent who was forced. Forced to utter tongues among adults and peers my age. All publicly. Forced into a "performance". There's no current disbelief in the power of tongues I just don't believe the method of coercion was suitable for adolescents and should come naturally and bit by coercion of any means. You may have been an adult and this may have come naturally but got adolescents it was inappropriate. Judgement and condemnation for not uttering immediately ensued.
    1 point
  7. Wanna hear something funny? I graduated from the 4th corpse in August,1976. My first "assignment" as a corpse grad was "State WOW Coordinator, MI". There were 20 WOW families sent to 10 different cities in MI, plus a slew of College WOWS at all the big college campuses in the state. Each team of WOWs was led by an Interim sickth corpse person or couple. That year of 1976-77, there was a two-family WOW team with a 6th corpse Coordinator, and there was an entire Way Home of College WOWs in Ann Arbor, coordinated by a 6th corpse couple. Between them they ran 9 classes, with 5 of them being large video classes. Many of those new grads went WOW, but they left 5 solid twigs behind in Ann Arbor, and 2 in Ypsilanti when they left. I highly doubt that what TWIt is sending out now will produce more than 5 grads, if that many. The world has changed. TWIt is so out of touch with reality, and so abjectly tone deaf to the human condition, because they have not changed at all, other than for the worse. Back in 1976, the toxic tentacles of Way-Nash had not reached the twigs and branches with its poison yet. That didn't really happen until 1979-80. So, the genuine experience of authentic Christian revival was seen in many places. Right now, in 2017, TWIt is so spiritually, culturally, and intellectually DEAD, and so completely dysfunctional socially and politically and economically, that all it has to offer is complete and total impotence in every beneficial form of human endeavor. A fitting tribute and legacy to that dead, drunk, sociopathic, paranoid narcissistic, serial rapist and sexual batterer, Nazi, racist, misogynistic, fraud of a subhuman being in his waterlogged crypt beneath the fountain. WD? Yup! Way Death..............peace.
    1 point
  8. Wasn't Pressed Down considered "pozzest" and their music banned? It was great music too. I recall we didn't understand what had happened and few destroyed (as instructed) their copies of cassettes. In fact, bootleg copies were made, of which I have or had one .
    1 point
  9. I appreciate your opinions Twinky. I do not agree. And, NOBODY thinks I'm Jesus or that I ever could be. Thankfully, HE loved sinners, hung out with them and "publicans", and called them unto Himself. I'm one of those, aren't you? Whoever reads or lurks here can think and post whatever they want. By their fruit shall ye know them. I happen to feel responsible to confront the Pharisees who inhabited and still run TWIt or any of the little splinter cults. I do so by factually and sometimes graphically describing their fruit in the lives of their followers and their "leaders" past and current. I will continue to do so until they repent and make restitution to those whose lives they destroyed and sometimes even took, according to the words of the Lord Himself as recorded in Matt 18. Until then, I promise you, I will never shut up or change my style. These lying, self-serving pigs have been doing their mud-slopping for 30 years now. They're still doing it. I will continue calling them out until I take my last breath or they do. If you are serious about comparing my "rants", as YOU term them, with dictor paul's "face melting", neck-vein popping, spittle splattering, drunken "doctrine, reproof, and correction", or da forehead's even more bizarre psychotic breaks, then maybe you must have never really experienced a real one. Was your life "put together" by being in da corpse? How much did their "Christ-like ministering" do for you? How much like Christ were they? How calm were they? Serial rape and sexual assault, rabid homophobia, flaming neo-Nazi hatespeech, and you want me to not "call them names"??? Sorry, but I will NOT oblige you or them. Call me stubborn, call me vulgar, call me rude or disrespectful, or off-putting to all those lurkers and readers who YOU tell me are so intimidated or offended or scared of the big, bad, DWBH. Think of me and call me whatever YOU want. I simply don't care. As I've posted before, often.....I enjoy your posts, perspectives, and how you and your churches in England really do help people as Jesus taught. However, I will leave the editing and censorship to the Mods and Admins. Your's are just way to "proper" for me. Just another American rebellious freedom lover who has chosen never to be "ruled" by anyone other than Jesus Christ. Love to you and your's, and............peace.
    1 point
  10. Either way, her post seems to be a thread killer. I think this thread is a good thread.....informative, good give and take, and not offensive to anyone but an "uptight few". Why should ANYONE's personal preferences dictate the posting "style" of any other member?? I think that is overbearing to ALL posters here. To stifle factual content because of personal linguistic preferences is immature, self-centered, and rude. Just my opinion. To hijack a thread from it's topic in order to just "get your way" about how things are to be said according to your personal prejudices is condescendingly arrogant censorship. You Brits know better! I met Twinky in 2007 at the GSC Texas BBQ at Jeff and Theresa Petrosky's home in TX. I enjoyed meeting her and very much enjoyed the entire BBQ! I met NotFromKansasAnymore, Tonto & T-Bone, Tom Strange, Doojable, George St. George, Ex10, and a number of other old friends. They were all there while I posted a few posts on that "IS THE CRISIS OVER" CES thread. We all had a fabulous time. I know that there are reasons for friction because of certain people's public and written support for jallyroll Lynn's fraudulent, self-serving, anti(against)-Christ "minus-tray". I am bound by my agreement to pastoral confidentiality not to say any more, and I will not. But, Twinky, you're just incorrect on this IMO. As a former Barrister, I expected more objectivity from you. But, I certainly understand the power and necessity of close friendships. It's family by choice. However, personal friendships do not determine facts or truth. Those things need to be dealt with by every individual human conscience. Just my opinions. Hopefully, this thread may continue in the informative, debate style it has been. Personal preference should not determine one's freedom to post free from censorship. I certainly invite any relevant discussion to this thread. If the Mods think it better to take it the the Open subforum thread on decorum, so be it. If not, then I look forward to any and all replies............peace.
    1 point
  11. Excellent post, Penworks. It seems to me that not only can we change as we grow older, but that we should change. When one is 5 years old, parents and other adults give information and instructions. As one ages, that information and instruction may change. And as the information and instruction changes, it ought to change the shape of each individual. The five year old gains understanding and wisdom. Becomes able to make its own decisions, give itself "instructions." That growing and ability to make decisions is called maturity but does it have a finite point? We know only in part - and that will remain so all our lives. And so we are never fully mature, all our lives. Just more mature than we were a few years earlier (perhaps). Do you still believe and act as you did when you were five years old? Few adults do. If you went to tertiary education or professional training, do you still think the same as you did before? Or do you have more wisdom to make decisions? Are you better able to foresee possible outcomes? Yes, you changed! You don't think as you did, when you were a child. Have crises affected your life - maybe the death of a loved one with whom you'd been very close? Maybe a severe accident (they're not called "life-changing injuries" for nothing!)? Yes, you changed! You learned to adapt to the new circumstances. Your underlying personality probably never changes; it's how you express that personality. And what you take into account. What you allow to affect you. How you deal with things. We are not set in stone. We are not required to have hearts of stone - in fact, quite the opposite. We are required to change - to be transformed - to become different people. And yet, remain true to ourselves. And to our God (if we have one!). We should embrace the opportunity to grow and change. It's exciting.
    1 point
  12. A funny aside to all this........when da forehead supposedly got his large cranium unstuck from his own derrière, in 1989 after geer's November epistle from that year. Supposedly, this was when da fawg cleared and all dem debbil spurts flipped out of Loy-boy and right into geer......LOL. The entire groundwork of his paranoid revelation, which eventually led to his revelation on how to " mark and avoid" the debbilish cop-outs he hated so much, and publicly excoriate them after they already left. The whole "leadership tapes" series on Galatians was lifted straight from my article in that "festschrift", The Living Word Speaks. That's why I've been looking for a copy, because I wanted to re-read it. I threw mine into the Douglas Dump fire in Douglas, MA in March of 1987. One of the 17th corpse sent me the info on da forehead's deliverance. The 17th corpse was the younger corpse in-Rez when I left in 12/1986. The dancing pwesident separated all those who were "exposed" to my leadership and began his interpretation and exposition of how dem debbil spurts in me got all the corpses I worked with so possessed......LOL. My article from that book became the textbook for coming outta dem fawg years. Plagiarize and demonize was the procedure which eventually led to the publicly private conclusion that I was a dreaded "seedboy"! Pretty old but effective disinformation campaign of which Josef Goebbels would have been as proud as dictor Paul himself. Scapegoating in absentia is debased cowardice, imo. Eventually, those "Galatians tapes" became a requirement for the entire 17th corpse, and quickly became required listening for all of TWIt. The 17th corpse who were "directly affected" by me at HQ in 1986 while I was in the Yuk Twig, were intimidated into acceptance of all this or getting "marked and avoided" and publicly shredded. Several of those 17th flew under the radar in order to graduate and then "trip-out" to make a statement. Remember.....there was no internet at the time, no social media, no alternative avenue of communication. Once WayDale got up and running, it was all over for those liars and their unbridled hubris. GSC continues the uncensored exposure of all those behind the curtain of the OZ and "the walls of Zion" in the promised land of psychotic delusion which is TWI.
    1 point
  13. What interests me is how people can or cannot change, how willing people are (or not) to adapt to a changing situation. Nothing is permanent. Everything changes. This is a fact of life known since the beginning of time. So, I'm asking Johniam, so what if DWBH wrote in a way that praised VPW in that book, The Living Word Speaks? (I have a copy). That was then. This is now. Over time he changed his views. He woke up. Like many of us here. So what that I wrote a Way magazine article long ago that encouraged people to study PFAL as if it contained THE WORD OF GOD . That was then. Over time I changed my mind after I gained new information. I woke up. Life is a journey. Some people change when they learn new information, new facts, have experiences that show them the error of their ways or that something better for them awaits. I suspect that it is hard for others not to change when new facts and understanding comes to them is because there is some kind of payoff for holding onto the old view. Or they fear what will happen if they change. i.e. they might look bad in other people's eyes. Let's celebrate the fact we can change, learn, grow and not be ashamed of the process. Someone recently tried to intimidate me about my upcoming book, saying it seemed I was proud that it took me 17 years to realize I was in the wrong place (TWI) for me. Proud? That seemed odd to me. It's simply a fact of my life that I was in TWI for 17 years. I often state that fact because for outsiders, it indicates I was not a casual believer and may offer some genuine insight on the subject. So, using an example (citing what DWBH wrote long ago) of what someone said or wrote long ago as a way to discredit what they say today disallows the reality that people can evolve and change. Thank goodness we can. Just sayin'.
    1 point
  14. "(And no one has mentioned yet anything about this great "research" they did uncovered and/or taught others. I guess that don't matter one whit. They MUST have been right, given how wrong VP was on everything else...)".....TLC. Well let's get that cleared up then. Dr. Bernegger and Dr.McRae had come up with the working manuscript of what was to be "Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed". They had worked for months on this. Peter on the astronomy and astronomical events, and Marty on the MSS and texts in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Syriac. John worked on Greek textual criticism, and later, as the pre-emptive wierwille attack began to mount, fanning confronted the entire psychodynamic of the corpse program, and had it nailed, which of course nailed not only dictor, but da forehead, wally cummins, gerald wrenn, John crouch, Gary Curtis and beence finnegan to boot! And he was spot on then. Then, da forehead and wally took the manuscript from them saying it was "ministry property" and would be copyrighted under Vic's name, since it was dictor who gave them the assignment as well as "all the resources of the research department". And, more importantly, their work "did not line up with the word as Dr. Wierwille knew it and would be published according to his and the research department's final edit. When the three refused to edit out accurate textual and scientific evidence and references to martin's and Bullinger's works on the same subject, which the 3 amigos had thouroughly examined and had airtight evidence of where they were wrong, or right, or not privy to the most recent knowledge and/or research on the subject from various sources. Then, the 3 Amigos demanded the intellectual rights to their manuscript so they could work on it themselves without pressure to prove Vic right, as well as attribute all the research to himself and the faceless research department. Vic refused and the "possession" accusations began to fly along with verbal threats. The three threatened to sue, and then the banishment and disinformation and cover-up were thrown into full steam ahead. So, the original biblical and scientific research and the manuscript were stolen from them by dictor and wally, and then given to wally and his keedz in the research dept., including von schoenheit and crouch among others, to edit and rewrite according to Vic's specifications. It was published by American Christian Press as "Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed" by Victor Paul Wierwille. He took full credit for a book he purposely stole and had re-written for himself, and then took the credit for writing the whole thing himself. That's where that oh-so-"great" research wound up TLC! And, this was absolutely not in any way new. This was how every book dictor "wrote" was written. The techniques of intellectual theft and plagiarism, and taking credit for everything you never did as if it was part of gawd's calling and minus-tray given only to you. Another perfect example.... "Jesus Christ Our Passover", again, by dictor paul wierwille and no one else. The pattern for what was in store for the three amigos had been well-practiced and well executed many times before the three ever ran into vic's research buzz saw. I'm glad they did not buckle under. They were right back then, and they made their post-TWIt lives meaningful to themselves and helpful to others. All dictor accomplished with his life was wind up drunk, possessed by cancer spirits, an unconfessed and never convicted serial rapist and sexual assaulter, a pathological malignant paranoid narcissist, and sociopathic liar to the second he died. The three amigos are alive and helping people daily. Dictor is dead and rotten in his waterlogged shrine at the farm. Thank god.
    1 point
  15. October 20, 1978 --- Wierwille's closing paragraph in this corps letter "Hide this whole affair in your 'learning heart' and do not speak to others about it, not even Corps. Close the lid and throw the key away. I have not until this release, spoken or written anything about these three. I am sorry I had to follow this procedure. They talked too much and were not honest. It needed to be done." Sorrowfully yours, Victor Paul Wierwille ``````````````````````````````````````````` Well.....wierwille did INDEED talk about these three men before this corps letter. As noted above, I was an advanced class student and branch coordinator of branch #19 when wierwille spewed the cliff-note version of these 8th corps men. When I step back to think about that meeting, wierwille was tense, abrupt and confrontational. This "8th corps situation" was the backdrop for the 1978 Advanced Class and wierwille had this contentious pot on the back burner of his mind the whole class. In hindsight, it is clear to see that wierwille was stewing over this for months and, three months later, wrote the corps. Once again, ANOTHER corps letter of wierwille lamenting that corps were leaving him. That WAS the general theme in all these corps letters during this period......lamenting the fact that corps were exiting twi/corps and moving on with their lives. And now......what has become of those who were "standing with wierwille" to confront these three 8th corps men, Craig Martindale, Walter Cummins, Gary Curtis, John Crouch? ALL OF THESE WISE COUNSELORS AND RESEARCH/LANGUAGE EXPERTS HAVE EXITED TWI. From all that we've uncovered and discussed on GSC......these three 8th corps men were clearly justified in confronting wierwille and walking away to establish credibility and wholesome lives elsewhere. Good for them. Bravo.
    1 point
  16. TY WordWolf! Appreciate the info. I have never even seen Dotsie's book. I'd like to read it sometime to see what her recounting is. Any idea where I can find it to read? I read Whiteside's book only once. We used to go from Queens to her apt in Manhattan to hang out in the City. I never read the book more than once because Elena "held court" regularly at her place and would tell us the stories orally and many Wierwille-worshipping traditions began based on her experience in OH writing the book. The book she wrote, The Way Living In Love, was "old news" by the time it came out. We city folk never really went for her book. We were driving back and forth to new Knoxville often back in 1971 and 1972. Pressed Down moved to OH. I flew out to record on their first album. We went to summer school and the ROA in 1971. We met and hung with the 1st and 2nd corpses and lived at HQ for the summer school in the unfinished executive office building, the barn and the upper room, along with trailer six and seven, the single corpse women and men's trailers respectively. The entire atmosphere was very casual. Dic and the bigshots were readily available all the time. It was like a big happy family, lots of sports and lots of meetings/teachings in the BRC, a bunch of pizza and beer and burger nights, dances, live music. Totally different than even 7 short years later, and not in a good way. Most of the PFAL series was not even in written form yet. Word of mouth and the grapevine were the main communications from HQ. The books and all the "advanced studies classes" all started pouring out from NK in the first half of the 1970s. You are probably one of the few who has read and catalogued them and posted here at GSC much solid info gleaned from all the books. Thanks for all your work and input through these years of WayDale and the GSC.
    1 point
  17. DWBH, I have to make 2 corrections. Not about vpw's money-grubbing, nor his sociopathic nor narcissistic behaviour, nor his extra-marital affairs, nor his rampant plagiarism. I'd like to mention that his own admissions said that he'd completed his education and been working for a year as a minister and preaching weekly-before believing the Bible was the Word of God (which raises the question of what he was doing all that time.) That's an addition, not a correction, however. There's a smaller and a larger correction. That's the first thing, and it's minor for this subject. The ALLEGED blizzard-because all weather reports showed MILD WEATHER that never got close to freezing for the days of the event he attended, and all accounts completely contradicted that there was even one flake of snow on the ground or in the air. When asked about the discrepancy, vpw's response was not that the person must be in error because he was there and was in a blizzard-anyone who's ever experienced a heavy snowstorm knows very well what they are like. He IMMEDIATELY switched his story to say that angels lied to him, answered the phones, put hallucinations of snow when he looked out the windows, and so on. So, the correction was the addition of "ALLEGED" to "blizzard", because this blizzard only existed in vpw's account and not in reality. I had to respond to this. When vpw told his legendary pile of something to Elena W, he DID include some information. We discussed it in the thread, complete with the page#s. On page 178, he said it was September of 1942. ""After I met Rosalind Rinker in Indiana, I invited her to visit us in Payne, and she came for a week that summer of 1942. Maybe it was August. I remember it was near the end of summer..." "Then Rosalind left. It was the fall of the year. Kids were back in school already. It must have been September. I was sitting in my office, an old dentist's office just around the corner from the church where I prayed-I'll show you that too when we get there. I bet you it's still there, though I haven't been back here since I left. I was praying. And I told Father outright that He could have the whole thing, unless there were real genuine answers that I wouldn't ever have to back up on. And that's when He spoke to me audibly, just like I'm talking to you now. He said He would teach me the Word as it had not been known since the first century if I would teach it to others." On page 180, he returned to the account. ""Well, on the day God spoke to me, I couldn't believe it. But then I came to the point by the next day where I said to myself-maybe it's true. So the next day I talked to God again. I said, 'Lord, if it's really true what you said to me yesterday, if that was really you talking to me, you've got to give me a sign so that I can really know, so that I can believe.' The sky was crystal blue and clear. Not a cloud in sight. It was a beautiful early autumn day. I said 'If that was really you, and you meant what you said, give me a sign. Let me see it snow.' My eyes were tightly shut as I prayed. And then I opened them. The sky was so white and thick with snow, I couldn't see the tanks at the filling station on the corner not 75 feet away." On page 181. ""That's where I was sitting when I prayed to God to teach me the Word and show me how. And when I opened my eyes, it was snowing so hard I couldn't see those gas pumps right there." He points to the pumps a dozen yards or more from the window." Naturally, there's several problems with this account. 1) In Mrs W's book (ghost-written with some input by her), the account mentions that he never told anyone about this until shortly before he told Elena W for this book. Not even his wife. Wife of a minister, this happened, and he never mentioned it to her at the time. She had to hear it 3 decades later with everyone else. 2) His account changes there also- the account he told Mrs W said the thick snow made the skies appear BLACK in the middle of the day. The account he gave Elena W said the thick snow made the skies appear WHITE in the middle of the day. If this event actually happened and changed his life, he'd reliably remember whether it made the sky look WHITE or BLACK or left them unchanged. 3) The promise claimed to receive was meaningless. The things he learned were not lost since the First Century AD. He learned them all from people alive in the 19th and 20th centuries-which means all the information was available before he started. It was based on a lack of understanding of a student who didn't know his history. Not a surprise if an indifferent student like vpw made it up-but completely inexplicable if GOD ALMIGHTY made errors of that magnitude. However, I'm going off-topic. My point was that he never specified the date, but he had it down to the month and year. As for the location, I'd have to check whether it was Payne or Van Wert or it kept changing, but he specified the window he looked out of in Elena's book. Correction: Found it. Page 196. "after the day that God spoke to me in that old dentist's office in Payne" It occurred, allegedly, in the old dentist's office in Payne that he was using as an office external to the church and his home.
    1 point
  18. You know what I think is a tragedy? There are still dozens, hundreds, maybe even thousands of people out there who are still convinced we were part of some noble effort, that we were an elite "spiritual" force. We were saps who got sucked into a destructive cult, that fundamentally differs very little from so many other cults that came before it or followed after. We're the unfortunate guy on the 11 o'clock news who suddenly realizes that guy who cleaned out his bank account didn't really have his best interests at heart.
    1 point
  19. Hi all! There are a number of ex-wayfers, and of course, the $$-grubbing "leaders and elders", ex-TWIt clergy and way corpse sycophants, who delude themselves into thinking that TWIt-n-vic "wasn't always rotten from the beginning". That the gathering of money, followers, properties and hyperbolic adulation, particularly from the 1970's until 1985 when he croaked due to occular melanoma with metastatic disease to the liver. This is simply NOT true. In actuality, dictor was rotten from the womb, but his sociopathic narcissistic behavior began acting out in his early teens. Just ask ANYONE who has ever lived in or around new Knoxville. While alive, you could have even asked his own brothers, sisters, spouse and his oldest son, Donnie, along with a long list of extended family and most of the native new knoxville population! Dictor was an "ordained clergyman" by 1942, when he claims he and gawd started TWIt. He was an ordained clergyman when he had an extra-marital affair with Rosalind Rinker, a well-known evangelist and speaker back in the mid to late 1940's. She is the author of the title, "Power For Abundant Living", which was the name of a pamphlet she wrote and one of her lecture topics. She also was the author of dic's favorite phrase, "the word of God is the will of God". Vic mentions her departure from him in the 1940's, and how it was a grave sin between them which caused him to repent and her to leave. Then, dictor hired a young pianist/music director for his chimes hour youth caravan. She was a young Mennonite from western NY. Her name was Rhoda Becker. She later went on to be vic's church and "personal" secretary in Van Wert. After using her up, dictor passed her off to his brother Reuben who was married to her until he died. Thank you Rhoda. So, dictor was nowhere near starting to "break bad" when the free-spirited, sexually active hippies started thronging to da farm in OH. He'd been raping and sexually assaulting women at least 20 years previously. He was an unabashed, sexual assaulter and flagrant adulterer for 20 years already by the summer of '69. This was nothing new! Dic probably thought it was another miraculous answer to prayer.......LOL! Plagiarizing others and sexually abusing women are what Vic built his minus-tray on. He was breaking bad from high school already, and NEVER broke good. It never had much to do with God or Jesus. It was just an easy way to make money and get laid. Try to put a timeline to "the founding" of TWIt. Was it 1942? Was it after Rosalind Rinker left Van Wert? Was it the blizzard in OK in 1951, when J.E. Stiles "led him into tongues"? Was it when he first took B.G.'s "Gifts of the Spirit" class in 1952? Was it when he taught B.G.'s class on his own and called it power for abundant living? Was that in honor of his hot love for Rosalind or her Bible? Was it on the trip to India in '56? Was it when he was fired by the Evangelical and Reformed Church for "misconduct"? Was it when Harry bought him the family farm and ACTUALLY started The Way Inc.? Was it when they dedicated the BRC? And, most interestingly, was it the snowy gas pumps apparition (or hallucination) and the audible voice "commission" from God himself? What year was that??? He never says does he? Sounds like it was in Van Wert, but WHEN?? IF, it happened at all before dic told his legendary pile of "miracles" to Elena Whiteside in 1971. Ahhh......the blissful delusions of malignant paranoid narcissism and alcohol! That's the gawd who pulled off all the various foundings and iterations of Vic-n-twit. The letters linked by Penworks are indeed "evidence" of dictor's pathological alcoholic rollercoaster ride through psychoemotional terrorism. The consumers of the worst of dictor's "righteous wrath" we're his corpse. There are dozens who carry on his pathologies in their own names with their own minustrays. Volume does not turn lies into truth or evil into good. Serial rape and sexual assault are not fruit of the spirit. Sociopathic malignant paranoid narcissism is the stuff of genocidal dictators and wide-eyed, smiling cult leaders. None of those destructive illnesses and addictions to hateful behavior teach of Jesus Christ nor His Heavenly Father. They raise up and maintain Satan, Da Debbil to his rightful place in TWIt......the center of all power, influence, authority, calling, and purpose of all Vic-n-twit were and hoped to be. Rosie, Donna, and Howard are no less self-deluded and mentally ill. There's nothing new or different at or about TWIt today. It remains the fulminating infection of wicked people and sick minds with no good intent or good will toward their fellow humans. They are all destined to join dictor paul on the dungheap of the dark side of human nature. What a minustry!!!
    1 point
  20. Exactly right, waysider. No meaningful mention of God's nature, inner-working via holy spirit, fruit in one's life, personal development--(education, marriage, family, goals, careers), living for God....etc. Like you said, waysider....just wierwille lamenting letter after letter that corps and clergy are LEAVING. There is no way that this narcissist could conceive that he was off-course. Nope. He blames others for "not getting it" and leaving. This compilation of letters simply verifies what I've been posting all these years....ie there has been a continual exiting of corps since, at least, 1976/1977. It did NOT take Geer's pop paper to awaken corps. Many....yes, dozens and dozens of corps leaders (each year) have seen behind wierwille's mask for quite some time. Just like Peter W@de saw and left (1975). The wierwille mystique continues to unravel.
    1 point
  21. You know what's missing from those excepts?...any meaningful mention of God. It's about Wierwille lamenting his inability to keep people blindly indoctrinated and obedient to his demands. It's about loyalty to the corporation. It's about maintaining conformity to a pre-established prototype. "I wish to God I had more ability...." Why was it OK for Wierwille to say things like that while we, on the other hand, were ripped to tiny shreds for ever saying anything remotely similar? (A question that needs no answer)
    1 point
  22. TY Charlene! I consider it an honor to receive such kind words from you. I totally agree with T-Bone, that you are one of the most articulate and compassionate authors I know. That, along with your authentic desire to expose and clarify how cults and their "leaders" destroy individual lives, marriages and nuclear families, and long, close friendships, leading to a number of TWIt suicides by the abused and accused of TWIt's Board Of Terrorists, under every President and in all its iterations. Your first hand account of your 17 year long journey into and out from wierwille's little kingdom cult, will be as well written as any which has preceded it. I can't wait to get it!! Thanks both again for your encouragement and for reading my posts.
    1 point
  23. Good morning, I would have chimed in earlier but I've been sick. Nothing serious. For any new visitors to this site, I want to say that DWBH is an extremely important voice on TWI inner workings, big and small. The facts he has that back up his assertions are first-hand experiences. I knew him personally. For one thing, we were both at HQ at a critical time, 1986, when that scathing and disruptive (understatement) so-called Passing of a Patriarch letter was written and read by Chr*s G**r. My heartfelt suggestion is for visitors (and anyone who has not heard it) is to listen to the GSC radio show on this website titled, Through the Fog. I think it will give you some idea of the evil that occurred. DWBH mentioned a book I am writing, Undertow, so I want to let you know it is near publication. When it's ready, GSC folks will be one of the first groups to know. A side note: Yesterday the world lost one of the most important memory keepers and voices on human rights abuse (understatement), one that expressed moral outrage in a way we could embrace... Elie Wiesel. https://www.washingt...omepage%2Fstory I would like to thank GSC for providing a place where we can express moral outrage over the spiritual, emotional, mental, and sexual abuse perpetrated by "spiritual" leaders we trusted. Hopefully, our voices can make a difference in this world. That's the point, right? To inform and help. To shed light, understanding, and healing. That, by the way, is why I wrote my book. Cheers, Penworks, a.k.a. Charlene
    1 point
  24. DWBH you do a great job of exposing this insipid bunch of self-serving sociopaths past and present. Your language doesn't tweak me because to me language is barely able to capture the evil these megalomaniacs caused in people's lives or the difficulty there is in escaping these systems. Although I do see how it would tweak various Wierwille apologists in whatever stage of apology they may be in. I say turn it up not down.
    1 point
  25. Being the alcoholic, opioid-addicted malignant paranoid narcissist he was, it's surprising dictor could even put two coherent sentences together. Each one of the 30 letters I just read is a self-centered, self-obsessed, jargon-filled fit of self-indulgence, from a truly pathological and perverted mind. Mostly they are rambling sob-stories about what a martyr poor ole drunken Dictor was, and how much we owed him for f---ing [mod edit for profanity] us all over in the name of gawd. All the while he was bangin' and boozin' and druggin' his way through every corpse since the first. He wrote those things in the pathopsychological haze of a serial rapist and sexual assault, fueled by his uncontrolled, hateful narcissism and booze and opioids. That's what's in those letters. As far as ordination goes, there is so much info available here on GSC about that from those actually ordained by Vic as well as contemporaneous eyewitness accounts, that I do not understand what you're looking for, TLC. The first corpse men were all ordained, along with Nancy Duncan, upon graduation by invitation from dictor. The 2nd corpse men and 2 2nd corpse women, were ordained by dictor after a year on da field after graduation. Same with the turd and 4th. Some asked and were turned down by dictor. The 5th was the last corpse in which many of their grads were ordained by dictor himself. Not all 5th corpse ordainees were ordained by dictor, and, again, there were several who asked but were denied. After the fifth, the ordination procedure was "farmed out" to clergy and leadership at root locales and on da field. Requests were sent by the candidates to their " top leadership", then discussed at the annual Corpse Placement Meetings in May. After deciding who would or would not be ordained, letters were sent from the BOT to those who were chosen, and ordinations were, from then on, held at corpse week. I was ordained by invitation from dictor, as were the majority of 4th corpse ordainees. I was ordained after the Midwest Region Weekend in Da Woid, at Chicago, on 10/16/77. Three other 4th corpse men were ordained that same night by Vic personally. None of the 4 of us asked to be ordained. There were some other men and women in the 3rd and 4th who requested to be ordained. Some were. Some weren't. As the corpse numbers grew, the ranks of the clergy became populated with the drunks and druggies that were livin' la vida loca on TWIt's dime, sexin' it up and blowing the $$ like it was cocaine! Naturally, more and more were busted or found out and Vic's frenetic cover-ups began in earnest. The more public the fall, the more ....ed vic got. That's when he wrote the rambling apologia about ordination and "how to handle it better". Perhaps you were ordained while in TWIt? Were you? Were you invited to be ordained, or did you ask? Just wondering why the process and procedures remain so "mysterious" to you.
    1 point
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